Alex Hunsley
I've reworking some http resource accessing code to make it use an https
connection, rather than just http.
So, the people running the web server have generated a certificate (not
signed by verisign or anything similar), and I can access the https
resource in a browser (although obviously I get a certificate warning
first, I just hit "yes" and the page loads).
I've changed the java http connecting code to look like this:
// notice the URL is now https
URL url = new URL("https://server.name/aResource/thing.html");
String status = conn.open(url);
When I run this, the status string comes back as
"sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: No trusted certificate
found". Is this because the web server certificate is not signed by
verisign or a similar authority, or just because it is poorly formed in
some way?
I was led to believe that paying money to get a cert. signed by verisign
et al wasn't strictly necessary....
connection, rather than just http.
So, the people running the web server have generated a certificate (not
signed by verisign or anything similar), and I can access the https
resource in a browser (although obviously I get a certificate warning
first, I just hit "yes" and the page loads).
I've changed the java http connecting code to look like this:
// notice the URL is now https
URL url = new URL("https://server.name/aResource/thing.html");
String status = conn.open(url);
When I run this, the status string comes back as
"sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: No trusted certificate
found". Is this because the web server certificate is not signed by
verisign or a similar authority, or just because it is poorly formed in
some way?
I was led to believe that paying money to get a cert. signed by verisign
et al wasn't strictly necessary....