Need help please send code for given task....
The task is developing a mini dice rolling game using data structures and C++ as programming language. Game should meet the following requirements.
Game should be build with the help of stack, link list, array and queue data structures.
Game will prompt user to enter the number of players in game.
Input the name of player and take 5 turns by rolling dice. Outcome of dice should be added into total scores of player.
Save each player's record into stack.
Stack should be implemented using link list.
Finally pop all player name and scores from stack and print them as summery.
Use queue data structure as dice, having six values from 1-6. Queue should be implemented with the help of array (circular array).
To randomly select the value from the queue, we will rotate a loop up to a random value(obtained with the help of built in method rand()
The task is developing a mini dice rolling game using data structures and C++ as programming language. Game should meet the following requirements.
Game should be build with the help of stack, link list, array and queue data structures.
Game will prompt user to enter the number of players in game.
Input the name of player and take 5 turns by rolling dice. Outcome of dice should be added into total scores of player.
Save each player's record into stack.
Stack should be implemented using link list.
Finally pop all player name and scores from stack and print them as summery.
Use queue data structure as dice, having six values from 1-6. Queue should be implemented with the help of array (circular array).
To randomly select the value from the queue, we will rotate a loop up to a random value(obtained with the help of built in method rand()