notifying particular thread to wake up.



So you have not observed that your claim of you determining
your terms for participation here are not working ?

The reason it's not working is because you're a fucking asshole who
thinks he's God or something. If you'd just play by the FUCKING RULES,
including the rules about privacy, the rules in the newsgroup charter,
your ISP's TOS, the rules about leaving people alone that are leaving
you alone and not attacking without provocation, and a variety of
other rules, we wouldn't have a goddamn problem here. Now leave me

[snip empty insult]

You're a liar, as usual, Arnehole. Now go **** yourself. It's about
the only thing you're good at.


And they have to be about an identifiable person, don't they?

[snip rest including more unwelcome and inappropriate speculation
regarding my identity]

Perhaps, but given that you assholes are attempting to figure out my
real name, and may one day actually succeed if one of you takes his
head out of his ass for five minutes and also has a little bit of
luck ...


You seem unclear on the concept. If you're trying to protect your real
identity, the best thing you can do is confess to a false one. Then all of
the awful things that people say about you online will never be connected to
the real you, and you can give up your endless, thankless job of correcting

Hard luck on Paul Derbyshire, I suppose, but who gives a rat's ass about

I do. I give "a rat's ass" (and considerably more) about any innocent
victim of a bunch of bullies. I have no reason to believe he has done
any more to deserve your wrath than I have. I'd rather you were
attacking nobody. If you must attack people for some reason, such as
that your poorly-supported egos will implode if you don't, then I
suggest you attack fictitious people, or else people that are
definitely deserving, like Hitler or Dahmer or either Bush. Or just
let those fragile egos of yours implode for that matter. I can
understand why they are so flimsy -- you have so little in the way of
positive traits, being jerks, and stupid, and all that, so it's hardly
surprising you don't feel very good about yourselves. Well, tough. I'm
not here to be your punching bag. (Anyway -- why me? There's a ton of
random people posting here, and you could have chosen any of them at
random to be your personal stress-reliever. Indeed, each of you could
have chosen a different one. Not that it matters. I wouldn't wish your
attentions on anyone that wasn't either a dictator, a lawyer, a serial
killer, or a politician.)

Also, Paul doesn't seem to be here to defend himself. I am here to
defend myself, and, if necessary, to defend him too. Besides, unlike a
lot of people I know that it's necessary to stand up to bullies, and
to hold a mirror up to them to show them what pathetic little twerps
they really are, and never to meekly roll over and let them go on
misbehaving. Someone has to call you on your behavior and put you in
your place. Nobody else seems to be doing it. It is a dirty job, but
someone's got to do it. So I guess it's me. :p


You don't have to.

I'm glad you realize that.

[snip a bunch of bullshit, insults, and general nastiness]
You're trapped by your own rules.

**** you. You're like one of those lame chess players who constantly
puts the other player's king in check without doing anything else,
because he's down to a single rook and can't hope for more than to
force the other player to keep moving around under the rules of the
game -- checkmate is out of the question, requiring both a) more
material and b) a higher IQ than you've got. You could just agree to a
draw instead of pushing your silly rook around on the board, but oh,
no, you have to try your darndest to kill the other guy's king even
though you can never succeed. What a waste of time and effort!

And they are not "my" rules. They are "the" rules. The nature of the
universe; the laws of physics. If one is attacked, one must either
take some kind of defensive blocking action, some kind of evasive
action, or let the attack succeed; there are no other choices. The
consequences of letting the attack succeed are unpalatable. Evasion is
not wise in this instance, because of your demonstrated attempts to
pry into matters that are none of your fucking beeswax and determine
my real name. If you ever succeeded, evasion would have failed. So I
can't count on evasion forever protecting me form you and I have to
block. Well, there is a fourth option. Counterattack. I could go on
the offensive. But I don't think you want to see me do that.

Daniel Pitts

Owen said:
You don't have to.

I told you exactly what my objective was: to make you post, or to make
you acknowledge that you have a choice by not posting.

That you believe you posted of your own accord is of no interest to
me. I did something knowing what it would cause you to do, and you
did it. Therefore I have demonstrated that, at least some of the
time, I have control over you.

