notifying particular thread to wake up.


Lasse Reichstein Nielsen

Only with great difficulty, and generally only a master can manage it.

It was one of the first things I learned when playing chess at the
chess club at school. It is basic knowledge for anyone ever having
been *taught* chess.

That also means that anyone that have ever been taught to play chess
will recognize your statement above as being unlikely to be based
on actual knowledge.

"It is an established maxim and moral that he who makes an assertion
without knowing whether it is true or false is guilty of falsehood,
and the accidental truth of the assertion does not justify or excuse
-- Abraham Lincoln - chiding the editor of a newspaper


The fact that you have no authority over me whatsoever prevents it
from applying. You can insist and demand all you want, but nothing you
say is binding on me as any kind of rule, law, resolution, order, or
obligation of any other kind, asswad.

You still don't get it ????

I have 100% authority over whether and how I will comment on your
posts including speculating about about you as a person.

When you chose to participate in a public newsgroup you implicit
granted me that right.

Sophistry. You think you're smart, don't you? You stupid, stupid
little jerk. It's perfectly possible to invade someone's privacy while
in a public space. It's just like being up a tree on city land peering
with binoculars through some girl's second-floor window trying to
catch a glimpse of her in her underwear. The fact that you didn't
actually trespass onto her land, and even the fact that she didn't
have the curtains drawn, doesn't mean you're not a peeping Tom, you
filthy bastard.

Miserable analogy.

She is in a private space.

You have voluntarily went into public space.
You do not get to decide the rules, asshole. Had you forgotten again

You apparently have not understood it.

I comment on what I want to comment on.

Everybody else do the same.



Something that any beginner can do.

Ways so that they are not ashamed of what they post.

Neither am I. But I'm realistic enough to know that even if I do
absolutely nothing wrong, a certain percentage of people are just
naturally assholes or crazy and will react badly all the same.
I don't know the other people here, but I am pretty sure that none of
them have barred windows and that they just live a normal life.

Then they are at risk.


Where have I followed you from?

Google, I assume. You google for my new postings and systematically
post hostile followups to them all. Since I mainly just post here
right now, this is where you keep turning up like a bad penny.


On Oct 28, 8:53 pm, "Mike Schilling" <[email protected]>
[snip BS]

The only thing I want from you is your silence. Nothing out of your
keyboard that claims anything about me or is in any way connected to
me again. You behaving as though I didn't exist, in other words. Not
exactly a tall order.


[joins in the attack implying that I'm an incompetent]

And here I thought you'd reformed since you'd behaved since that one
time over a year ago that you'd insulted me for ... what was it again?
Not knowing about ant, or something of the sort.

Shame you decided to jump back in with a hostile post. Now I have to
denounce you as a liar and point out that none of the negative things
you implied about me are at all true.


It was [snip]



I grow tired of this incessant repetition of implied insults. What you
are implying about me is false. Stop implying it! Stick to posting
about Java.

[more explicit insult snipped]

That isn't "sticking to posting about Java".

**** off.

[calls me a liar]

**** off, liar.


Google, I assume. You google for my new postings and systematically
post hostile followups to them all.

If you knew about usenet, then you would know that most people
don't use Google for usenet but just use a newsreader.

If you knew about usenet headers you would be able to verify
that Mike indeed did not use a browser to post with.



You still don't get it ????

I "get" that you are a complete asshole and have nothing better to do
with your time than to hassle me and badmouth me in public.

[snip Arnehole's brazen refusal to be bound by the newsgroup's
Miserable analogy.

Nobody likes my analogies, I'm guessing because it reveals how evil
and/or stupid my enemies are when I use one. :p
You have voluntarily went into public space.

Liar. Right this minute my location is such that were you to accost
and threaten me there I would have you arrested and charged with
trespassing. Then the fun would begin as I tried my darndest to ensure
you spent as long as possible before seeing the light of day again.
You apparently have not understood it.

I comment on what I want to comment on.

Everybody else do the same.

Nearly everybody else here comments on Java and little else. I don't
see why you can't do likewise. You gain nothing from attacking me, and
I neutralize the harm you try to do to me. That leaves you having
wasted time for zero accomplishment. You may as well just give up.


It is quite trivial.

Try learning it.

KQ-K and KR-K is very easy.

KBB-K either requires training or some heavy thinking.

KBKn-K requires training or the 50 move rule will come
in effect.



