Jarmo Pertman
I'm using Mechanize to get imdb page and then Nokogiri Node#search
method to get some info from the page, but I've stumbled onto one
special case where #search doesn't work properly, e.g. all other pages
I've tried so far work as expected.
It seems that some special characters are causing the trouble for
Nokogiri, because when I tried to print document itself it outputted
only half of <head> tag and no body tags at all!
Anyway here is the code snippet which I'd expect to output "false" 4
times. Instead, it outputs false, false, true, false. Try with some
other imdb url and it's ok.
require 'mechanize'
mech = WWW::Mechanize.new {|agent| agent.user_agent_alias = 'Windows
mech.get("http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1092016/") do |page|
puts page.search("/html").empty?
puts page.search("/html/head").empty?
puts page.search("/html/body").empty?
puts page.body.empty?
What could be the problem?
I'm using ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i386-mswin32]
method to get some info from the page, but I've stumbled onto one
special case where #search doesn't work properly, e.g. all other pages
I've tried so far work as expected.
It seems that some special characters are causing the trouble for
Nokogiri, because when I tried to print document itself it outputted
only half of <head> tag and no body tags at all!
Anyway here is the code snippet which I'd expect to output "false" 4
times. Instead, it outputs false, false, true, false. Try with some
other imdb url and it's ok.
require 'mechanize'
mech = WWW::Mechanize.new {|agent| agent.user_agent_alias = 'Windows
mech.get("http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1092016/") do |page|
puts page.search("/html").empty?
puts page.search("/html/head").empty?
puts page.search("/html/body").empty?
puts page.body.empty?
What could be the problem?
I'm using ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i386-mswin32]