Fred Mailhot
I'm trying to write a script that will mail some data from a web-based form
to me, using the "mail" command (under Linux). The following illustrates the
crux of what I'm doing:
import os,time,cgi
# get the data from the form #
formdata = cgi.FieldStorage()
# open log file & write header #
logfile = open('<SOME FILE>','a')
logfile.write('\n*************************** ')
logfile.write(time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000",time.localtime()))
logfile.write(' ***************************\n')
# send data to log #
for name in formdata.keys():
logfile.write(formdata[name].value + '\n')
# create shell command to send mail #
usrmail = "%s" % formdata['email'].value
usrmesg = "Sender: %s\n\n%s" % (formdata['user'].value,
ccaddr = "(e-mail address removed)"
subject = "SMT Website User Feedback"
toaddr = "(e-mail address removed)"
cmdstring = 'mail -c %s -s "%s" -r %s %s' % (ccaddr, subject, usrmail,
######## end code snippet #############
So. The script works and the relevant information is mailed, EXCEPT that the
body of the message is included as an attachment of unknown type. When I
execute the shell command from the command line, there's no problem.
Why is Python doing this ?? (or is it something else entirely that I'm not
Many thanks,
to me, using the "mail" command (under Linux). The following illustrates the
crux of what I'm doing:
import os,time,cgi
# get the data from the form #
formdata = cgi.FieldStorage()
# open log file & write header #
logfile = open('<SOME FILE>','a')
logfile.write('\n*************************** ')
logfile.write(time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000",time.localtime()))
logfile.write(' ***************************\n')
# send data to log #
for name in formdata.keys():
logfile.write(formdata[name].value + '\n')
# create shell command to send mail #
usrmail = "%s" % formdata['email'].value
usrmesg = "Sender: %s\n\n%s" % (formdata['user'].value,
ccaddr = "(e-mail address removed)"
subject = "SMT Website User Feedback"
toaddr = "(e-mail address removed)"
cmdstring = 'mail -c %s -s "%s" -r %s %s' % (ccaddr, subject, usrmail,
######## end code snippet #############
So. The script works and the relevant information is mailed, EXCEPT that the
body of the message is included as an attachment of unknown type. When I
execute the shell command from the command line, there's no problem.
Why is Python doing this ?? (or is it something else entirely that I'm not
Many thanks,