[incorrectly accuses me of incompetence]
Liar. Insulting, no good miserable fucking liar.
And why the hell should I trust you when you say this? Everything that
pops out of your keyboard is a lie!

Remember, context is key to valid arguments. If you remove context, no
one will understand what you're talking about.

This never was a "valid argument", it was an ad hominem attack and my
response to say that nothing my attacker said about me was true.
Oh, and he's right.

No, he is not.


First: I appreciate your honest, if heated, attempt to answer my
questions. Thank you.

This is odd, coming from my mortal enemy. Or at least, one of them. :p
You've misinterpreted my opinion of you. While I certainly dislike
you and make no attempt to disguise it, I do not wish harm upon you.

Your actions indicate otherwise.
Rather the opposite: I'd like you to go away, but since that seems
unlikely, I'd like it if you [implied insult deleted]


In fact, the way to make me go away is to shut up about me. Posts that
don't publicly make undesirable claims about me don't draw fire from
me. In particular, innocuous posts about Java don't draw fire from me.
Yes, yes, I know. "I do not need to improve." [insults the whole
population of the planet]

Oh, lovely. A misanthropist? That would explain a great deal. :p
And before you start on *that* line: I have improved myself. I know
more about vi, chess, and google than I did before I got drawn into
any of this

You know many of the outrageous claims being bandied about about vi,
and things like that. I hardly see cluttering up your brain with
useless information as being "improvement" however. Especially when
you have a tiny brain; then it seems doubly wasteful.
further, I'm quite finished with openly slagging you.

Oh, goody. Not that any of the things you said is remotely true or
believable anyway. :p
I've had my fun, but it's time to move on to an approach that might
actually be productive. You might disagree and find that this post is
just as open an attack on you as others. I respect that opinion, but
I disagree with it so fundamentally that, without independent
verification, I cannot possibly adopt it as my own.

In simpler language, you're changing your tactics from frontal attack
to sly suggestions of mental illness or something along those lines.
It figures. I suppose it would be too much to ask for you to simply
shut the hell up and get back to living your life. :p
Ignoring "attacks" and posting what you believe to be helpful things
doesn't excuse you (or anyone) from [implied insult deleted]

Oh, go masturbate. You're a liar.

[suggests I've done something to deserve being attacked]

Another lie.
Furthermore, and I know I've said this before, you would be rather
hard to "attack" if you had a little more care about what and how you

ExCUSE me? More suggestions that I've done something to deserve being
attacked? No. No. Wrong, wrong, WRONG. I should not be attacked at
all. Period. It is not my reason for being here. End of story.
While you obviously don't see it as such, accusing people of
spamming without spending any effort whatsoever to verify whether they
benifit in any way from the product they endorse

Hey, Andrew Thompson and Lew, I think he's talking about you two!

Of course it's often hard to determine whether or not they do...

[accuses me of launching a first strike]

Similarly, you suggested that initialising the UI in
a Swing application from the main() thread was acceptable; a few
minutes with google prior to posting would've disabused you of that

This keeps coming up again and again. When I already know something I
have no reason to do a google search on the subject. When something
changes, for example a new version deprecates a formerly common
practise, something has to be done to notify me about this change
beyond merely editing some web page somewhere that won't come to my
attention without my doing such a search.

This keeps recurring for some reason: people expect me to google
everything, even things I already know about, just in case something
has changed or there's some obscure alternate usage. I have a better
something unusual they indicate it in some way, or better yet fully
explain themselves. If something has changed they notify me --
politely, and certainly not by accusing me of incompetence. Things
like "Didn't you get the memo, moron? They changed that six whole
WEEKS ago! You really should google everything you think you already
know every single day, even though it will mean you spend all your
time googling and none doing anything else, even eating or sleeping,
you retard!" isn't the correct way to notify me of changes.
I can provide links to specific posts on request.

I'm more interested in whether you can shut up on request.
I've edited out a lot of text here to address this specific case.
Anyone who sincerely believes, merely on the basis of Mike replying as
if you were, that you were flirting with him needs their head
checked. They're clearly unable to differentiate between mockery and
fact. And, while I do think it's amusing, I don't think his
insinuations are being taken seriously by anyone.

Well, I don't find it amusing, and what of people who simply see
Mike's posting in isolation? With luck they'll at least see my
followup denying his BS.
He is, after all, posting them in the middle of a flame war.

He's an asshole. Nothing he's doing is justified. Same with you.

