Bernd Fischer
I'm on a Linux env and try to get
word completion form sdtin done,
like Perl's
$stdin = Complete( "\t: ", @choices );
What I have so far shows me the directory listing
on the second hit on TAB and not the list of
choices on the first like I wanted to have.
Any help appreciated,
#! /usr/bin/python
import readline
import string
import readline
## completer function
def comp( text, state ):
global compList
matches = [ ]
text = readline.get_line_buffer( )
n = len( text )
for word in compList:
if word[ :n ] == text:
matches.append( word )
return matches
## chosser function
def chooser( inList, msgString ):
stdin = None
compList = inList
while stdin not in inList:
print "\nSelect a %s <>:\n" % msgString
for elem in inList:
print "\t", elem
print "" # equivalent to newline /n
stdin = string.rstrip( raw_input( "\t: " ) )
if stdin not in inList:
print "\nWrong %s, select again!" % msgString
return sdtin
readline.parse_and_bind( "tab: complete" )
readline.set_completer( comp )
choices = [ "appel", "pear" ]
chooser( choices , "fruit" )
I'm on a Linux env and try to get
word completion form sdtin done,
like Perl's
$stdin = Complete( "\t: ", @choices );
What I have so far shows me the directory listing
on the second hit on TAB and not the list of
choices on the first like I wanted to have.
Any help appreciated,
#! /usr/bin/python
import readline
import string
import readline
## completer function
def comp( text, state ):
global compList
matches = [ ]
text = readline.get_line_buffer( )
n = len( text )
for word in compList:
if word[ :n ] == text:
matches.append( word )
return matches
## chosser function
def chooser( inList, msgString ):
stdin = None
compList = inList
while stdin not in inList:
print "\nSelect a %s <>:\n" % msgString
for elem in inList:
print "\t", elem
print "" # equivalent to newline /n
stdin = string.rstrip( raw_input( "\t: " ) )
if stdin not in inList:
print "\nWrong %s, select again!" % msgString
return sdtin
readline.parse_and_bind( "tab: complete" )
readline.set_completer( comp )
choices = [ "appel", "pear" ]
chooser( choices , "fruit" )