Sherm said:
Perl doesn't actually beep; 'print "\a";' simply sends an ASCII control
character to stdout. It's up to whatever's collecting your script's output
to decide how to respond to that character.
Then you're actually saying that \a would be an alias to hex/dec 7 on
Yohan's terminal, because no other ASCII control character seems to
produce a beep on DOS-ish terminals:
print "char $_ is ",chr($_),"\n" for (0..31);
=for nobody
0 00 NUL (null) Ctrl-@
1 01 SOH (start of heading) Ctrl-A
2 02 STX (start of text) Ctrl-B
3 03 ETX (end of text) Ctrl-C
4 04 EOT (end of transmission) Ctrl-D
5 05 ENQ (enquiry) Ctrl-E
6 06 ACK (acknowledge) Ctrl-F
7 07 BEL (bell) Ctrl-G
8 08 BS (backspace) Ctrl-H
9 09 HT (horizontal tab) Ctrl-I
10 0A LF (line feed) Ctrl-J
11 0B VT (vertical tab) Ctrl-K
12 0C FF (form feed) Ctrl-L
13 0D CR (carriage return) Ctrl-M
14 0E SO (shift out) Ctrl-N
15 0F SI (shift in) Ctrl-O
16 10 DLE (data link escape) Ctrl-P
17 11 DC1 (device control 1) Ctrl-Q
18 12 DC2 (device control 2) Ctrl-R
19 13 DC3 (device control 3) Ctrl-S
20 14 DC4 (device control 4) Ctrl-T
21 15 NAK (negative acknowledge) Ctrl-U
22 16 SYN (synchronous idle) Ctrl-V
23 17 ETB (end of trans. block) Ctrl-W
24 18 CAN (cancel) Ctrl-X
25 19 EM (end of medium) Ctrl-Y
26 1A SUB (substitute) Ctrl-Z
27 1B ESC (escape) Ctrl-[
28 1C FS (file separator) Ctrl-\
29 1D GS (group separator) Ctrl-]
30 1E RS (record separator) Ctrl-^
31 1F US (unit separator) Ctrl-_
Maybe \a might be considered short for 'alarm' or 'alert'...
I might be wrong about this, but I rather think that \a doesn't refer
to an ASCII control character, but to a "somewhere far higher"
character. The fact that \a corresponds to a beep on some shells,
doesn't necessarily imply a relation to Hex 07.