James Edward Gray II
Kenneth Kalmer has brought up a HighLine issue and I'm trying to look
into it. Oddly, it seems to happen when interacting with the
Net::HTTP library. I've narrowed it done to the following example on
my box:
$ cat stdin_closed_issue.rb
require 'net/http'
require 'io/wait'
Net::HTTP.start('www.ruby-lang.org', 80) do |http|
body = http.get('/en/license.txt').body
p $stdin.eof?
$ ruby stdin_closed_issue.rb
Can anyone explain why $stdin is closed after the page read?
James Edward Gray II
into it. Oddly, it seems to happen when interacting with the
Net::HTTP library. I've narrowed it done to the following example on
my box:
$ cat stdin_closed_issue.rb
require 'net/http'
require 'io/wait'
Net::HTTP.start('www.ruby-lang.org', 80) do |http|
body = http.get('/en/license.txt').body
p $stdin.eof?
$ ruby stdin_closed_issue.rb
Can anyone explain why $stdin is closed after the page read?
James Edward Gray II