i have a .c file which when i open with textedit seems to be the source code,
is there any way i can run this using terminal?
sorry for the stupid question, but i an new to unix and mac os x!
C is a compiled language. If you have C language source code, it
needs to be processed by one or more tools to turn it into an
executable program, generally at least a C compiler, which translates
the source code into machine instructions for your computer's CPU, and
a linker which takes those machine instructions and adds what support
they need from the C library and turns the result into a file in the
proper format for your operating system.
There are both commercial and free C tool sets for your
computer/operating system combination. There might actually be one
installed as standard, or on your OS CDs that you can install. If
not, there are ones you can buy and others you can download for free.
Your best bet for more detailed information would be Apple's web site
and support newsgroups for the Mac in general or Mac OS X in