notifying particular thread to wake up.



Slightly belatedly, but if you like I can prove it to you. Next time
I'm in the Toronto area...

I'm glad to see that the methods I use to cover my tracks continue to
baffle and bamboozle you bozos. I am, of course, nowhere near the
Toronto area, although it sure looks like my network packets originate
somewhere near there. Heh heh heh.
I'm happy to buy you the lunch of your choice
and show you the above-mentioned driver's license. No strings
attached: so long as you can identify me (and that's easy) and
identify yourself *as Twisted*, you get fed and I get to meet the guy
who's provided me with a lot of amusement over the last few months.

I'm sorry, but I'm far, far smarter than James Bond. HE may be stupid
enough to walk right into the lion's den time and time again and get
captured and, often as not, tortured before finally either
miraculously escaping on his own or getting rescued by a woman with
bigger breasts and an even smaller brain, but I know better. I prefer
to remain at much more than arm's length from people with a proven
history of hostile intent and behavior.


[snip bullshit and misidentification]

If you'd bothered to read instead of snipping, I'd have mentioned that
my location (at the time I wrote that post, and again now) is on
private property. If you showed up here right now I'd shoot you and
bag me a trespasser. Mount your head over my mantelpiece too.

[incorrectly claims I attack myself]


[insults me some more, including a classic, comparing me to a monkey]

You're the one throwing poo, asswipe. Indeed, you're a lying sack of
Followups set.

Oops, it looks like you botched the job again, Shermie. This followup
is going right to cljp where it's supposed to without my even having
to hand-edit the destination box. Looks like you're too stupid to
manage any sneaky hacking type stuff; you really shouldn't bother to
try again.


(e-mail address removed) wrote:
[incorrectly accuses me of incompetence]
Liar. Insulting, no good miserable fucking liar.
On the contrary - if you don't post, then nobody will write about you.
And why the hell should I trust you when you say this? Everything that
pops out of your keyboard is a lie!
Remember, context is key to valid arguments. If you remove context, no
one will understand what you're talking about.
This never was a "valid argument"

Nice of you to admit [insulting lie deleted]

I did no such thing, you liar.


Not me. I know darned well I need to improve - nobody's perfect.

Improving you until you were about as worth having around as the
average Down's Syndrome victim would be a multi-billion-dollar project
requiring new technologies in neuroscience and nanotechnology. You
really should have been thrown in the hospital incinerator with the
rest of the medical waste the day you popped out from between your
mother's bloated, 70%-cellulite thighs and almost suffocated in those
huge rolls of flabby fat. Indeed, that "almost" is a real shame,
almost as much of a shame as your father's condom breaking.

Of course, THAT is a problem that can be rectified. And probably will
be someday soon. Someone with more ability to track you down offline
and fewer qualms than I will probably put an end to your miserable,
blighted existence fairly soon, if you carry on behaving like such a
huge asshole and excreting torrents of diarrhea onto everything and
everyone you touch, from this usenet group to ... well, everything
*else* you touch. The stench alone is enough to drive someone to
murder! Whoever it ends up being will probably get jail time, but if I
had my druthers they'd get a medal whenever they finally do the deed
and relieve us of the burden of putting up with your bullshit and the
god-awful stench that exudes from every stinking byte that you post to
the 'net.
Come now... Do you really think Paul has a working understanding of manners?

I don't know or care what Paul does or does not have a working
understanding of. He is not relevant here, mainly because as near as I
can figure he simply is not here. (If he were, I'd expect him to be
responding in his own defense to the torrents of bullshit you've been
posting about him.)

[snip remainder of BS]

FOAD, asshole.



[fails to give it a rest]

**** OFF!

[insult deleted]

**** OFF!
Notice, this message have said nothing that isn't undisputable fact.

Wrong. It implied that I'm stupid, or a moron, or a similarly nasty
thing. That implication is wrong, i.e. not a fact, and I'm disputing
it, i.e. it is not undisputable either.
If fact is an attack, don't blame the messenger. Blame the world.

I blame you. Nothing you have implied about me is true; so you have
indeed attacked, and nothing about the attack is "a fact". This was
entirely your choice. You could have just left me alone. You could
have praised me. Instead you've tried to denigrate me and I must
respond to denounce you as a fraud and a liar.


[more insults, e.g. calling me incompetent, deleted]

Fine. Gloves off. Screw you. Liar.


