I have come up with an idea for an application that would benefit from
being truly platform independant so I am looking at implementing it
using Java technologies. However I am a little confused about all the
different technologies.
I have downloaded the J2EE SDK and started reading the Doco but I fear
that taking that route will leave me reading doco for the next two years.
The first question is are Appserver and Tomcat competing technologies or
has Sun taken Tomcat and extended it, or is Tomcat a cut dow version of
Can I run other services, such as a PHP Application or a subversion
(through WEBDAV, I think it is) through either of these, I think tomcat
can run on its own or through another apache installaion, Is this correct?
If I write a webservice and test it using AppServer will it run on
Tomcat or Vica-Versa?
Is the main difference in licensing and slick administration interfaces?
I understand that servletts are similar to server web controls, but what
exactly are Enterprise Java Beans and where do you use them? What are
JBoss and Struts?
The application that I am looking to create will be pretty strait
forward. There will be a rich client application accessing some web
services, and an "auto-update" function and some web pages that will
have some simple administration functionality. Do I even need J2EE or
will the J2SE be sufficient?
Is there somewhere I can go to get a reasonable overview of all these
technologies quickly?
Thanks for your time.
being truly platform independant so I am looking at implementing it
using Java technologies. However I am a little confused about all the
different technologies.
I have downloaded the J2EE SDK and started reading the Doco but I fear
that taking that route will leave me reading doco for the next two years.
The first question is are Appserver and Tomcat competing technologies or
has Sun taken Tomcat and extended it, or is Tomcat a cut dow version of
Can I run other services, such as a PHP Application or a subversion
(through WEBDAV, I think it is) through either of these, I think tomcat
can run on its own or through another apache installaion, Is this correct?
If I write a webservice and test it using AppServer will it run on
Tomcat or Vica-Versa?
Is the main difference in licensing and slick administration interfaces?
I understand that servletts are similar to server web controls, but what
exactly are Enterprise Java Beans and where do you use them? What are
JBoss and Struts?
The application that I am looking to create will be pretty strait
forward. There will be a rich client application accessing some web
services, and an "auto-update" function and some web pages that will
have some simple administration functionality. Do I even need J2EE or
will the J2SE be sufficient?
Is there somewhere I can go to get a reasonable overview of all these
technologies quickly?
Thanks for your time.