Hakam Chadhar. said:
hi..........i am new to C language and i want be expert...please help
me from 1st step..........i will be very thanks
Write "hello world" and run it. This is often quite a hard step. You need to
get your complier installed and working.
Modify "Hello world" to print "Hi world".
Modify the the program to print, "hello, 2 * 2 is [answer] ", and calculate
2 * 2.
Modify the program to take the user's name as a command-line argument, and
print "hello Fred" (or whatever).
Modify the program to take a file name as an argument, open it, and print
"hello world" to the file".
Modify the program to take a file name as an argment, open it, and print the
contents to the screen, printing an error if it doesn't exist.
Modify the program to print "What's your name?", input the name from the
console, and print "hello [name]". Make sure that the user cannot crash your
program by typing in a massively long name, and maybe also check for
gibberish names like "!s54j&&" [ hard ].
Now you're away. You've got your basic input and output working. So you can
start on something more ambitious, such as "twenty questions" or "lunar