What is your justification for phrasing this as a fact?

The law of freedom of speech. Also, the observation that he does
indeed keep turning up like a bad penny and posts a nasty followup to
at least 70% of the usenet posts I make these days.


I think by "public space" he meant usenet. So he didn't lie.

Usenet is not a place. What it is is composed of various computer
servers that are, by and large, all private property.
Oh, and er ... DOING.
(I'm not very consequent with this, since your post take *lots* of time
to read so I skip a lot of them.)

Perhaps you should simplify things a little and skip ALL of them. Or
at least skip replying.
You do? How so?

That was explained elsewhere and I don't feel much like repeating all
of that in detail. GIYF, if you're really interested.
What do you get for defending yourself when nobody knows who you are?

What if one day that moron Sherm drops his fixation with his current
wrong guess about my identity, again tries to find out who I am
offline, and that time gets it right?

Sherman Pendley

If this is meant to imply that you've tried to rig your post so that
responses disappear into thin air instead of appearing in cljp, well,
you failed to put it bluntly.

Yep - typo. Mea culpa.

Fixed it this time though. The question stands - how obnoxious do you need
to be before a usenet group is named after you?


Sherman Pendley

Someone with more ability to track you down offline
and fewer qualms than I will probably put an end to your miserable,
blighted existence fairly soon

The first issue is dead simple - my address is on my web site.

As far as the second issue goes - grow a pair and bring it, little boy.

Followups set.


Sherman Pendley

Wrong. It implied that I'm stupid, or a moron, or a similarly nasty
thing. That implication is wrong

Words are cheap. Do something smart and show us it's wrong.

Followups set appropriately, to idiot boy's own personal group.


Mike Schilling

The law of freedom of speech. Also, the observation that he does
indeed keep turning up like a bad penny and posts a nasty followup to
at least 70% of the usenet posts I make these days.

At least 70% of the dozens of posts you make at once? You are delusional.


On Oct 28, 8:51 pm, "Mike Schilling" <[email protected]>
Where have I followed you from?
Google, I assume. You google for my new postings and systematically
post hostile followups to them all.
[implied insult deleted] most people
don't use Google for usenet but just use a newsreader.

No, they use Google to stalk people they don't like and find all their
postings so that they can post BS follow-ups using their newsreader.
If you knew about usenet headers you would be able to verify
that Mike indeed did not use a browser to post with.

I never claimed that he did, only that Google is the method of choice
for locating all of a particular person's new posts, since you just
have to do a search for them as the author and sort the results by
date. :p

In that case they are pretty ignorant.

A newsreader set to display unread posts by a certain poster
is much more efficient.

Which I would assume is rather common knowledge.



[implied insults]

Shut up. The nasty things you are implying about me are false.

What I wrote was:

#It is quite trivial.
#Try learning it.
#KQ-K and KR-K is very easy.
#KBB-K either requires training or some heavy thinking.
#KBKn-K requires training or the 50 move rule will come
#in effect.

Most chess players will agree with that.

People who disagree insult themselves.



Improving you until you were about as worth having around as the
average Down's Syndrome victim would be a multi-billion-dollar project
requiring new technologies in neuroscience and nanotechnology. You
really should have been thrown in the hospital incinerator with the
rest of the medical waste the day you popped out from between your
mother's bloated, 70%-cellulite thighs and almost suffocated in those
huge rolls of flabby fat. Indeed, that "almost" is a real shame,
almost as much of a shame as your father's condom breaking.

Of course, THAT is a problem that can be rectified. And probably will
be someday soon. Someone with more ability to track you down offline
and fewer qualms than I will probably put an end to your miserable,
blighted existence fairly soon, if you carry on behaving like such a
huge asshole and excreting torrents of diarrhea onto everything and
everyone you touch, from this usenet group to ... well, everything
*else* you touch. The stench alone is enough to drive someone to
murder! Whoever it ends up being will probably get jail time, but if I
had my druthers they'd get a medal whenever they finally do the deed
and relieve us of the burden of putting up with your bullshit and the
god-awful stench that exudes from every stinking byte that you post to
the 'net.

