Benny Ng
Dear All,
Now I just finished my winform application. And a part of that is to
send email reminder to the users. It's working fine in the server that with
SMTP service in Windows 2003.
But now the user wants to used the Linux server to send email messages.
(already installed the SMTP service in that). Unfortunatelly one error shown
after the sending funciton invoked.
It shows "Pickup directory is not existed,x,x,x,,"
It's well known that in SMTP service of windows system. There are
several folders in the C:\Inetpub\MailRoot, "Picker,BadMail,Queue,etc.".
When one email message is created. It would first to into "Pickup" folder.
And then changes to "Queue" folder. And then sent out.
But seems Linux system didn't has those folder or the architecture is
not same as windows system. So it prompts errors.
Should I goto change the email function and didn't use the CDO object to
send emails? Change to used Jmail to send messages? Is this a solution for
Let me describe this one again.
CDO + Email Function + SMTP Service (Windows 2003) <--Successed
CDO + Email Function + SMTP Service (Linux System) <--Failed
The program is still runs on the Windows 2003 system. Only changed SMTP
Server's content that in the configuration file to Linux System.
So, Can you give me any suggestion about this issue?
Best Regards,
Benny Ng
Now I just finished my winform application. And a part of that is to
send email reminder to the users. It's working fine in the server that with
SMTP service in Windows 2003.
But now the user wants to used the Linux server to send email messages.
(already installed the SMTP service in that). Unfortunatelly one error shown
after the sending funciton invoked.
It shows "Pickup directory is not existed,x,x,x,,"
It's well known that in SMTP service of windows system. There are
several folders in the C:\Inetpub\MailRoot, "Picker,BadMail,Queue,etc.".
When one email message is created. It would first to into "Pickup" folder.
And then changes to "Queue" folder. And then sent out.
But seems Linux system didn't has those folder or the architecture is
not same as windows system. So it prompts errors.
Should I goto change the email function and didn't use the CDO object to
send emails? Change to used Jmail to send messages? Is this a solution for
Let me describe this one again.
CDO + Email Function + SMTP Service (Windows 2003) <--Successed
CDO + Email Function + SMTP Service (Linux System) <--Failed
The program is still runs on the Windows 2003 system. Only changed SMTP
Server's content that in the configuration file to Linux System.
So, Can you give me any suggestion about this issue?
Best Regards,
Benny Ng