Can anyone please help me fix the error ? I am trying to compile the
code with Modelsim PE Student Edition 6.4
and i am getting an error :
# Compile of test.vhd failed with 1 errors.
vcom -work work -2002 -explicit F:/new/test.vhd
Model Technology ModelSim PE Student Edition vcom 6.4 Compiler 2008.05
Jun 30 2008
-- Loading package standard
** Error: F:/new/test.vhd(2): near "EOF": syntax error
This is the code :-
entity Counter_1 is end;
library STD;
use STD.TEXTIO.all;
architecture Behave_1 of Counter_1 is
-- declare a signal for the clock ,type BIT , initial Value '0'
signal Clock : BIT := '0' ;
-- declare a signal for the count Type INTEGER , initial value 0
signal Count : INTEGER := 0 ;
begin -- process to generate a clock
wait for 10 ns; -- a delay of 10 ns is half the clock cycle
Clock <= not Clock;
if ( now > 340 ns ) then wait; end if; -- stop after 340 ns
end process;
-- process to do the counting ,runs concurrently with the other processes
-- wait until the clock goes from 1 to 0
wait until ( Clock = '0');
-- now handle the counting
if ( Count = 7 ) then Count <= 0;
else Count <= Count + 1;
end if ;
end process;
process (Count) variable L: LINE ;
begin -- process to print
write (L, now); write (L , STRING'("Counter = "));
write (L, Count); writeline(output , L);
end process;
code with Modelsim PE Student Edition 6.4
and i am getting an error :
# Compile of test.vhd failed with 1 errors.
vcom -work work -2002 -explicit F:/new/test.vhd
Model Technology ModelSim PE Student Edition vcom 6.4 Compiler 2008.05
Jun 30 2008
-- Loading package standard
** Error: F:/new/test.vhd(2): near "EOF": syntax error
This is the code :-
entity Counter_1 is end;
library STD;
use STD.TEXTIO.all;
architecture Behave_1 of Counter_1 is
-- declare a signal for the clock ,type BIT , initial Value '0'
signal Clock : BIT := '0' ;
-- declare a signal for the count Type INTEGER , initial value 0
signal Count : INTEGER := 0 ;
begin -- process to generate a clock
wait for 10 ns; -- a delay of 10 ns is half the clock cycle
Clock <= not Clock;
if ( now > 340 ns ) then wait; end if; -- stop after 340 ns
end process;
-- process to do the counting ,runs concurrently with the other processes
-- wait until the clock goes from 1 to 0
wait until ( Clock = '0');
-- now handle the counting
if ( Count = 7 ) then Count <= 0;
else Count <= Count + 1;
end if ;
end process;
process (Count) variable L: LINE ;
begin -- process to print
write (L, now); write (L , STRING'("Counter = "));
write (L, Count); writeline(output , L);
end process;