Newbie dumb but quick question


Jeff W

Hi - I've been coming up on Perl at work in a UNIX environment.
I downloaded Active Perl onto my PC to play with it there.

Question: Is it possible to create WIN32 Perl scripts and
"compile" them so that they will run places where Perl is
not installed?


Experienced but Undocumented

Jeff W said:
Question: Is it possible to create WIN32 Perl scripts and
"compile" them so that they will run places where Perl is
not installed?

Sure! Check out :)

Alternately, you can add c:\Program Files\Perl\bin (if this is where you
chose to install PERL) to your %PATH% variable so that you can type "perl" at any prompt and it will run.

Good luck!

Bob X

Jeff W said:
Hi - I've been coming up on Perl at work in a UNIX environment.
I downloaded Active Perl onto my PC to play with it there.

Question: Is it possible to create WIN32 Perl scripts and
"compile" them so that they will run places where Perl is
not installed?


Look at "Par"

Jeff W

I found par and pp, but not as part of ActivePerl - am I missing
something here - is this really an easy thing to do? (i want to write a
phonebook program, and I'm not a professional programmer)


Bob X

Jeff W said:
I found par and pp, but not as part of ActivePerl - am I missing
something here - is this really an easy thing to do? (i want to write a
phonebook program, and I'm not a professional programmer)

Use PPM and do a search for PAR. Get the latest. I use the latest 5.8.0 from
ActiveState and I have Par .75 installed. I have created exe files using it.
Be aware that even your 50K script will at about 1MB because of the Perl
files it needs to run independantly.

If you need more help let me know. : )


[snip to bottom]
I found par and pp, but not as part of ActivePerl - am I missing
something here - is this really an easy thing to do? (i want to write a
phonebook program, and I'm not a professional programmer)


You need to install it using ActiveState's ppm program. From the Windows shell:

search par*
install par

'perldoc ppm' for all the details.

Also, please take a look at the posting guidelines for the group:

Top posting is not cool here...

HTH - keith

Jeff W

Hi ko - I'd like to understand your comment here - but I don't know what
"top posting " is - could you fill me in? If I committed a faux pas I'd
like to understand it.

Sam Holden

Hi ko - I'd like to understand your comment here - but I don't know what
"top posting " is - could you fill me in? If I committed a faux pas I'd
like to understand it.

Though it isn't labelled "top posting", see the section headed
"Use an effective followup style" in the guidelines at the URL you
were pointed in the previous message (which I've left below).

Note, this posting isn't an example of "top posting", your post was.
See the difference? :)

Jeff W

Sam said:
Though it isn't labelled "top posting", see the section headed
"Use an effective followup style" in the guidelines at the URL you
were pointed in the previous message (which I've left below).

ok - got it - guess it's a personal style thing - i hate scrolling to
the bottom so I assume others do too.
Point noted.

Steve Grazzini

Jeff W said:
ok - got it - guess it's a personal style thing

It's more of a "When in Rome" thing.
i hate scrolling to the bottom so I assume others do too.

Oh, but they do. That's why you're also going to trim the text,
quoting only enough to place your response in context.

Chris Mattern

Jeff said:
Sam Holden wrote:

ok - got it - guess it's a personal style thing - i hate scrolling to
the bottom so I assume others do too.
Point noted.

You can satisfy both needs (and should, in fact). Bottom post so
people can follow the conversation. Prune the quoted section of
whatever is not directly related to your reply (but leave enough
to provide context) so people don't have to scroll down to see
your reply.

Chris Mattern

Jeff W

Never has so much been written about so ltitle 8-}

PS - interesting tidbit - I own my own domain, and to protect against
spam I created a new Email address to post to this group. Within <1
hour> of my posting I started receiving SPAM to the new Email address. -

I think we're done here 8-}

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