That control exists by virtue of your simpleminded "I must defend
myself from insults" policy that you feel forces you to reply. You're
going to reply to this, too, and that's exactly what I want you to do.

By doing so, you will again be acknowledging that I control your

You're trapped by your own rules.
No only that, but he'll snip every point you make and replace it with
insult deleted.

What an idiot.

Owen Jacobson

I'm glad you realize that.

I'm sorry, I should've been more complete. "You don't have to" submit
to a claim of authority to be controlled by others. Demonstrably, you
*are* being controlled by others; at the very least, I am 95% certain
you will reply to this post because I have intentionally created
conditions that, under your stated rules, will cause you to reply.
I'm hopeful, but not certain, you will deign to reply to the
worthwhile part rather than snipping it; on the other hand, I won't
really be surprised if you do, and it'll amuse me, so my goals are
achieved whether you mangl^Wselectively quote my post or not.

On to the real meat.

Come to it, isn't your whole system of rules for social interaction an
implicit acknowledgement that you, like everyone else[-1], are
controlled in part by others?

You've chosen a set of rules that's particularly easy to exploit such
that others can cause you to perform an action that appears to be
contrary to what you want to be doing. If I understand your
explanations properly, your rules go like this:

"If someone attacks my reputation, I lose X amount of face. If I can
counter the attack, I can regain somewhere between no and -X face."

The implicit assumption is that your reputation -- which is nothing
more than other peoples' collective perception of you -- is valuable
enough that you feel you must defend it. You've stated that your
concern is that other people might deny you jobs or social
opportunities based on your reputation[0]. I'm aware that you believe
people do not control how they see people; I disagree, but let's leave
that out entirely. The *other* implicit assumption is that the best
you can possibly do from any given interaction where you've been
insulted is come out at zero total reputation change, which is a
rather pessimistic state of affairs since each "non-best" outcome
causes you some small loss that you can never recover. This being a
non-ideal universe, we can expect many, if not most, of the outcomes
not to be best.

I have an alternate set of rules that I'd like your input on. The use
of the first-person pronoun here is not intended to mean that they are
my rules, or that I believe one way or another about the value of my
own posts in other threads.

If someone attacks my reputation, then the total change in my
reputation as a result of that insult can be quantified the same way
as above. We'll call that loss of face X.

If I help someone, or post a piece of information that solves
someone's problem, the total change in my reputation can be similarly
quantified. We'll call that gain of face Y.

Assume X and Y are essentially independant: someone slagging me in
one thread has no impact on how valuable my information is in another
thread[1]. Likewise, if I post helpful information, and then someone
slags me later, the effect of their invective is unrelated to how
helpful I was.

I assert that if the sum of the positive changes from contributions
(Ys) is greater than the sum of negative changes from being insulted
or from being badmouthed behind my back (Xs), then my reputation
overall will have improved. This matches my own experience; if it
doesn't match yours, I'd appreciate an elaboration on what you'd
propse here instead.

I also assert that the effect of my positive actions (Ys) is much
larger on average than the effect of other peoples' negative actions
(Xs). Once again, this assertion is borne of my own observations.

What I draw from these assumptions and assertions is that the effort
invested in countering each event where I lose face would be
disproportionate to the amount of face I gain by doing so, and my time
would be better spent being helpful and informative in other threads.

Given those assumptions and those assertions, do you think it is more
valuable to try to undo each negative X action from someone else, or
to add more positive Y actions? Why? And where do you feel my
assertions or assumptions deviate from your reality, if anywhere?

Once again, the first person pronoun here is more for ease of writing
than to imply that these are my rules. However, I think these rules,
if I were to operate by rules at all, would lead to both an overall
improvement in my reputation and to a more enjoyable experience for
everyone. People who wanted to insult me would find that I offer no
resistance, which would make me an unentertaining target, and people
who I helped come away feeling better about me overall.
And they are not "my" rules. They are "the" rules. The nature of the
universe; the laws of physics.

Physics does not govern social interactions. People are irrational
and complicated; you keep trying to apply rules (like the above "I
must post every time someone posts something negative about me" one
you claim to follow) that are both based on your rationality and
rather simple. It does not surprise me that you keep being drawn into
arguments as a result.

