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If I was going to write a c language for unity to create a nemesis system how would I start?
Neural Network with Choosable Activation & Backpropagation
Adapted from D. Whitley, Colorado State University
Modifications by S. Gordon
Version 5.0 - July 2017
scaling removed, activation functions added
compile with g++ nn.c
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
// NN parameters ------------------------------------------------
#define NumINs 4 // number of inputs, not including bias node
#define NumOUTs 1 // number of outputs, not including bias node
#define Criteria 0.01 // all training outputs must be within this for training to stop
#define TestCriteria 0.02 // all testing outputs must be within this for generalization
#define LearningRate 0.3 // most books suggest 0.3 as a starting point
#define Momentum 0.95 // must be >=0 and <1
#define bias -1 // output value of bias node (usually 1, sometimes -1 for sigmoid)
#define weightInit 1.00 // weights are initialized randomly with this max magnitude
#define MaxIterate 1000000 // maximum number of iterations before giving up training
#define ReportIntv 101 // print report every time this many training cases done
// network topology ----------------------------------------------
#define NumNodes1 5 // col 1 - must equal NumINs+1 (extra node is bias node)
#define NumNodes2 20 // col 2 - hidden layer 1, etc.
#define NumNodes3 1 // output layer is last non-zero layer, and must equal NumOUTs
#define NumNodes4 0 // note - last node in input and hidden layers will be used as bias
#define NumNodes5 0 // note - there is no bias node in the output layer
#define NumNodes6 0
#define Activation1 0 // use activation=0 for input (first) layer and for unused laters
#define Activation2 1 // Specify desired activation function for hidden and output layers
#define Activation3 1 // 1=sig, 2=tanh, 3=relu, 4=leakyRelu, 5=linear
#define Activation4 0
#define Activation5 0
#define Activation6 0
#define NumOfCols 3 // number of non-zero layers specified above, including the input layer
#define NumOfRows 20 // largest layer - i.e., max number of rows in the network
// data files -----------------------------------------------
#define TrainFile "BeamA.dat" // file containing training data
#define TestFile "BeamB.dat" // file containing testing data
#define TrainCases 10 // number of training cases
#define TestCases 6 // number of test cases
// advanced settings ----------------------------------------
#define LeakyReluAmt 0.1
int NumRowsPer[6]; // number of rows used in each column incl. bias
// note - bias is not included on output layer
// note - leftmost value must equal NumINs+1
// note - rightmost value must equal NumOUTs
int ActivationPer[6];
double TrainArray[TrainCases][NumINs + NumOUTs];
double TestArray[TestCases][NumINs + NumOUTs];
int CritrIt = TrainCases;
ifstream train_stream; // source of training data
ifstream test_stream; // source of test data
void CalculateInputsAndOutputs ();
void TestInputsAndOutputs();
void TestForward();
void GenReport(int Iteration);
void TrainForward();
void FinReport(int Iteration);
double squashing(double Sum, int whichActiv);
double Dsquashing(double out, int whichActiv);
double ScaleOutput(double X, int which);
double ScaleDown(double X, int which);
void ScaleCriteria();
struct CellRecord
double Output;
double Error;
double Weights[NumOfRows];
double PrevDelta[NumOfRows];
struct CellRecord CellArray[NumOfRows][NumOfCols];
double Inputs[NumINs];
double DesiredOutputs[NumOUTs];
double extrema[NumINs+NumOUTs][2]; // [0] is low, [1] is high
long Iteration;
double ScaledCriteria[NumOUTs], ScaledTestCriteria[NumOUTs];
// ************************************************************
// Get data from Training and Testing Files, put into arrays
// ************************************************************
void GetData()
for (int i=0; i < (NumINs+NumOUTs); i++)
{ extrema[i][0]=99999.0; extrema[i][1]=-99999.0;
// read in training data
for (int i=0; i < TrainCases; i++)
{ for (int j=0; j < (NumINs+NumOUTs); j++)
{ train_stream >> TrainArray[i][j];
if (TrainArray[i][j] < extrema[j][0]) extrema[j][0] = TrainArray[i][j];
if (TrainArray[i][j] > extrema[j][1]) extrema[j][1] = TrainArray[i][j];
} }
// read in test data