[snip more implied insults]
Hah! First and foremost, I'm amusing myself.

Amusing yourself in a sadistic and destructive way is wrong. Go ****

[further vicious insults and bullshit deleted]

I SAID go **** yourself.
Antipathetic, certainly; hostile, no.

I trust claims like this the least of all. Just give up and go away.
I wish for you the same thing I
wish for myself and for everyone: to learn and improve, in all areas.

My first suggestion for how you can improve: stop posting nasty
followups to my posts and stick to discussing Java. Second: get rid of
the belief you have that you have some right, or even the ability, to
use coercion to force some sort of "improvement" (in your opinion) on
other people. They will make their own choices. Leave them (including
me) alone even when you don't agree with their personal choices.
To my immediate knowledge, the only time I've openly wished you harm
was in a rather over-the-top, silly flame wherein I proposed the
radioactive death of an entire city. Not exactly the sort of thing
I'd write if I wanted to be taken seriously.

Unless maybe you wanted to be taken seriously by DHS and the CIA and
FBI and other three-letter agencies. Perhaps I should call you to
their attention now; that way you'll have other fish to fry and maybe
you'll finally just leave me the Christ alone.
Well, you *are* participating in a particular low in this group's
signal-to-noise ratio. Then again, so am I. Beyond that, I find you
pretty much incomprehensible, which is intellectually discomforting.

That's because of your tiny brain, which I believe I mentioned before.
Instead of attacking what you're too low IQ to understand, maybe you
should just ignore it?
I feel it might even be true if someone always popped out...

I will not be tricked by you. Trying to trick me when my IQ is far
bigger than yours is like trying to lift a Mack truck up and carry it
on your shoulders. You'll sprain something in the effort and need to
see a doctor. In fact, I think perhaps you already have. Seek help.
Finally, something I agree with. Your use of the word "your" is a
little uncharitable; I'm keeping myself to two specific threads in the
interest avoiding that very thing.

So you promise, but I already know that promises from you lot to shut
up, or to killfile me, or to limit your participation to particular
threads, cannot be trusted.
I'll assume you meant "you,
collectively" to refer to everyone who you feel is, for lack of a
better phrase, working against you.

Stop insidiously suggesting that my attackers are somehow "all in my
head"; it only takes one quick check with google groups for anyone to
confirm that they are unfortunately quite real.
"The only common factor in *all* your unsatisfying relationships is

This is obviously another veiled insult meant to suggest that I'm
something awful deserving of horrible mistreatment. Obviously nothing
could be further from the truth. The fact is that in any large enough
group of people there will be a few assholes, and those assholes will
behave as assholes do: great volumes of foul-smelling shit will pour
forth from them at any hour of the day or night. Which means that
somewhere out there, there is a sigmoidoscope with your name on it. :p
Physics, as I believe it is understood now, is about patterns in
energy systems: electromagnetism, relativity, gravity, orbital
mechanics, quantum mechanics, optics, and so on. It is possibly the
branch of science most directly grounded in mathematics. And it is
absolutely mute on the matter of agents with free will

The notion that you are exempt from the laws of physics is quaint and
laughable. If you believe it though, might I suggest a new
recreational activity for you? Flap your arms and fly. Preferably
leaping off the tallest available landmark. Without a parachute, of
course -- you don't need it, since you apparently believe that the
laws of physics do not apply to you.
On the other hand,
"nature, red in tooth and claw" is more a matter of ecology,
sociology, psychology, and (if you stretch a bit) biochemistry.

All of this stuff, and sociobiology too, is based ultimately on
physics. Everything that exists is governed by physics, more or less
by definition. What we can't directly explain through physics is
whatever is too complex to work out exactly because it has, say,
trillions of moving parts.
Alternately, maybe it prevents there from ever being an argument

True enough. If someone says I'm horrible and ought to die and I don't
respond I guess there was never an argument; just an assertion and an
implied agreement with it. But I don't want the final consensus on the
issue to be anything like that! For obvious reasons.
"Both sides win" is not, in fact, a draw; game theory is full of cases
where both sides can win and come out ahead of their initial
positions. The key assumption is that each player is playing
primarily for the maximization of their own score on some metric,
rather than maximizing the amount their score is "better" than

Positive-sum games? Too bad the people around here seem to prefer the
negative-sum variety, acting only to try to drag down someone else's
In my experience, that *is* what happens. I consciously sacrificed
some of my reputation by choosing to get involved at all; it's paid
off, since I've enjoyed my participation pretty thoroughly

Because you're some sort of sadist? If so, any drop in your reputation
is well deserved, you piece of shit.
Have you ever considered why I post under my own real name?