Evasion is
not wise in this instance, because of your demonstrated attempts to
pry into matters that are none of your fucking beeswax and determine
my real name.

Really, what would I *do* with your real name? For that matter, I
believe I know it -- what do you think I *am* doing with it? I can
tell you, of course: I'm doing nothing at all. My knowing or not
knowing your name has no impact on you whatsoever.
Well, there is a fourth option. Counterattack. I could go on
the offensive. But I don't think you want to see me do that.

On the contrary. I'd love to see what you think you mean by
"counterattack", because you have yet to demonstrate you even know
what the verb means.

Enjoy your evening,

[-1] Yes, even me. Or Lew (sorry, Lew). Or, really, anyone you can
think of.
[0] I find this a little dubious at best, as is probably obvious from
the rest of my post.
[1] There's a better than even chance that someone who's never heard
of me is going to post a new thread, not participate in an existing
one; therefore, if they interpret my reply as helpful, there's a
better than even chance I get the "first mover" advantage your rules
also imply. I feel that balances out the cases where someone reads
insults against me before interacting with me directly.


**** you. You're like one of those lame chess players who constantly
puts the other player's king in check without doing anything else,
because he's down to a single rook and can't hope for more than to
force the other player to keep moving around under the rules of the
game -- checkmate is out of the question, requiring both a) more
material and b) a higher IQ than you've got. You could just agree to a
draw instead of pushing your silly rook around on the board, but oh,
no, you have to try your darndest to kill the other guy's king even
though you can never succeed. What a waste of time and effort!

May I suggest you learn to play chess, if you want to use a chess

It is possible to do checkmate with king and rook only.
And they are not "my" rules. They are "the" rules. The nature of the
universe; the laws of physics. If one is attacked, one must either
take some kind of defensive blocking action, some kind of evasive
action, or let the attack succeed; there are no other choices. The
consequences of letting the attack succeed are unpalatable. Evasion is
not wise in this instance, because of your demonstrated attempts to
pry into matters that are none of your fucking beeswax and determine
my real name. If you ever succeeded, evasion would have failed. So I
can't count on evasion forever protecting me form you and I have to
block. Well, there is a fourth option. Counterattack. I could go on
the offensive. But I don't think you want to see me do that.

Most people behave in ways so that they can post under their
real names.



The reason it's not working is because you're a fucking asshole who
thinks he's God or something. If you'd just play by the FUCKING RULES,
including the rules about privacy, the rules in the newsgroup charter,
your ISP's TOS, the rules about leaving people alone that are leaving
you alone and not attacking without provocation, and a variety of
other rules, we wouldn't have a goddamn problem here. Now leave me

Benjamin Franklin is supposed to have said:

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and
expecting different results."

Or in other words: don't expect it to ever work.



A few days ago only Arne and Mike were causing much
trouble; today I see three exceedingly vicious attack posts by Owen,
which means Arne and Mike have managed to convince someone new to hate
me *despite my best efforts*.

More like *due to your worst effort*.
Now imagine how much worse it would be
if I'd done nothing to try to neutralize Arne and Mike's efforts --
likely there'd be two or three Owens joining in today instead of one.

On the contrary - if you don't post, then nobody will write about you.



Owen Jacobson wrote:
[on everyone being controlled by others]
[-1] Yes, even me. Or Lew (sorry, Lew). Or, really, anyone you can
think of.

No apology needed. You cannot control me, even if you can predict how I react
to everything you do. You completely control me, even if you have nothing to
do with me. You neither control me nor fail to control me, we just gain

Of course you simplified your model of how an utterance affects a person's
reputation. If I, Lew, were to speak of you, Owen, a favorable remark might
or might not improve your reputation, depending on my reputation and
concomitant credibility, and by people's independent evaluation of the
utterance even despite my reputation. Thus I could praise you and harm your
reputation, or criticize you and increase approval, if people tend to disagree
with me. Even there, they might decide to agree with me from time to time anyway.

