Hi all,
Is it possible to start an attack (this already works with the
Net::Nessus::Client module) and after the nessus server finished
scanning loop through all the results directly?
What I cannot use is this given example on cpan
my @ftp_holes = @{$messages->{'21'}->{'PORT'}};
since I don't know the ports /holes in advance , so I don't know which
ones to look for. I would need a list of found holes / warnings /notes
I could loop through like:
while (my $hole = give_me_next_hole($results_for_this_scan)) { ... }
Thanks in advance,
Is it possible to start an attack (this already works with the
Net::Nessus::Client module) and after the nessus server finished
scanning loop through all the results directly?
What I cannot use is this given example on cpan
my @ftp_holes = @{$messages->{'21'}->{'PORT'}};
since I don't know the ports /holes in advance , so I don't know which
ones to look for. I would need a list of found holes / warnings /notes
I could loop through like:
while (my $hole = give_me_next_hole($results_for_this_scan)) { ... }
Thanks in advance,