I'm trying to install a nested windows installer package "Microsoft WSE 2.0
SP2 Runtime.msi" sequenced AfterPublishProduct and receive the following
Error 1001.InstallUtilLIb.dll: Unknown error in CorBindToRuntimeHost
I'm able to launch other .msi projects successfully in the same place, just
not this one. I've tried binding into the installer package the 1.0 version
of InstallUtilLib but that hasn't worked either.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
SP2 Runtime.msi" sequenced AfterPublishProduct and receive the following
Error 1001.InstallUtilLIb.dll: Unknown error in CorBindToRuntimeHost
I'm able to launch other .msi projects successfully in the same place, just
not this one. I've tried binding into the installer package the 1.0 version
of InstallUtilLib but that hasn't worked either.
Any help is greatly appreciated.