


Is this a good place to post python questions from newbie's, or would you
suggest another board?

Gary Herron

LittlePython said:
Is this a good place to post python questions from newbie's, or would you
suggest another board?
This is the correct place. This group has the reputation of being

Gary Herron


This is a good place for posting questions about programming in python.
However, if you are a newbie, your questions are most likely already
answered. I recommend

searching in this groups archives

reading the python tutorial

This one is frequently recommended for newbies:

This book is recommended also for those who have programming

If you can`t find the answer to your question from the above, feel free
to post in this group

LittlePython skrev:


Bruno Desthuilliers said:
LittlePython a écrit :

Well, depends on how newbie you are, both to Python and to programming,
but yes, this is at least a good place to start. You may find that most
other newsgroups are probably not the best places to post
python-specific questions anyway !-)

We usually don't eat newbies for lunch so, in the worst case, you might
be redirected to the python-tutor mailing-list (for ubernewbies) or the
Fine Manual (that you are of course actively reading right now, isn't it
?) when appropriate.

You're welcome.

Another question ?-)


I am very new to python. I have been studying it for only a month or so. I
have been using vbscript for about 2-3 yrs and only recently been using it
rather heavily the past 9 months or so. I am new very new to oop. My main
use will be administrative scripting into the win3k, XP, AD domain,
55exchange and 2003exchange environments. I like to incorp wxpython (GUI)
into my scripts instead of HTA's that I have been using with VBS. I am also
finding myself being tasked with jobs that are outside the scope of VBS.
Well that's a lot to learn and I have a feeling that to many I am just
another member of "The Ministry of STUPID Questions"

Bruno Desthuilliers

LittlePython a écrit :
Is this a good place to post python questions from newbie's, or would you
suggest another board?

Well, depends on how newbie you are, both to Python and to programming,
but yes, this is at least a good place to start. You may find that most
other newsgroups are probably not the best places to post
python-specific questions anyway !-)

We usually don't eat newbies for lunch so, in the worst case, you might
be redirected to the python-tutor mailing-list (for ubernewbies) or the
Fine Manual (that you are of course actively reading right now, isn't it
?) when appropriate.

You're welcome.

Another question ?-)

Steve Holden

LittlePython said:
I am very new to python. I have been studying it for only a month or so. I
have been using vbscript for about 2-3 yrs and only recently been using it
rather heavily the past 9 months or so. I am new very new to oop. My main
use will be administrative scripting into the win3k, XP, AD domain,
55exchange and 2003exchange environments. I like to incorp wxpython (GUI)
into my scripts instead of HTA's that I have been using with VBS. I am also
finding myself being tasked with jobs that are outside the scope of VBS.
Well that's a lot to learn and I have a feeling that to many I am just
another member of "The Ministry of STUPID Questions"
Realizing that you are potentially asking dumb questions, lus the fact
that you've been playing with Python for a month already, puts you way
ahead of the game. Ask away, and welcome to comp.lang.python.



LittlePython said:
I am very new to python. I have been studying it for only a month or so. I
have been using vbscript for about 2-3 yrs and only recently been using it
rather heavily the past 9 months or so. I am new very new to oop. My main
use will be administrative scripting into the win3k, XP, AD domain,
55exchange and 2003exchange environments. I like to incorp wxpython (GUI)
into my scripts instead of HTA's that I have been using with VBS. I am also
finding myself being tasked with jobs that are outside the scope of VBS.
Well that's a lot to learn and I have a feeling that to many I am just
another member of "The Ministry of STUPID Questions"
Out of curiosity, why python ? The new VB.Net seems to be a very
interesting one language wise and given that you have a VB experience,
it seems to be a natural one to try.

Magnus Lycka

LittlePython said:
Is this a good place to post python questions from newbie's, or would you
suggest another board?

The best place to ask newbie questions is the Tutor mailing list.
Go to to subscribe.
Check out the archives and you'll see how great it is. Besides
the fact that there are several guys who are both very good at
Python, good at explaining, and tolerant with newbie questions
and mistakes, you'll see much less of those sidetracking long
threads you often see in comp.lang.python.


I really do not wish to limit myself to MS. My bread and butter is MS but I
am a BSD fan at heart. I wanted to learn something I can use in both.

I thought about Perl first but I feel the learning curve is to steep (to
get it right), it seems easier to make a mistake in Perl and not catch it.
Python just feels right and fits me better. ... Well what do I know ... you
make you pick and take your chances.

Felipe Almeida Lessa

Em Qua, 2006-02-15 às 00:30 +0000, LittlePython escreveu:
I really do not wish to limit myself to MS. My bread and butter is MS but I
am a BSD fan at heart. I wanted to learn something I can use in both.

