Bjorn Borud
I have the following code:
def fetch_into (uri, name)
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.path)
req.basic_auth(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
start_time = Time.now.to_f
File.open(name, "w") do |f|
print " - fetching #{name}"
http.request(req) do |result|
elapsed = Time.new.to_f - start_time
bps = (result.body.length / elapsed) / 1024
printf ", at %7.2f kbps\n", bps
this is run in a very simple loop that doesn't do anything that
requires much CPU. the files downloaded are about 10Mb and since the
connection is not that fast (about 15Mbit/sec) I would expect this to
consume little CPU, but in fact it *gobbles* up CPU. on a 2Ghz AMD it
eats 65% CPU on average (the job runs for hours on end).
where are the cycles going? I assumed it would be a somewhat
suboptimal way of doing it since there might be some buffer resizing
in there, but not *that* badly.
anyone care to shed some light on this?
(I would assume that there is a way of performing an http request in a
way where you can read chunks of the response body at a time?)
def fetch_into (uri, name)
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.path)
req.basic_auth(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
start_time = Time.now.to_f
File.open(name, "w") do |f|
print " - fetching #{name}"
http.request(req) do |result|
elapsed = Time.new.to_f - start_time
bps = (result.body.length / elapsed) / 1024
printf ", at %7.2f kbps\n", bps
this is run in a very simple loop that doesn't do anything that
requires much CPU. the files downloaded are about 10Mb and since the
connection is not that fast (about 15Mbit/sec) I would expect this to
consume little CPU, but in fact it *gobbles* up CPU. on a 2Ghz AMD it
eats 65% CPU on average (the job runs for hours on end).
where are the cycles going? I assumed it would be a somewhat
suboptimal way of doing it since there might be some buffer resizing
in there, but not *that* badly.
anyone care to shed some light on this?
(I would assume that there is a way of performing an http request in a
way where you can read chunks of the response body at a time?)