for (int i=0; i < TestCases; i++)
{ for (int j=0; j < (NumINs+NumOUTs); j++)
{ test_stream >> TestArray[i][j];
if (TestArray[i][j] < extrema[j][0]) extrema[j][0] = TestArray[i][j];
if (TestArray[i][j] > extrema[j][1]) extrema[j][1] = TestArray[i][j];
} }
// guard against both extrema being equal
for (int i=0; i < (NumINs+NumOUTs); i++)
{ if (extrema[i][0] == extrema[i][1]) extrema[i][1]=extrema[i][0]+1;
// scale training and test data to range 0..1
for (int i=0; i < TrainCases; i++)
{ for (int j=0; j < NumINs+NumOUTs; j++)
{ TrainArray[i][j] = ScaleDown(TrainArray[i][j],j);
} }
for (int i=0; i < TestCases; i++)
{ for (int j=0; j < NumINs+NumOUTs; j++)
TestArray[i][j] = ScaleDown(TestArray[i][j],j);
} }
// **************************************************************
// Assign the next training pair
// **************************************************************
void CalculateInputsAndOutputs()
static int S=0;
for (int i=0; i < NumINs; i++) Inputs[i]=TrainArray[S][i];
for (int i=0; i < NumOUTs; i++) DesiredOutputs[i]=TrainArray[S][i+NumINs];
if (S==TrainCases) S=0;
// **************************************************************
// Assign the next testing pair
// **************************************************************
void TestInputsAndOutputs()
static int S=0;
for (int i=0; i < NumINs; i++) Inputs[i]=TestArray[S][i];
for (int i=0; i < NumOUTs; i++) DesiredOutputs[i]=TestArray[S][i+NumINs];
if (S==TestCases) S=0;
// ************************* MAIN *************************************
int main()
int existsError, ConvergedIterations=0, sizeOfNext;
long seedval;
double Sum, newDelta;
NumRowsPer[0] = NumNodes1; ActivationPer[0] = Activation1;
NumRowsPer[1] = NumNodes2; ActivationPer[1] = Activation2;
NumRowsPer[2] = NumNodes3; ActivationPer[2] = Activation3;
NumRowsPer[3] = NumNodes4; ActivationPer[3] = Activation4;
NumRowsPer[4] = NumNodes5; ActivationPer[4] = Activation5;
NumRowsPer[5] = NumNodes6; ActivationPer[5] = Activation6;
// initialize the weights to small random values
// initialize previous changes to 0 (momentum)
seedval = 555;
for (int I=1; I < NumOfCols; I++)
{ for (int J=0; J < NumRowsPer[I]-1; J++)
{ for (int K=0; K < NumRowsPer[I-1]; K++)
{ CellArray[J][I].Weights[K] =
(weightInit*2.0) * ((double)((int)rand() % 100000 / 100000.0)) - weightInit;
CellArray[J][I].PrevDelta[K] = 0;
} } }
GetData(); // read training and test data into arrays
cout << endl << "Iteration Inputs ";
cout << "Desired Outputs Actual Outputs" << endl;
// -------------------------------
// main training loop
// -------------------------------
{ // retrieve a training pair
for (int J=0; J < NumRowsPer[0]-1; J++)
{ CellArray[J][0].Output = Inputs[J];
// hidden layers
for (int I=1; I < NumOfCols-1; I++)
{ CellArray[NumRowsPer[I-1]-1][I-1].Output = bias; // bias node at previous layer
CellArray[NumRowsPer[I-1]-1][I-1].Error = 0.0; // bias node at previous layer
for (int J=0; J < NumRowsPer[I]-1; J++)
{ Sum = 0.0;
for (int K=0; K < NumRowsPer[I-1]; K++)
{ Sum += CellArray[J][I].Weights[K]
* CellArray[K][I-1].Output;
CellArray[J][I].Output = squashing(Sum, ActivationPer[I]);
CellArray[J][I].Error = 0.0;
} }
CellArray[NumRowsPer[NumOfCols-2]-1][NumOfCols-2].Output = bias; // bias feeding output
CellArray[NumRowsPer[NumOfCols-2]-1][NumOfCols-2].Error = 0.0;
// output layer
for (int J=0; J < NumOUTs; J++)
{ Sum = 0.0;
for (int K=0; K < NumRowsPer[NumOfCols-2]; K++)
{ Sum += CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Weights[K]
* CellArray[K][NumOfCols-2].Output;
CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Output = squashing(Sum, ActivationPer[NumOfCols-1]);
CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Error = 0.0;
// calculate error at each output node
for (int J=0; J < NumOUTs; J++)
{ CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Error =
DesiredOutputs[J] - CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Output;
// check to see how many consecutive oks seen so far
existsError = 0;
for (int J=0; J < NumOUTs; J++)
{ if (fabs(CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Error) > ScaledCriteria[J])
existsError = 1;
if (existsError == 0) ConvergedIterations++;
else ConvergedIterations = 0;
if (existsError == 1)
// apply derivative of squashing function to output errors
for (int J=0; J < NumOUTs; J++)
{ CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Error
*= Dsquashing(CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Output, ActivationPer[NumOfCols-1]);
// backpropogate errors to hidden layers
for (int I=NumOfCols-2; I>=1; I--)
{ if (I==NumOfCols-2) sizeOfNext = NumRowsPer[I+1]; else sizeOfNext = NumRowsPer[I+1]-1;
for (int J=0; J < NumRowsPer[I]; J++)
{ for (int K=0; K < sizeOfNext; K++)
{ CellArray[J][I].Error
+= (CellArray[K][I+1].Weights[J]
* CellArray[K][I+1].Error);
} }
// apply derivative of squashing function to hidden layer errors
for (int J=0; J < NumRowsPer[I]; J++)
{ CellArray[J][I].Error
*= Dsquashing(CellArray[J][I].Output, ActivationPer[I]);
} }
// adjust weights of hidden layers
for (int I=1; I < NumOfCols-1; I++)
{ for (int J=0; J < NumRowsPer[I]-1; J++)
{ for (int K=0; K < NumRowsPer[I-1]; K++)
{ newDelta = (Momentum * CellArray[J][I].PrevDelta[K])
+ LearningRate * CellArray[K][I-1].Output * CellArray[J][I].Error;
CellArray[J][I].Weights[K] += newDelta;
CellArray[J][I].PrevDelta[K] = newDelta;
} } }
// adjust weights of output layer
for (int J=0; J < NumOUTs; J++)
{ for (int K=0; K < NumRowsPer[NumOfCols-2]; K++)
{ newDelta = (Momentum * CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].PrevDelta[K])
+ LearningRate * CellArray[K][NumOfCols-2].Output * CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Error;
CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Weights[K] += newDelta;
CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].PrevDelta[K] = newDelta;
} } }
} while (!((ConvergedIterations >= CritrIt) || (Iteration >= MaxIterate)));
// end of main training loop
// -------------------------------
// *******************************************
// Run Test Data forward pass only
// *******************************************
void TestForward()
int GoodCount=0;
double Sum, TotalError=0;
cout << "Running Test Cases" << endl;
for (int H=0; H < TestCases; H++)
{ TestInputsAndOutputs();
for (int J=0; J < NumRowsPer[0]-1; J++)
{ CellArray[J][0].Output = Inputs[J];
// hidden layers
for (int I=1; I < NumOfCols-1; I++)
{ for (int J=0; J < NumRowsPer[I]-1; J++)
{ Sum = 0.0;
for (int K=0; K < NumRowsPer[I-1]; K++)
{ Sum += CellArray[J][I].Weights[K]
* CellArray[K][I-1].Output;
CellArray[J][I].Output = squashing(Sum, ActivationPer[I]);
CellArray[J][I].Error = 0.0;
CellArray[NumRowsPer[I]-1][I].Output = bias; // bias node
CellArray[NumRowsPer[I]-1][I].Error = bias; // error at bias node weight
// output layer
for (int J=0; J < NumOUTs; J++)
{ Sum = 0.0;
for (int K=0; K < NumRowsPer[NumOfCols-2]; K++)
{ Sum += CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Weights[K]
* CellArray[K][NumOfCols-2].Output;
CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Output = squashing(Sum, ActivationPer[NumOfCols-1]);
CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Error =
DesiredOutputs[J] - CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Output;
if (fabs(CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Error) <= ScaledTestCriteria[J])
TotalError += CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Error *
cout << endl;
cout << "Sum Squared Error for Testing cases = " << TotalError << endl;
cout << "% of Testing Cases that meet criteria = " <<
((((double)GoodCount/(double)TestCases)) / (double)NumOUTs);
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
// ******************************************************
// Run Training Data forward pass only, after training
// ******************************************************
void TrainForward()
int GoodCount=0;
double Sum, TotalError=0;
cout << endl << "Confirm Training Cases" << endl;
for (int H=0; H < TrainCases; H++)
{ CalculateInputsAndOutputs();
for (int J=0; J < NumRowsPer[0]-1; J++)
{ CellArray[J][0].Output = Inputs[J];
// hidden layers
for (int I=1; I < NumOfCols-1; I++)
{ for (int J=0; J < NumRowsPer[I]-1; J++)
{ Sum = 0.0;
for (int K=0; K < NumRowsPer[I-1]; K++)
{ Sum += CellArray[J][I].Weights[K] * CellArray[K][I-1].Output;
CellArray[J][I].Output = squashing(Sum, ActivationPer[I]);
CellArray[J][I].Error = 0.0;
} }
// output layer
for (int J=0; J < NumOUTs; J++)
{ Sum = 0.0;
for (int K=0; K < NumRowsPer[NumOfCols-2]; K++)
{ Sum += CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Weights[K]
* CellArray[K][NumOfCols-2].Output;
CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Output = squashing(Sum, ActivationPer[NumOfCols-1]);
CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Error =
DesiredOutputs[J] - CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Output;
if (fabs(CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Error) <= ScaledCriteria[J])
TotalError += CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Error *
cout << endl;
cout << "Sum Squared Error for Training cases = " << TotalError << endl;
cout << "% of Training Cases that meet criteria = " <<
(((double)GoodCount/(double)TrainCases)/(double)NumOUTs) << endl;
cout << endl;
// *******************************************
// Final Report
// *******************************************
void FinReport(int CIterations)
cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout.setf(ios::showpoint); cout.precision(4);
if (CIterations<CritrIt) cout << "Failed to train to criteria" << endl;
else cout << "Converged to within criteria" << endl;
cout << "Total number of iterations = " << Iteration << endl;
// *******************************************
// Generation Report
// pass in a -1 if training is over and displaying results
// *******************************************
void GenReport(int Iteration)
int J;
cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout.setf(ios::showpoint); cout.precision(4);
if ((Iteration == -1) || ((Iteration % ReportIntv) == 0))
{ if (Iteration != -1) cout << " " << Iteration << " ";
for (J=0; J < NumRowsPer[0]-1; J++)
cout << " " << ScaleOutput(Inputs[J],J);
cout << " ";
for (J=0; J < NumOUTs; J++)
cout << " " << ScaleOutput(DesiredOutputs[J], NumINs+J);
for (J=0; J < NumOUTs; J++)
cout << " " << ScaleOutput(CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Output, NumINs+J);
for (J=0; J < NumOUTs; J++)
cout << " " << fabs(ScaleOutput(DesiredOutputs[J],NumINs+J)-ScaleOutput(CellArray[J][NumOfCols-1].Output,NumINs+J));
cout << endl;
// *******************************************
// Scale Desired Output
// *******************************************
double ScaleDown(double X, int output)
{ return .9*(X-extrema[output][0])/(extrema[output][1]-extrema[output][0])+.05;
// ********************************************
// Scale actual output to original range
// ********************************************
double ScaleOutput(double X, int output)
double range = extrema[output][1] - extrema[output][0];
double scaleUp = ((X-.05)/.9) * range;
return (extrema[output][0] + scaleUp);
// *******************************************
// Scale criteria
// *******************************************
void ScaleCriteria()
{ int J;
for (J=0; J < NumOUTs; J++)
ScaledCriteria[J] = .9*Criteria/(extrema[NumINs+J][1]-extrema[NumINs+J][0]);
for (J=0; J < NumOUTs; J++)
ScaledTestCriteria[J] = .9*TestCriteria/(extrema[NumINs+J][1]-extrema[NumINs+J][0]);
// **********************************************
// Activation ("squashing") Function
// **********************************************
double squashing(double Sum, int whichAct)
{ double squash;
if (whichAct == 0)
{ cout << "Error - activation 0 requested" << endl; squash = 0.0;
else if (whichAct == 1) // sigmoid
{ squash = 1.0/(1.0+exp(-Sum));
else if (whichAct == 2) // tanh
{ squash = tanh(Sum);
else if (whichAct == 3) // relu
{ squash = 0.0;
if (Sum > 0.0) squash = Sum;
else if (whichAct == 4) // leaky relu
{ squash = 0.0;
if (Sum > 0.0) squash = Sum;
if (Sum < 0.0) squash = LeakyReluAmt * Sum;
else if (whichAct == 5) // linear
{ squash = Sum;
return squash;
// **********************************************
// Derivative of Squashing Function
// **********************************************
double Dsquashing(double out, int whichAct)
{ double dsquash;
if (whichAct == 0)
{ cout << "Error - derivative of activation 0 requested" << endl; dsquash=0.0;
else if (whichAct == 1) // sigmoid
{ dsquash = out * (1.0-out);
else if (whichAct == 2) // tanh
{ dsquash = 1.0 - tanh(out) * tanh(out);
else if (whichAct == 3) // relu
{ dsquash = 0.0;
if (out > 0.0) dsquash = 1.0;
else if (whichAct == 4) // leaky relu
{ dsquash = 0.0;
if (out > 0.0) dsquash = 1.0;
if (out < 0.0) dsquash = LeakyReluAmt;
else if (whichAct == 5) // linear
{ dsquash = 1.0;
return dsquash;
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