Hello there,
Basically, what I want to do is to develop a GUI-based file sharing program for myself. This is strictly for educational purposes only. Do you know of any good books out there that can point me in
the right direction?
I am a novice/intermediate C++ programmer. I took a c++ programming class at a local community college a few years ago and I'm now trying to relearn the language. I've never made a large-scale
computer program before, but once I relearn c++ I would like to make one.
What are the tricks to making a large-scale computer program? The programs that I have made were only, at most, 100 lines long. They consisted of the main function and other functions that I
Recently, I was looking at an open-source program called DC++. As I was looking at the source code, I was just overwhelmed. Alot of the code, I did not recognize, or understand. On the other hand I
DID understand the core concepts
For example, one thing I did not recognize was this:
#ifndef _DEBUG
FARPROC WINAPI FailHook(unsigned /* dliNotify */, PDelayLoadInfo /* pdli */) {
MessageBox(WinUtil::mainWnd, _T("DC++ just encountered an unhandled exception and will terminate. Please do not report this as a bug, as DC++ was unable to collect the information needed for a
useful bug report (Your Operating System doesn't support the functionality needed, probably because it's too old)."), _T("DC++ Has Crashed"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
The #ifndef really confused me.
Anyway, I would really appreciate it if you could give me some tips on programming in C++. Also, I would like to buy a book on how to develop large-scale, GUI-based programs.
Sorry for the long post, and I thank you for your time,
Nathan D. Brown
University of Michigan-Dearborn
Computer Science Dept.
Basically, what I want to do is to develop a GUI-based file sharing program for myself. This is strictly for educational purposes only. Do you know of any good books out there that can point me in
the right direction?
I am a novice/intermediate C++ programmer. I took a c++ programming class at a local community college a few years ago and I'm now trying to relearn the language. I've never made a large-scale
computer program before, but once I relearn c++ I would like to make one.
What are the tricks to making a large-scale computer program? The programs that I have made were only, at most, 100 lines long. They consisted of the main function and other functions that I
Recently, I was looking at an open-source program called DC++. As I was looking at the source code, I was just overwhelmed. Alot of the code, I did not recognize, or understand. On the other hand I
DID understand the core concepts
For example, one thing I did not recognize was this:
#ifndef _DEBUG
FARPROC WINAPI FailHook(unsigned /* dliNotify */, PDelayLoadInfo /* pdli */) {
MessageBox(WinUtil::mainWnd, _T("DC++ just encountered an unhandled exception and will terminate. Please do not report this as a bug, as DC++ was unable to collect the information needed for a
useful bug report (Your Operating System doesn't support the functionality needed, probably because it's too old)."), _T("DC++ Has Crashed"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
The #ifndef really confused me.
Anyway, I would really appreciate it if you could give me some tips on programming in C++. Also, I would like to buy a book on how to develop large-scale, GUI-based programs.
Sorry for the long post, and I thank you for your time,
Nathan D. Brown
University of Michigan-Dearborn
Computer Science Dept.