gilgamesh wrote on 24 mei 2004 in
I got no answer here.
If you mean debugging clientside javascript [OT btw on this NG], try
debugging view-source-ing the browsers resulting file.
I was referring to run time capability to stop the execution and view
the contents of different variable within the code, without using the
alert function. View-Source is probably not a good way to debug a page
containing 5000 lines of JavaScript. Or maybe it is?
[please do not toppost]
So you ARE referring to clientside script. As I said, then you are asking
the wrong NG. In this NG j(ava)script is only on topic as serverside
btw, 5000 lines of script can only be debugged if you use strict modular
behavour in your programming. Serverside scripting could be an eyeopener
for you.
"run time capability to stop the execution and view
the contents of different variable within the code"
A breakpoint by any other name?
Easily build in serverside jscript-ASP:
response.write("<br>value a = " + a );