As you said, people are not entirely rational, but even rational assessments
are shifty. Then there's the question of whether you even care for my
approval or criticism, or the opinion of others. Perhaps this isn't the
community that determines your feeling of self worth, because you have self
confidence and your close friends love you dearly. This could be what gives
you the courage to boldly reveal your name and proffer your thoughts.

FWIW, I find your thoughts well-considered, somewhat inspiring and generally
insightful. I sure hope I haven't harmed your reputation by saying so.

Mike Schilling

That isn't at all comparable. There's a law against murder. There
isn't a law that says that "Twisted0n3's purpose is to be treated as a
punching-bag" or anything of the sort. And if there is, I refuse to
acknowledge its legitimacy, as unlike the law against murder it has no
possible justification for being.

Funny how everywhere you go, you wind up getting attacked. I wonder why
that is?

Mike Schilling

**** you. You're like one of those lame chess players who constantly
puts the other player's king in check without doing anything else,
because he's down to a single rook and can't hope for more than to
force the other player to keep moving around under the rules of the
game -- checkmate is out of the question, requiring both a) more
material and b) a higher IQ than you've got. You could just agree to a
draw instead of pushing your silly rook around on the board, but oh,
no, you have to try your darndest to kill the other guy's king even
though you can never succeed. What a waste of time and effort!

You don't play a lot of chess, do you?

Mike Schilling

Arne said:
May I suggest you learn to play chess, if you want to use a chess

It is possible to do checkmate with king and rook only.

And if there's insufficient material, like bishop only, the game is
automatically drawn. And perpetual check is also a draw. But other than
that, the analogy works perfectly.


Mike said:
And if there's insufficient material, like bishop only, the game is
automatically drawn. And perpetual check is also a draw. But other than
that, the analogy works perfectly.

And the same position occurring for a third time, no matter how many moves
intervened, is a draw. If this thread were chess, the game would've ended a
long time ago.

Bent C Dalager


Go on. I want you to post. I want you to post a reply to *any* of
this or my previous two posts. That's all I want; I don't care
particularly what it says.

What now?

This doesn't appear to be a very meaningful form of control however:

Go on. I want you to breathe. I want you to take at least one more
breath of air. That's all I want; I don't care particularly when it

Do I now control you?

Bent D

Owen Jacobson

This doesn't appear to be a very meaningful form of control however:

Go on. I want you to breathe. I want you to take at least one more
breath of air. That's all I want; I don't care particularly when it

Do I now control you?

Sure, if you want. What bid you, master?

More seriously, physiologically I have no choice over whether I
breathe or not. The action is entirely autonomous; if I force myself
to stop, eventually I pass out and my body resumes of its own accord.

On the other hand, T's compulsion to reply is solely psychological.
I'm not sure he will ever allow himself to see that there is a choice,
but the choice not to reply is there for him to take.

Joshua Cranmer

[ Entire reply excised for reasons you will see below ].

I have spent the past half hour considering various means to reply to
this post. Since none of them, I feel, would pass through to you without
having large posts cut out with various descriptors like `[insult
deleted]', I have decided that it would be best to simply wipe it all away.

It is a great failure of modern electronic communication that the tone
of voice cannot be transmitted as well--I would hope that you keep this
in mind as you read my reply.

I will grant you that my personal feelings on your defense have never
been more than tepid, but my replies are a far cry from the vicious
assaults that you presume they are. However, it is reached the point
where even trying to help defuse the current situation has caused me to
be labeled as a vicious attacker in great need of psychiatric help.

J'ai plusieur choses à dire--et je les ai dites à tous dans ma
maison--mais vous avez l'air de se fâcher facilement, et alors je crois
qu'il vaut mieux sans les répèter. (Any native French speakers: how did
I do?)

It is therefore that, with those post, I would like to announce that you
have lowered yourself, in my eyes, to a level not even deserving of
pity. If you would truly like to restore the opinion about you, then I
would suggest that you implement many of the suggestions listed in this
thread: both ones I and others have made to you, and ones you have made
to others.

I would also like to let you know that I /will/ be following some of
those recommendations.


I'm sorry, I should've been more complete.

Incorrect. You should've shut up.

[snip a lot of BS, most of it a thinly-disguised case of Owen stroking
his own ego]
Come to it, isn't your whole system of rules for social interaction an
implicit acknowledgement that you, like everyone else[-1], are
controlled in part by others?

