Greetings to all
attempting to get a working script here
that portforwards across multiple hosts
and executes commands on the final host in the
i located suggested design pattern posted by Jamis Buck
the developer of the ruby net-ssh module
the following code seems to be syntatically correct
if anyone else has time to test the following script
please provide some feedback
i am not sure if i simply do not have the ssh server setup correctly
on all systems along the hop path
i have in sshd_config
AllowTcpForwarding yes
when i run the below code i get the following error messages
in my ssh log file
on the system the script is started from
which leads me to believe
the script is not even portforwarding to the first hop in the script
tail -f /var/log/ssh.log
Sep 11 08:02:16 falcon1 sshd[12308]: Connection from ::ffff:
port 39495
Sep 11 08:02:16 falcon1 sshd[12308]: Did not receive identification
string from ::ffff:
when i placed the code in irb
and the code is running into problems at this point in the script
which is the final hop in the code
the error message is Connection Refused Authentication error
which again leads me to believe the script is not opening the tcp
portforwarding gateways to facilitate the hops properly
Net::SSH.start( 'localhost', 1236, 'jello', 'passwd' ) do |session|
result = session.exec("hostname")
puts result.data, "\n\n"
result = session.exec("date")
puts result.data, "\n\n"
result = session.exec("uptime")
puts result.data, "\n\n"
when i run the script i get the following error message:
`initialize': Connection refused - connect(2) (Errno::ECONNREFUSED)
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/net/ssh.rb:175:in `new'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/net/ssh.rb:175:in `open'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/net/ssh.rb:93:in `start'
from ./threads_ssh.rb:36
NOTE i have other scripts using the net-ssh ruby module that are
so i know this is not a problem with openssl
it seems to be server side sshd_config problem or something along those
as stated before if anyone can test on their end
and post any ideas
greatly appreciated
and a thanks to everyone in advance
BEGIN CODE 4 host Hop
require 'thread'
require 'net/ssh'
require 'net/ssh/service/forward'
threads = []
t = Thread.new do
Net::SSH.start( 'host1', 'jello', 'pass' ) do |session|
mgr = PortForwardManager.new( session )
mgr.forward_local( 1234, 'host2', 22 )
t = Thread.new do
Net::SSH.start( 'localhost', 1234, 'jello', 'pass' ) do |session|
mgr = PortForwardManager.new( session )
mgr.forward_local( 1235, 'host3', 22 )
t = Thread.new do
Net::SSH.start( 'localhost', 1235, 'jello', 'pass' ) do |session|
mgr = PortForwardManager.new( session )
mgr.forward_local( 1236, 'host4', 22 )
Net::SSH.start( 'localhost', 1236, 'jello', 'passwd' ) do |session|
result = session.exec("hostname")
puts result.data, "\n\n"
result = session.exec("date")
puts result.data, "\n\n"
result = session.exec("uptime")
puts result.data, "\n\n"
threads.push( t )
attempting to get a working script here
that portforwards across multiple hosts
and executes commands on the final host in the
i located suggested design pattern posted by Jamis Buck
the developer of the ruby net-ssh module
the following code seems to be syntatically correct
if anyone else has time to test the following script
please provide some feedback
i am not sure if i simply do not have the ssh server setup correctly
on all systems along the hop path
i have in sshd_config
AllowTcpForwarding yes
when i run the below code i get the following error messages
in my ssh log file
on the system the script is started from
which leads me to believe
the script is not even portforwarding to the first hop in the script
tail -f /var/log/ssh.log
Sep 11 08:02:16 falcon1 sshd[12308]: Connection from ::ffff:
port 39495
Sep 11 08:02:16 falcon1 sshd[12308]: Did not receive identification
string from ::ffff:
when i placed the code in irb
and the code is running into problems at this point in the script
which is the final hop in the code
the error message is Connection Refused Authentication error
which again leads me to believe the script is not opening the tcp
portforwarding gateways to facilitate the hops properly
Net::SSH.start( 'localhost', 1236, 'jello', 'passwd' ) do |session|
result = session.exec("hostname")
puts result.data, "\n\n"
result = session.exec("date")
puts result.data, "\n\n"
result = session.exec("uptime")
puts result.data, "\n\n"
when i run the script i get the following error message:
`initialize': Connection refused - connect(2) (Errno::ECONNREFUSED)
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/net/ssh.rb:175:in `new'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/net/ssh.rb:175:in `open'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/net/ssh.rb:93:in `start'
from ./threads_ssh.rb:36
NOTE i have other scripts using the net-ssh ruby module that are
so i know this is not a problem with openssl
it seems to be server side sshd_config problem or something along those
as stated before if anyone can test on their end
and post any ideas
greatly appreciated
and a thanks to everyone in advance
BEGIN CODE 4 host Hop
require 'thread'
require 'net/ssh'
require 'net/ssh/service/forward'
threads = []
t = Thread.new do
Net::SSH.start( 'host1', 'jello', 'pass' ) do |session|
mgr = PortForwardManager.new( session )
mgr.forward_local( 1234, 'host2', 22 )
t = Thread.new do
Net::SSH.start( 'localhost', 1234, 'jello', 'pass' ) do |session|
mgr = PortForwardManager.new( session )
mgr.forward_local( 1235, 'host3', 22 )
t = Thread.new do
Net::SSH.start( 'localhost', 1235, 'jello', 'pass' ) do |session|
mgr = PortForwardManager.new( session )
mgr.forward_local( 1236, 'host4', 22 )
Net::SSH.start( 'localhost', 1236, 'jello', 'passwd' ) do |session|
result = session.exec("hostname")
puts result.data, "\n\n"
result = session.exec("date")
puts result.data, "\n\n"
result = session.exec("uptime")
puts result.data, "\n\n"
threads.push( t )