I have the following XML string that I want to parse using the SAX
parser. If I remove the portion of the XML string between the <audit>
and </audit> tags the SAX is parsing correctly. Otherwise SAX wouldn't
do the parsing. What's wrong with this string (between <audit> and
</audit> tags)?
I am using SAX/Xerces 2.3.0 on Sun 8.
Thanks in advance of any help. Nick Roman
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?> <lyr3:L3Transaction
<audit>15:35:05 emsTransaction::setState TRANS_PENDING 15:35:06
emsRequest::setUndoable id(1502d70) request is undoable 15:35:06
emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending (waiting for response from
'') 15:35:06 emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending (response
'Enter password: a') 15:35:06 emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending
(waiting for response from 'cisco') 15:35:06 emsRequest::setState
id(1502d70) pending (response 'sangria2') 15:35:06
emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending (waiting for response from
'enable') 15:35:06 emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending (response
'Enter password:') 15:35:06 emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending
(waiting for response from 'cisco') 15:35:06 emsRequest::setState
id(1502d70) pending (response 'sangria2 (enable)') 15:35:06
emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending (waiting for response from
'set length 0') 15:35:06 emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending
(response 'sangria2 (enable)') 15:35:06 emsRequest::setState
id(1502d70) pending (waiting for response from 'show version')
15:35:07 emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending (response 'sangria2
(enable)') 15:35:07 emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending (waiting
for response from 'show running-config') 15:35:10 emsRequest::setState
id(1502d70) pending (response 'sangria2 (enable)') 15:35:10
emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending (waiting for response from
'show vlan') 15:35:10 emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending
(response 'sangria2 (enable)') 15:35:10 emsRequest::setState
id(1502d70) complete ((cli6509v1Anchor) complete) 15:35:10
emsRequest::setUndoable id(159b780) request is undoable 15:35:10
emsRequest::setState id(159b780) pending (waiting for response from
'set vlan 667 name test-vlan type ethernet mtu 1500 said 100667
state active') 15:35:10 emsRequest::setObjectAltered request will
require undo during rollback 15:35:10 emsRequest::setState
id(159b780) pending (response 'Vlan 667 configuration successful')
15:35:10 emsRequest::setState id(159b780) ((cli6509v1AddVlan)
complete) 15:35:10 emsTransaction::setState TRANS_COMPLETE</audit>
<requestType action="add" type="vlan"/>
parser. If I remove the portion of the XML string between the <audit>
and </audit> tags the SAX is parsing correctly. Otherwise SAX wouldn't
do the parsing. What's wrong with this string (between <audit> and
</audit> tags)?
I am using SAX/Xerces 2.3.0 on Sun 8.
Thanks in advance of any help. Nick Roman
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?> <lyr3:L3Transaction
<audit>15:35:05 emsTransaction::setState TRANS_PENDING 15:35:06
emsRequest::setUndoable id(1502d70) request is undoable 15:35:06
emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending (waiting for response from
'') 15:35:06 emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending (response
'Enter password: a') 15:35:06 emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending
(waiting for response from 'cisco') 15:35:06 emsRequest::setState
id(1502d70) pending (response 'sangria2') 15:35:06
emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending (waiting for response from
'enable') 15:35:06 emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending (response
'Enter password:') 15:35:06 emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending
(waiting for response from 'cisco') 15:35:06 emsRequest::setState
id(1502d70) pending (response 'sangria2 (enable)') 15:35:06
emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending (waiting for response from
'set length 0') 15:35:06 emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending
(response 'sangria2 (enable)') 15:35:06 emsRequest::setState
id(1502d70) pending (waiting for response from 'show version')
15:35:07 emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending (response 'sangria2
(enable)') 15:35:07 emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending (waiting
for response from 'show running-config') 15:35:10 emsRequest::setState
id(1502d70) pending (response 'sangria2 (enable)') 15:35:10
emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending (waiting for response from
'show vlan') 15:35:10 emsRequest::setState id(1502d70) pending
(response 'sangria2 (enable)') 15:35:10 emsRequest::setState
id(1502d70) complete ((cli6509v1Anchor) complete) 15:35:10
emsRequest::setUndoable id(159b780) request is undoable 15:35:10
emsRequest::setState id(159b780) pending (waiting for response from
'set vlan 667 name test-vlan type ethernet mtu 1500 said 100667
state active') 15:35:10 emsRequest::setObjectAltered request will
require undo during rollback 15:35:10 emsRequest::setState
id(159b780) pending (response 'Vlan 667 configuration successful')
15:35:10 emsRequest::setState id(159b780) ((cli6509v1AddVlan)
complete) 15:35:10 emsTransaction::setState TRANS_COMPLETE</audit>
<requestType action="add" type="vlan"/>