Gonzalo Aguirre
i did this method that should perform as many iterations as Sigma
element has (in the example just two: a, b), for each state (outer
vector<_t_> * Mealy::to_deltaMoore() {
vector<_d_>::iterator i;
vector<char>::iterator j;
vector<_d_> vt; // lista de los estados Q útiles
vector<_t_> *v = new vector<_t_>; // vector de transiciones delta
_d_ d0 = {q0, ' '};
_d_ d;
_t_ t;
char q;
//! init state
for(i = vt.begin(); i!= vt.end(); i++) // state q
for(j = Sigma.begin(); j!= Sigma.end(); j++){ // input
alphabeth symbol
cout << "q = " << i->a << " con el simbolo: "
<< *j << endl;
d.a = func_delta(i->a, *j); d.b =
func_lambda(i->a, *j);
cout << "delta: " << d.a << " lambda: " << d.b
<< endl;
if(!find(vt, d) && d.a != 0x0)
vt.push_back(d); // <<<---- adding some
elements to outer bucle
t.a = position(vt, *i); t.b = *j; t.c =
position(vt, d);
return v;
the problem is that i iterator gets mad, and change into the inner
bucle (j iterator) without chaging it! That's the output of the above
q = 1 con el simbolo: a
delta: 2 lambda: #
q = 0 con el simbolo: b <<-- q should be 1!!.. it changes automagically
delta: lambda:
q = con el simbolo: a <<-- q should be 2 (because 2# was add previous
delta: lambda:
q = con el simbolo: b <<-- ...
delta: lambda:
is that a known bug.. or i should continue looking for the bug into my
thanks in advance
i did this method that should perform as many iterations as Sigma
element has (in the example just two: a, b), for each state (outer
vector<_t_> * Mealy::to_deltaMoore() {
vector<_d_>::iterator i;
vector<char>::iterator j;
vector<_d_> vt; // lista de los estados Q útiles
vector<_t_> *v = new vector<_t_>; // vector de transiciones delta
_d_ d0 = {q0, ' '};
_d_ d;
_t_ t;
char q;
//! init state
for(i = vt.begin(); i!= vt.end(); i++) // state q
for(j = Sigma.begin(); j!= Sigma.end(); j++){ // input
alphabeth symbol
cout << "q = " << i->a << " con el simbolo: "
<< *j << endl;
d.a = func_delta(i->a, *j); d.b =
func_lambda(i->a, *j);
cout << "delta: " << d.a << " lambda: " << d.b
<< endl;
if(!find(vt, d) && d.a != 0x0)
vt.push_back(d); // <<<---- adding some
elements to outer bucle
t.a = position(vt, *i); t.b = *j; t.c =
position(vt, d);
return v;
the problem is that i iterator gets mad, and change into the inner
bucle (j iterator) without chaging it! That's the output of the above
q = 1 con el simbolo: a
delta: 2 lambda: #
q = 0 con el simbolo: b <<-- q should be 1!!.. it changes automagically
delta: lambda:
q = con el simbolo: a <<-- q should be 2 (because 2# was add previous
delta: lambda:
q = con el simbolo: b <<-- ...
delta: lambda:
is that a known bug.. or i should continue looking for the bug into my
thanks in advance