Man-wai Chang
<form name="frmTest" type="submit" method="post">
<input type="textbox" name="txtA" size=10 value=""><a
<select name="cboB" value="">
<option value="1">1
<option value="2">1
<input type="submit" name="cmdSave">
Using AJAX, i would like to re-populate the options of cboB after user
picked a value for txtA via form pickitem.php.
Could someone post some source codes or maybe a website that talks about
this specific example?
<input type="textbox" name="txtA" size=10 value=""><a
<select name="cboB" value="">
<option value="1">1
<option value="2">1
<input type="submit" name="cmdSave">
Using AJAX, i would like to re-populate the options of cboB after user
picked a value for txtA via form pickitem.php.
Could someone post some source codes or maybe a website that talks about
this specific example?