Because you're stupid? Or maybe because you're naive?
And, yes,
that line in the From: header is what's printed on my driver's

Or, of course, because you're actually not? You could be lying here
and the name could be something you made up, or even someone else's
that you know, for all I can determine.
Or why Arne posts under his? Or any of the many people
here, both in this thread and outside it, who feel no need to hide
behind a pseudonym?

Why do you insist on describing it as "hiding"? That is what the
fascists do that would like to repeal all rights to privacy and fourth
amendment rights and the like. They say "if you have nothing to hide,
then why do you want strong crypto?" or whatever they wish we didn't
have. Apparently you think like they do. Well, a person can have
perfectly valid reasons to not want to use their real name that are
Is it possible that the world is just a *shade* less hostile and
dangerous than you believe it to be?

Is it possible that the world is just a *shade* more hostile and
dangerous than *you* believe it to be?

Certainly when I read postings like yours I don't feel that it's all
that fucking friendly. Your words say one thing, but your actions give
evidence against those very claims.
There was a fairly long period of time where the top hits for my name
on google were some layabout's post to comp.lang.c++ opening with
"owen jacobson is gay". It had no impact that I'm aware of on my
ability to get a job

No negative one. You probably got one fairly easily so that they could
make their quota of gay employees. :p

I'd be more concerned about your trouble getting laid (by a girl!)

Of course, this assumes that you aren't just lying through your teeth
as usual.
Amusement value.

I don't buy it. And invading other peoples' privacy for fun is just as
evil as invading it for any other reason anyway.
It's time I could spend replying to you instead, if
you'd like.

It's time you could spend discussing Java, or doing something entirely
unrelated to cljp. Spend it in some way that has nothing to do with
I'm human.

Another suspected lie. :p
[0] Your highly-selective editing makes that hard, but not impossible,
to verify.

It is not possible to "verify" some insulting falsehood about me, any
more than it is possible to "verify" that 1 * 1 is 3.
[1] Shades of Captain Renault, here...

[2] Yes, it is a common practice, which is what you fell back to.
Common practices can be wrong too.

They can become deprecated, yes. But you can't google every common
practise you engage in every single time you're about to engage in it.
You'd spend your time doing nothing else.

Owen Jacobson

This is odd, coming from my mortal enemy. Or at least, one of them. :p

I may be yours, but you are most certainly not mine.
Yes, yes, I know. "I do not need to improve." [insults the whole
population of the planet]

Quick straw poll for the others still reading this thread: how many of
you were insulted by the suggestion that you need to improve? We've
got Twisted's opinion already.
[accuses me of launching a first strike]

I said you had been seen as launching the first strike *whether or not
you think you had, and whether or not you actually had*. A different
assertion entirely: for one, I can show evidence of it in how people
reacted to it.

*Being seen* as having attacked someone without provocation, even if
you think you had provocation or they attacked you first, is probably
more harmful for your reputation than being attacked, with or without
This keeps recurring for some reason: people expect me to google
everything, even things I already know about, just in case something
has changed or there's some obscure alternate usage.

When providing advise to others? In a word, yes.
That's because of your tiny brain, which I believe I mentioned before.
Instead of attacking what you're too low IQ to understand, maybe you
should just ignore it?

Personal attacks are never justified: at best, they demonstrate that
you're as badly-behaved as others. This is unlikely to be good for
your reputation.
So you promise, but I already know that promises from you lot to shut
up, or to killfile me, or to limit your participation to particular
threads, cannot be trusted.

Well, when you see me participate in arguments with you in another
thread while either of these two are still "live" (we'll say "have had
any replies in the last six months", to pick a rather long window),
feel free to remind me and shout as loudly as possible about how I
screwed up. In the interim, I'd appreciate if you didn't try to bait
me into posting in other threads by mentioning me by name. I can't
stop you, of course.
The notion that you are exempt from the laws of physics is quaint and

Which is why I do not claim to be bodily exempt. Consciousness,
however, may or may not be: there are no well-supported physics
theorems supporting either argument.
All of this stuff, and sociobiology too, is based ultimately on

They exist because the physics involved is often far, *far* too
granular to be useful. Studying biochemistry by way of physics would
involve studying the electrostatic and atomic forces in play on each
protein molecule and enzyme. The sheer quantity of detail would
overwhelm the researcher. We have biochemistry as a distinct science
because it deals with the processes at a level where the human mind
can understand them (and, often, that does dip into atomic physics to
explain specific pieces -- but it also covers such high-level
abstractions of physics as mitosis).
True enough. If someone says I'm horrible and ought to die and I don't
respond I guess there was never an argument; just an assertion and an
implied agreement with it.