Written by the same person who 21st October wrote:

#Incitement to violence and negligent homicide are serious crimes.
#Depraved indifference murder two is even possible if you get me killed
#with your irresponsible and malicious behavior. And of course if
#there's any indication that you actually specifically wish me dead at
#any time, and that ends up happening at the hands of a crazed stalker
#or lynch mob you inspire, then you'll be looking at murder one and
#conspiracy charges. And your mob will plea down to aggravated
#manslaughter in exchange for testifying against you...

#That, of course, means the possibility of facing the death penalty

Bad memory ? Death wish ? Double standards ?



Nobody likes my analogies, I'm guessing because it reveals how evil
and/or stupid my enemies are when I use one. :p


Because your analogies does not fit with the problem being discussed.

You are not voluntaring using usenet ????

Who is forcing you ?


Owen Jacobson

It wasn't an actual first strike. If some delusional or hallucinating
individual saw something entirely unrelated to reality that's no skin
off my nose. The lot of you need serious professional help anyway.

If one person saw it that way, sure. That's been my point about
social interaction all along. The issue is, where do you draw the
line? It looks to me like *many* people saw your initial post in this
thread as an unprovoked attack, which is bad for your reputation
whether you meant it as an attack or not.
Interesting, particularly when they expect this ONLY of me, and not of
everyone else.

Would you care to identify where that restriction has occurred? I
certainly hope everyone providing advice and help here has checked
their work before posting it, and I've appreciated the inevitable
corrections when I've forgotten to do it myself.

The fundamental difference is that when, for example, Arne or Roedy
gets corrected (which is rare, but possible), they don't jump up and
down screaming that they're not incompetent and how dare anyone
correct them in public -- they take the correction in stride and don't
repeat the mistake. So too with myself. You, on the other hand,
apparently feel that direct corrections are "rude" and indirect
corrections imply you're incomptent and that you must reply, vocally
and rudely, in either case, which makes it very hard to correct you
when you, too, make a mistake (you're human, it happens, it doesn't
reflect badly on you on its own) without turning the entire thread
into a shouting match.

Do you have a suggestion? How, exactly, would you have preferred I
made my point about the Swing event dispatch thread, for example,
assuming for the moment that I believe manipulating components outside
the EDT is a sufficiently bad practice that I can't simply ignore
advice to do so? I'm all in favour of finding constructive ways to
ensure the best possible information for as many people as possible.
That's the kind of thing you people do, not the kind of thing I do.

From: (e-mail address removed)
Subject: Re: "its" vs. "it's"
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 23:36:50 -0000
Message-ID: <[email protected]>

for example. If you weren't trying to bait me into replying, then why
on Earth did you mention me by name?
I'm not neutral any more than I'm in agreement with BS like that.
Rather, I'm in violent disagreement.

Indifference is not neutrality. Indifference is a lack of concern for
something and implies nothing whatsoever about your belief in its
truth or lack thereof. Neutrality is a different animal entirely and
implies that you're unwilling to support that a statement either is
true or false. One can believe a statement false and be indifferent
to it, but not neutral towards it.

Indifference towards insulting behaviour in others is, on the whole, a
very positive trait: it demonstrates firm self-control and allows you
to get useful work done even when people are being rude to you. I
agree with you that neutrality towards insulting behaviour in others
is not particularly positive, but it's not particularly negative
I don't want the perception to be either that I nodded my head or that
I remained agnostic on the issue. I want it to be clear that "my side
of the story" is that the truth is diametrically opposed to whatever
the asshole said.

I'm reasonably sure intelligent people encountering Mike's "you can
stop hitting on me now" posts will assume that without your help.
Stupid people are of little relevance, and in any case can scroll up
and read for themselves that you did no such thing. Letting Mike look
ridiculous (Sorry, Mike!) on his own would've been much more effective
a use of your time than trying to "counter" him: you're arguing,
voluntarily, with someone who is taking a ludicrous position in order
to bait you. That kind of makes you look ridiculous along with him,

Jernau Gurgeh

[snip insults]

You will stop insulting me and you will stop pestering me. You will
shut up now. Leave me alone! I am not a permissible topic of
conversation here. Get back to discussing Java or leave.

The first thing anyone does on reading this is go back and read the
message that provoked this juvenile outburst.

This means that such responses do not in any way "neutralize" any
insults (imaginary or real) - they merely give them greater exposure.

Your initial sentence could be interpreted as either an order or a
prediction. If the former it is demonstrably ineffective, if the
latter, mistaken.

You are no less a permissible topic of conversation here than, say,
the deficiences of emacs.

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