I just started using python a few weeks ago. This is my first program. You
input your income and what percent you want to save then it tells you how
much to put away. The the code works, but it puts in the word "none" after
it calls the function. Is the call sytax incorrect? I'd appreciate any
feedback you could offer .
# savings.py 09-14-03
print "Hello, welcome to my savings program."
print "I will ask you a few questions then calculate"
print "the info and give you a plan of action."
first_name = raw_input("What is your first name? ")
last_name = raw_input("What is your last name? ")
income = input("How much do you make a year after taxes? ")
percent = input("What percent of your income do you want to put aside? ")
weekly_income = income/52
def compute(income, percent):
result = income*percent/100
print result
print "Ok,",first_name + " " + last_name
print "This is how much you should put away a week:"
print "$",compute(weekly_income, percent)
print "If you stick to this you will go places!!! "
input your income and what percent you want to save then it tells you how
much to put away. The the code works, but it puts in the word "none" after
it calls the function. Is the call sytax incorrect? I'd appreciate any
feedback you could offer .
# savings.py 09-14-03
print "Hello, welcome to my savings program."
print "I will ask you a few questions then calculate"
print "the info and give you a plan of action."
first_name = raw_input("What is your first name? ")
last_name = raw_input("What is your last name? ")
income = input("How much do you make a year after taxes? ")
percent = input("What percent of your income do you want to put aside? ")
weekly_income = income/52
def compute(income, percent):
result = income*percent/100
print result
print "Ok,",first_name + " " + last_name
print "This is how much you should put away a week:"
print "$",compute(weekly_income, percent)
print "If you stick to this you will go places!!! "