Newbie Help!



Hi All,
im new to python i just have a few questions and was wondering if
you could help me??

1. what programming langaugue does python use? or which is most popular?

2. Does anyone know where i could get hold of practice code

3. Any good ebooks or links to start with. (according to the web this is the
best place to start.)

i know you probally get asked these questions all the time! but im trying to
mirgrate for windows to linux.

Cheers all

Alex Martelli

Stephen said:
Hi All,
im new to python i just have a few questions and was wondering if
you could help me??

1. what programming langaugue does python use? or which is most popular?

Python _is_ a programming language, so your question is not clear. If
you're asking what languages are used to implement Python, that's C (for
the mainstream version), Java (for Jython), C# (for IronPython), and
Python itself (for PyPy).
2. Does anyone know where i could get hold of practice code -- but much of it may
be a bit advanced for a beginner.
3. Any good ebooks or links to start with. (according to the web this is the
best place to start.) lists many.
i know you probally get asked these questions all the time! but im trying to
mirgrate for windows to linux.

Python runs on Windows, Linux, Mac (where it comes with the OS, but then
that's also true of many Linux distros), and elsewhere.


Arthur Cannell

Stephen said:
Hi All,
im new to python i just have a few questions and was wondering if
you could help me??

1. what programming langaugue does python use? or which is most popular?

2. Does anyone know where i could get hold of practice code

3. Any good ebooks or links to start with. (according to the web this is the
best place to start.)

i know you probally get asked these questions all the time! but im trying to
mirgrate for windows to linux.

Cheers all

Type "python" into Google's search text input.
Hit "I'm Feeling Lucky".
Good luck with the migration.


Alex said:
Python _is_ a programming language, so your question is not clear. If
you're asking what languages are used to implement Python, that's C (for
the mainstream version), Java (for Jython), C# (for IronPython), and
Python itself (for PyPy). -- but much of it may
be a bit advanced for a beginner. lists many.

Python runs on Windows, Linux, Mac (where it comes with the OS, but then
that's also true of many Linux distros), and elsewhere.


Just so you can grasp what this means (because C++ also has Windows,
Linux and Mac implementation...), the SAME Python source code,
including GUI parts (Tkinter*, in my case) run directly in all of them.

*it's plain jane GUI, it doesn't do Aqua!



3. Any good ebooks or links to start with. (according to the web this is the
best place to start.)

If you get the point of wantig to buy a book, I can recommend Python Visual
Quickstart Guide by Chris Fhris Fehily as a very good text for beginners. I
has helped me a lot.

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