Not that I expect you to believe this, but nobody with a working
understanding of manners would believe that silence in the face of
such a claim indicates assent, merely indifference to the statement or
the speaker.
Because you're stupid? Or maybe because you're naive?

Or, of course, because you're actually not? You could be lying here
and the name could be something you made up, or even someone else's
that you know, for all I can determine.

True. On the other hand, the fact that the real Owen Jacobson, if he
is not me, hasn't leapt in to defend himself indicates that either he
doesn't care what I do or that he doesn't know, in which case he could
plausibly argue that the one on usenet is not him.

Since he *is* me, neither of those applies. You, of course, have only
my word to go on.
Why do you insist on describing it as "hiding"? That is what the
fascists do that would like to repeal all rights to privacy and fourth
amendment rights

Which (a) describe government search and siezure, not private citizens
(that's forbidden by state and federal law in the US, and the criminal
code in Cannada) and (b) doesn't apply to you as you are neither in
the US nor an American citizen.
and the like. They say "if you have nothing to hide,
then why do you want strong crypto?"

Ignoring for the moment that pseudonyms and pen names are not
analogous to cryptographic tools, I have not asked you to give up your
pseudonym, though I do find it a little silly. I *have* claimed I
believe I know your actual name, which, if I were to use your horribly-
overwrought analogy, would be akin to having *broken* your strong
Is it possible that the world is just a *shade* more hostile and
dangerous than *you* believe it to be?

Odds are good it's somewhere in between, unless it's actually even
less hostile and dangerous than I believe it to be. Nonetheless, in
tenish years of using my real name on the internet, nothing bad has
happened to me because of it. On the other hand, a few good things
have happened: I've met people, face-to-face, I'd never have gotten a
chance to get to know if I were dead-set on hiding my identity. Some
of those people have become extremely important to me.
No negative one. You probably got one fairly easily so that they could
make their quota of gay employees. :p

It's never come up at all. If they believed me to be gay, that
can't've lasted long.
Of course, this assumes that you aren't just lying through your teeth
as usual.

Please, by all means, cite an example (Message-ID will do) where I've
actively lied about something not connected with you. I disagree with
your assessment of what's a lie in connection with you, so I don't
consider that a useful example (I can think of lots of those on my
I don't buy it.

Not my problem.
[1] Shades of Captain Renault, here...

From Casablanca.

Captain Renault: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going
on in here!
[a croupier hands Renault a pile of money]
Croupier: Your winnings, sir.
Captain Renault: [sotto voce] Oh, thank you very much.

In context, I was mocking myself for sounding like I disapproved of
other people being involved in flamewars while being in one myself.
It was a *joke*.
[2] Yes, it is a common practice, which is what you fell back to.
Common practices can be wrong too.

They can become deprecated, yes. But you can't google every common
practise you engage in every single time you're about to engage in it.

You can when you're about to advise someone else to engage in it.
What you do the rest of the time is of no interest to anyone but you
and your customers. Furthermore, if someone posts a surprising piece
of information, you can verify it yourself easily enough before
arguing that it's false.

Sherman Pendley

Mike Schilling said:
It was [snip]


When you stop running around yelling "Kick me!" at the top of your lungs.

.... while wearing a clown suit and a dunce cap.

Followups set appropriately. How stupid do you have to be before the usenet
admins create a group about your own personal stupidity?


Owen Jacobson

Or, of course, because you're actually not? You could be lying here
and the name could be something you made up, or even someone else's
that you know, for all I can determine.

Slightly belatedly, but if you like I can prove it to you. Next time
I'm in the Toronto area I'm happy to buy you the lunch of your choice
and show you the above-mentioned driver's license. No strings
attached: so long as you can identify me (and that's easy) and
identify yourself *as Twisted*, you get fed and I get to meet the guy
who's provided me with a lot of amusement over the last few months.

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