In XMLspy trying to create a simple DTD. Following is what I have;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!ELEMENT orders (order+)>
<!ELEMENT order (order_header, order_detail+, order_footer)>
<!ELEMENT order_header (order_date, po_no, credit_card, cc_no,
expire_date, bill_to, ship_to, special_instructions)>
<!ELEMENT order_date (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT po_no (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT credit_card EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST credit_card type_cc (Master Card|Visa|American
Express|Dinners Club|None) "None" >
<!ELEMENT cc_no (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT expire_date (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT salesman_no (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT bill_to (company, address1, address2, city, state, zip_code)>
<!ATTLIST bill_to new_customer (No | Yes) "No" #REQUIRED chg_customer
(No | Yes) "No" #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT company (#PCDATA)>
Getting the following error at <!ATTLIST credit_card........;
Character '<' is grammatically unexpected in column 1 at line 8
Reason: one of the following is expected (see below)
XML production: Production 'Enumeration' not satisfied.
I don't see what I'm doing wrong.
Any help appreciated
Len Sumnler
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!ELEMENT orders (order+)>
<!ELEMENT order (order_header, order_detail+, order_footer)>
<!ELEMENT order_header (order_date, po_no, credit_card, cc_no,
expire_date, bill_to, ship_to, special_instructions)>
<!ELEMENT order_date (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT po_no (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT credit_card EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST credit_card type_cc (Master Card|Visa|American
Express|Dinners Club|None) "None" >
<!ELEMENT cc_no (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT expire_date (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT salesman_no (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT bill_to (company, address1, address2, city, state, zip_code)>
<!ATTLIST bill_to new_customer (No | Yes) "No" #REQUIRED chg_customer
(No | Yes) "No" #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT company (#PCDATA)>
Getting the following error at <!ATTLIST credit_card........;
Character '<' is grammatically unexpected in column 1 at line 8
Reason: one of the following is expected (see below)
XML production: Production 'Enumeration' not satisfied.
I don't see what I'm doing wrong.
Any help appreciated
Len Sumnler