Hi Eric,
For more information about IIS metabase and ASP.NET, you can find a good
example here:
#ASP.NET IIS Chameleon Tool - The Code Project - .NET
A tool to set one specific IIS Virtual Directory for a lot versions of same
web project.
Also, we can use MetaEdit or MetaExplorer to view the IIS metabase:
#HOW TO: Download, Install, and Remove the IIS MetaEdit 2.2 Utility
This step-by-step article explains how to download, install, and remove
MetaEdit 2.2. The MtaEdt22.exe file is a downloadable, self-extracting file
that contains the IIS MetaEdit 2.2 utility. The MetaEdit 2.2 utility is
used to help to troubleshoot issues and to modify IIS metabase values.
#IIS Metabase and programmatic administration in C#
configuration settings are stored. The metabase configuration and schema
for IIS 4.0 and IIS 5.0 were stored in a binary file, but from IIS6.0 the
configuration and setting is stored in single binary file (MetaBase.bin),
with plain text, Extensible Markup Language (XML)-formatted files named
MetaBase.xml and MBSchema.xml. You can navigate through the IIS Metabase
using MetaEdit or Metabase Explorer.
The Metabase is based on a hierarchical design with inheritance. Each
object in the metabase has a KeyType. The KeyType property specifies the
type of metabase key.
Each property of an object has a set data type and can be configured at
specific locations. For example, XoverTableFile can only have string value.
And this property can be configured only at IIsNntpServer. You can fing the
full list from MSDN.
#Download details: Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Resource Kit
The IIS 6.0 Resource Kit Tools can help you administer, secure, and manage
Walter Wang (
[email protected], remove 'online.')
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