All people are to some degree affected by what other people do. If
that weren't the case, I could just killfile assholes like you and not
worry about what effect you'd have on my life indirectly, through what
you said about me to others. :p

[snip a whole lot of BS, including amusing attempts by Owen to use
words too long and technical for people in his IQ bracket]
that out entirely. The *other* implicit assumption is that the best
you can possibly do from any given interaction where you've been
insulted is come out at zero total reputation change, which is a
rather pessimistic state of affairs since each "non-best" outcome
causes you some small loss that you can never recover. This being a
non-ideal universe, we can expect many, if not most, of the outcomes
not to be best.

This will happen to everyone, however, so the relative scores of two
different people can approximately hold steady. You and my other
attackers either dislike me, or seek to increase your relative scores
by decreasing the scores of others. No matter. I will continue to
oppose you so long as your actions are damaging to me and you show
signs of inimical hostility.
If I help someone, or post a piece of information that solves
someone's problem, the total change in my reputation can be similarly
quantified. We'll call that gain of face Y.

So you're suggesting I ignore insults and post helpful posts.
Unfortunately you're only thinking one move ahead, and you're also
assuming that "reputation" is strictly one-dimensional and that
everyone reads everything.

The first showstopper problem is that when I post helpful posts, I get
a half-dozen attack responses from you jerks explaining in a very
reasonable tone why I'm wrong. Of course, those half-dozen posts are
all lies, but the errors and fallacies in them are subtle, and the OP
and plenty of other people are liable to be fooled if they go
uncorrected. Y minus six times X, minus Y because people have been
convinced that my initial post was worthless, is something negative.

The second is that accusations get made against me that helpful posts
elsewhere, even if those were allowed to go unchallenged, would not
disprove. For example, an accusation that I'm stupid or incompetent
might be countered by a helpful post from me that shows both claims to
be false, but an accusation that I'm insane, or sexually interested in
Mike, or something else equally false but orthogonal in such a
fashion, would stand unchallenged and therefore be believed, or at
least "more believed than otherwise".

The third is that someone may read the post flaming me and not the
helpful post I make in an entirely separate thread. The one place I
can respond to undo some of the damage you do that maximizes the
impact is in a direct followup to your attack post, because whoever
reads the one is quite likely to read the other, more likely than to
read a more randomly selected post somewhere in cljp.

Of course, all of this becomes a non-issue if you'd only stop posting
attack posts! You gain nothing by doing so. You may as well give up,
right now.
I also assert that the effect of my positive actions (Ys) is much
larger on average than the effect of other peoples' negative actions
(Xs). Once again, this assertion is borne of my own observations.

Of course you know I can't trust anything you suggest, not when it's
clear from your other behavior that your intentions towards me are
hostile. There will be some way in which my following your advice, or
else doing the diametric opposite, instead of keeping my present
course, will harm me. Therefore I will continue on my present course.
That course is obviously causing you some discomfort, since you lot go
to a fair amount of effort to trick me into changing it. All the more
reason for me not to so much as twitch.
What I draw from these assumptions and assertions is that the effort
invested in countering each event where I lose face would be
disproportionate to the amount of face I gain by doing so, and my time
would be better spent being helpful and informative in other threads.

That might be true *if* you could do so unmolested. I certainly cannot
-- any helpful post I make is attacked and denigrated by one or more
of you, precisely in order to prevent it being an effective response
by me. Indeed, it would only widen the conflict to include additional
threads driven steadily OT by your accusations, my rebuttals, your
further accusations, etc., etc. This would do a disservice to
everybody. Until and unless I can trust that my posting a sincere
attempt at help somewhere in this ng won't just draw lightning down
onto that thread and ruin it for everybody via your hostile feelings
and callous disregard for the newsgroup charter, I cannot risk it for
all of the stated reasons. In short, I will participate minimally, to
defend myself only, until the storm has moved away from the area and
it seems safe to do so. And at that time, given the mistreatment I've
received each and every time I've resumed posting "normally" in the
past, the storm coming right back in short order, I will probably just
stop posting entirely instead. Sad, but unavoidable if I don't want
history to repeat itself. The problem being some people obviously
nurse grudges for a *very* long time. I kept a low profile here for
nearly a *year* once, then posted the odd Java-related post, and
before long was up to my eyeballs in gratuitous flamage and attacks
Once again, the first person pronoun here is more for ease of writing
than to imply that these are my rules. However, I think these rules,
if I were to operate by rules at all, would lead to both an overall
improvement in my reputation and to a more enjoyable experience for

Then by all means please do shut up with the OT posts *now* and post
only helpful, Java-related posts that make no mention, explicit or
implied, of me whatsoever.

