need to break up a string by character count


Joe Reynolds

say i have a string that is "hello this is my string and i like it very
much" and i want to insert a newline at every 20th character, how could i go
about doing this?

Bob Barrows [MVP]

Joe said:
say i have a string that is "hello this is my string and i like it
very much" and i want to insert a newline at every 20th character,
how could i go about doing this?

I'm sure someone will post a regex solution for this, but until then:

dim buffer, i, newstring,s
s="hello this is my string and i like it very much"
for i = 1 to len(s) step 20
newstring=newstring & mid(s,i,20) & vbcrlf
msgbox newstring

Joe Reynolds

that just might work


Bob Barrows said:
I'm sure someone will post a regex solution for this, but until then:

dim buffer, i, newstring,s
s="hello this is my string and i like it very much"
for i = 1 to len(s) step 20
newstring=newstring & mid(s,i,20) & vbcrlf
msgbox newstring
Microsoft MVP -- ASP/ASP.NET
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header is my spam trap, so I don't check it very often. You will get a
quicker response by posting to the newsgroup.

Dave Anderson

Bob said:
dim buffer, i, newstring,s
s="hello this is my string and i like it very much"
for i = 1 to len(s) step 20
newstring=newstring & mid(s,i,20) & vbcrlf
msgbox newstring

Won't that put an extra line break at the end, Bob?


that doesnt hurt me


Dave Anderson said:
Won't that put an extra line break at the end, Bob?

Dave Anderson

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Bob Barrows [MVP]

Dave said:
Won't that put an extra line break at the end, Bob?

Ummmm ... errr. .. I left that as an exercise for the reader ... yeah,
that's the ticket!

Anthony Jones

Bob Barrows said:
I'm sure someone will post a regex solution for this, but until then:

Here's then:-

s = InsertStringAtInterval(s, vbCrLf, 20))

Function InsertStringAtInterval(rsSource, rsInsert, rlInterval)

Dim rgx
Set rgx = new RegExp
rgx.Pattern = "([\s\S]{" & rlInterval & "})"
rgx.Global = true

InsertStringAtInterval = rgx.Replace(rsSource, "$1" & rsInsert)

End Function

BTW Joe, I still think you should persue a different solution than this.
If you use this in the TD you will actually need:-

s = InsertStringAtInterval(Server.HTMLEncode(s), "<br />", 20))

Joe Reynolds

thank you. that works great, but i had another thought (posted a new
question also)
what i want to do is first check the users input. if i find any strings of
characters that are longer than 40 characters that dont contain a space THEN
i would pass it to your function. as long as there is at least 1 space for
every 40 chars, im ok

Anthony Jones said:
Bob Barrows said:
I'm sure someone will post a regex solution for this, but until then:

Here's then:-

s = InsertStringAtInterval(s, vbCrLf, 20))

Function InsertStringAtInterval(rsSource, rsInsert, rlInterval)

Dim rgx
Set rgx = new RegExp
rgx.Pattern = "([\s\S]{" & rlInterval & "})"
rgx.Global = true

InsertStringAtInterval = rgx.Replace(rsSource, "$1" & rsInsert)

End Function

BTW Joe, I still think you should persue a different solution than this.
If you use this in the TD you will actually need:-

s = InsertStringAtInterval(Server.HTMLEncode(s), "<br />", 20))

dim buffer, i, newstring,s
s="hello this is my string and i like it very much"
for i = 1 to len(s) step 20
newstring=newstring & mid(s,i,20) & vbcrlf
msgbox newstring
Microsoft MVP -- ASP/ASP.NET
Please reply to the newsgroup. The email account listed in my From
header is my spam trap, so I don't check it very often. You will get a
quicker response by posting to the newsgroup.

Bob Lehmann

every 40 chars, im ok

How did you determine that 40 chars is OK?

Is that when I have my font size set to any of smallest, smaller, medium,
larger or largest in IE, or use anthing but normal in FireFox?

Bob Lehmann

Joe Reynolds said:
thank you. that works great, but i had another thought (posted a new
question also)
what i want to do is first check the users input. if i find any strings of
characters that are longer than 40 characters that dont contain a space THEN
i would pass it to your function. as long as there is at least 1 space for
every 40 chars, im ok

Anthony Jones said:
Bob Barrows said:
Joe Reynolds wrote:
say i have a string that is "hello this is my string and i like it
very much" and i want to insert a newline at every 20th character,
how could i go about doing this?

I'm sure someone will post a regex solution for this, but until then:

Here's then:-

s = InsertStringAtInterval(s, vbCrLf, 20))

Function InsertStringAtInterval(rsSource, rsInsert, rlInterval)

Dim rgx
Set rgx = new RegExp
rgx.Pattern = "([\s\S]{" & rlInterval & "})"
rgx.Global = true

InsertStringAtInterval = rgx.Replace(rsSource, "$1" & rsInsert)

End Function

BTW Joe, I still think you should persue a different solution than this.
If you use this in the TD you will actually need:-

s = InsertStringAtInterval(Server.HTMLEncode(s), "<br />", 20))

dim buffer, i, newstring,s
s="hello this is my string and i like it very much"
for i = 1 to len(s) step 20
newstring=newstring & mid(s,i,20) & vbcrlf
msgbox newstring
Microsoft MVP -- ASP/ASP.NET
Please reply to the newsgroup. The email account listed in my From
header is my spam trap, so I don't check it very often. You will get a
quicker response by posting to the newsgroup.

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