Eduardo Yáñez Parareda
Hello, I'm trying this plugin in a rails app and think I need some help.
What I want to do is authenticate some user, I don't need to do any queries or
search in LDAP. I have this method:
def self.initialize_ldap_con(identifier, password)
hsh = {:host => AppConfig.ldap_server_host,
ort => AppConfig.ldap_server_port}
hsh[:base] = AppConfig.ldap_server_tree_base
hsh[:auth] = { :method => :simple, :username => identifier,
assword => password }
Net::LDAP.new( hsh )
And get this object as result:
#<Net::LDAP:0xb77a72c4 @auth={:username=>"eduardo",
assword=>"********", :method=>:simple}, @host="ldapserver",
@encryption=nil, @port=389, @base="ou=company,c=es", @verbose=false, @open_connection=nil>
What does mean :method? Which methods could I choose?
What does mean @open_conection=nil? Does it mean that connection is not open?
How could I set an encryption method (I guess I could with :method option)?
What I want to do is authenticate some user, I don't need to do any queries or
search in LDAP. I have this method:
def self.initialize_ldap_con(identifier, password)
hsh = {:host => AppConfig.ldap_server_host,
hsh[:base] = AppConfig.ldap_server_tree_base
hsh[:auth] = { :method => :simple, :username => identifier,
Net::LDAP.new( hsh )
And get this object as result:
#<Net::LDAP:0xb77a72c4 @auth={:username=>"eduardo",
@encryption=nil, @port=389, @base="ou=company,c=es", @verbose=false, @open_connection=nil>
What does mean :method? Which methods could I choose?
What does mean @open_conection=nil? Does it mean that connection is not open?
How could I set an encryption method (I guess I could with :method option)?