Please start by not top-posting ;-). Also, see .

"Quem excele em empregar a força militar subjulga os exércitos dos
outros povos sem travar batalha, toma cidades fortificadas dos outros
povos sem as atacar e destrói os estados dos outros povos sem lutas
prolongadas. Deve lutar sob o Céu com o propósito primordial da
'preservação'. Desse modo suas armas não se embotarão, e os ganhos
poderão ser preservados. Essa é a estratégia para planejar ofensivas."

-- Sun Tzu, em "A arte da guerra"

Ken Stevens

Felipe said:
Em Qua, 2006-02-15 às 00:30 +0000, LittlePython escreveu:

Please start by not top-posting ;-). Also, see .
Sigh! This has been bothering me for some time. I tend to bottom post
primarily because people here are so anal about it.

In any case, I actually prefer top posting. Reading the New message
first is better (because I get lot of mail). If I need to be reminded of
context I can always scan down. It makes much more sense to me.

Some people or group of people decided bottom posting was better and it
MUST be that way. To me that even goes against one of the main
philosophies of Linux which is that of choice. So, to any who think,
otherwise... there is absolutely NOTHING wrong or incorrect about TOP
posting. OK, rant mode off. I feel better now! I got that off my chest!


Scott David Daniels

Ken said:
Sigh! This has been bothering me for some time. I tend to bottom post
primarily because people here are so anal about it.

In any case, I actually prefer top posting....

The rule here is _neither_ top post _nor_ bottom post. Show _only_the_
_relevant_part_ (including what you are replying to), and then reply to
it. This often means interspersed quotes and replies. If a reader
wants the whole previous message, we have google groups (or other
archives). This is not your email, but a public board that others
will later search for answers.

--Scott David Daniels
(e-mail address removed)

Felipe Almeida Lessa

Em Ter, 2006-02-14 às 19:54 -0500, Ken Stevens escreveu:
Some people or group of people decided bottom posting was better and it
MUST be that way. To me that even goes against one of the main
philosophies of Linux which is that of choice. So, to any who think,
otherwise... there is absolutely NOTHING wrong or incorrect about TOP
posting. OK, rant mode off. I feel better now! I got that off my chest!

I don't want to start another discussion about this (the ck mailing list
had one these days), but this has nothing to do about choice: it's a
convention. And I don't think you want even to try to send a patch to
Linus with code conventions he doesn't like.

"Quem excele em empregar a força militar subjulga os exércitos dos
outros povos sem travar batalha, toma cidades fortificadas dos outros
povos sem as atacar e destrói os estados dos outros povos sem lutas
prolongadas. Deve lutar sob o Céu com o propósito primordial da
'preservação'. Desse modo suas armas não se embotarão, e os ganhos
poderão ser preservados. Essa é a estratégia para planejar ofensivas."

-- Sun Tzu, em "A arte da guerra"


This is top posting, i.e. my post is above yours. For this particular
response, it seems to be a bit more appropriate to do bottom posting,
see below. However, don't take that as a rule or convention that you
need to do one or another exclusively, it depends and I believe mature
and sincere posters would know when to do which.
I have no idea what top-posting or bottom-posting is?
This is bottom posting, where people can refer to what I am answering
to, right above this line/paragraph.

Dennis Lee Bieber

In any case, I actually prefer top posting. Reading the New message
first is better (because I get lot of mail). If I need to be reminded of
context I can always scan down. It makes much more sense to me.
For private emails, where the quoted material is presumed to have
been seen by the original poster, it may not matter. But for Usenet
groups, where anyone can enter a discussion at any time, it is better to
supply the context behind a reply first.
Some people or group of people decided bottom posting was better and it
MUST be that way. To me that even goes against one of the main
philosophies of Linux which is that of choice. So, to any who think,
otherwise... there is absolutely NOTHING wrong or incorrect about TOP
posting. OK, rant mode off. I feel better now! I got that off my chest!
It goes back to actual internet RFCs. RFC1855
( for example has this:

(under One-to-One)
1855> - Be brief without being overly terse. When replying to a
1855> include enough original material to be understood but no
more. It
1855> is extremely bad form to simply reply to a message by
1855> all the previous message: edit out all the irrelevant

(under One-to-Many)
1855> - If you are sending a reply to a message or a posting be sure
1855> summarize the original at the top of the message, or include
1855> enough text of the original to give a context. This will
1855> sure readers understand when they start to read your
1855> Since NetNews, especially, is proliferated by distributing
1855> postings from one host to another, it is possible to see a
1855> response to a message before seeing the original. Giving
1855> helps everyone. But do not include the entire original!

RFC1855 goes back at least a decade, if not longer.

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