Go on. I dare you.
Physics does not govern social interactions.

Physics governs everything.
It does not surprise me that you keep being drawn into arguments as a result.

I am "drawn into" an argument as soon as someone makes an egregious
claim about me in a public forum, whether I reply or not. If I don't
reply, I merely ensure that the argument has the form "White moves,
Black resigns" instead of Black refusing to go down without a fight.
And that the only words on the matter at all that get recorded for
posterity are the least favorable ones for my purposes. History is
written by the victors; one might argue that the victors are whoever
gets to write the history. If I write nothing, therefore, I lose. If
not, then I suppose both sides win, which really makes it a draw.

The nasty thing is that the best I can do is draw, as soon as someone
else attacks. That really shouldn't be the case; it should be that the
unprovoked attacker puts themselves in a position where they can draw
or lose but not win, because clearly they are the bad guy. But there's
nothing much I can do to change the way it works, is there?
Really, what would I *do* with your real name?

At minimum, tie the same nasty insults you keep making against me as
Twisted to that name in an attempt to destroy my future prospects in
life, socially and employment-wise. At worst, stalk and physically
attack me, vandalize my residence, or even go after my relatives and
my friends for all I know.

Nothing good, that much is certain, so I feel perfectly justified in
doing my darndest to deny you that information. No good can possibly
come of your obtaining it.
For that matter, I
believe I know it -- what do you think I *am* doing with it? I can
tell you, of course: I'm doing nothing at all. My knowing or not
knowing your name has no impact on you whatsoever.

Really? Why go to so much effort to obtain information you have no
intention of using? It makes no sense. I'm glad you're currently
fixated on a particular incorrect guess, but I have no real confidence
that that state of affairs will keep, and once you decide that it is
indeed a wrong guess you will be right back to making a concerted
effort to divine my real name again, and of course, there's always a
*slight* chance that you'll actually manage to succeed. And then I'm
in the soup. So I have to prevent this at all costs, and at the same
time try to get you to stop repeating the wrong guess either, since it
seems to be the name of a real person and that person is now
unknowingly at risk of having their reputation (as observed by anyone
doing a Google search as part of a background check, say) irreparably
harmed by your irresponsible and childish antics. I at least am here
to defend myself, and maybe, just maybe, I even did something to
provoke you. (Not something WRONG, mind you, of course not, but
something you took as a provocation due to your not being a reasonable
person.) He isn't here to defend himself and is even less culpable
than I am.
Enjoy your evening,

I'd fully intended to. Then I saw that you and Arnehole and several
other notorious assholes had posted to usenet again. :p


May I suggest you learn to play chess, if you want to use a chess

May I suggest that you go **** yourself.
It is possible to do checkmate with king and rook only.

Only with great difficulty, and generally only a master can manage it.
None of you come remotely close to being a master of anything except
your own mouths, which you undisputably seem able to make blabber
endlessly in the service of your nefarious aims. Then again, I'm less
certain whether your mastery over these extends to being able to
actually restrain them. Indeed I suspect that you may be congenitally
incapable of ever shutting up, or of letting something go even when
you have nothing at stake in it as the score's even at the time.
Most people behave in ways so that they can post under their
real names.

What ways would those be? They'd have to include barred windows and
other such precautions. It's clear that on the 'net you can behave in
a perfectly innocent manner, breaking no rules, and some nutter will
sooner or later take a foaming-at-the-mouth hatred to you, and if they
can find where you live...

People who don't take precautions against the possibility of being
stalked are simply being stupid or naive. Especially women, but men

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