notifying particular thread to wake up.


Jernau Gurgeh

Why should you need to trust anyone? Simply take it as an unproven
hypothesis and test it!
OK, *almost* everything. Hell, for all I know you are lying there
because you believe the true answer to be five. :p

For all you know, we are all figments of your imagination. :p

Jernau Gurgeh

[incorrectly accuses me of incompetence]
Liar. Insulting, no good miserable fucking liar.
On the contrary - if you don't post, then nobody will write about you.
And why the hell should I trust you when you say this? Everything that
pops out of your keyboard is a lie!
Remember, context is key to valid arguments. If you remove context, no
one will understand what you're talking about.

This never was a "valid argument", it was an ad hominem attack and my
response to say that nothing my attacker said about me was true.
Oh, and he's right.

No, he is not.

Oh yes he is. :p

Jernau Gurgeh

Unfortunately, you evidently neglected to consider NOT replying and
moving on.

It is obvious he gave that option far more consideration than you do!

I don't know what the **** you just said, but I hereby make a blanket
denial of anything negative you said about me. Whatever it was, if it
stated or implied anything nasty about me whatsoever then it was

You say "****" often.
I think that implies something nasty about you.
Yet it is self evidently true.
[insult deleted]
I would also like to let you know that I /will/ be following some of
those recommendations.

I've heard promises like that before, and know better than to believe

You think belief is merely bi-valued?
You think because one person tells an untruth that all do?
You think your own words don't imply unpleasant things about you? :p

Wildemar Wildenburger

The law of freedom of speech.

This isn't precise. Give a concise reference of the text.

Also: You have demonstrated that you disaprove of people making use of
the same right. Double Standard? If not, please explain.


Wildemar Wildenburger

Usenet is not a place. What it is is composed of various computer
servers that are, by and large, all private property.
Quote from Futurama, "Less Than Zero":
Mayor: ... with his pack of highly trained animals.
Fry: Pack of highly, got it!

The important word is *public*, not *place*. I assert that that was a
deliberate evasion.

But fine, define a better term of what usenet is (and by that I mean,
solve for X in "usenet is a public X")
Perhaps you should simplify things a little and skip ALL of them. Or
at least skip replying.
Nope. It's fun. And has a purpose.

That was explained elsewhere and I don't feel much like repeating all
of that in detail. GIYF, if you're really interested.
I read that, but found it unconvincing. I thought I'd give you another
stab at it.

Also, in another post you asked me what the DOING business is all about.
I had exlpained *that* in a previous post as well, so that google hint
might serve you well, too.

What if one day that moron Sherm drops his fixation with his current
wrong guess about my identity, again tries to find out who I am
offline, and that time gets it right?
What if indeed. He'll certainly kill your sorry ass. Unlike me, who
would just pretend to to kill you so see if you just play that paranoia
for your own enjoyment or if you would actually crumble to a tiny slouch
of tears, begging for your life at my mere standing on your doorstep.

BTW: So if your true identity comes out (assuming this hasn't happened
yet), people will find out who the guy was that never let people just
say whatever they want and proved them wrong by action rather than
words. You know, I can actually understand you here.


Wildemar Wildenburger

I don't know or care what Paul does or does not have a working
understanding of. He is not relevant here, mainly because as near as I
can figure he simply is not here. (If he were, I'd expect him to be
responding in his own defense to the torrents of bullshit you've been
posting about him.)
Or maybe he is a smart guy and stays out of such things so they will
peter out by themselves.

[snip remainder of BS]

FOAD, asshole.
**** of and die? That is a threat, isn't it? I have half a mind to call
the authorities on your ass.


Wildemar Wildenburger

[implied insults]

Shut up. The nasty things you are implying about me are false.
I don't know what Arne said, but: The nasty things he was implying about
me are true. In all respects. I can prove. But will not.


Wildemar Wildenburger

Wildemar said:
[implied insults]

Shut up. The nasty things you are implying about me are false.
I don't know what Arne said, but: The nasty things he was implying about
me are true. In all respects. I can prove. But will not.
Shit, copy and paste sucks!

One day I'll be less of an idiot, I hope.


Sherman Pendley

Wildemar Wildenburger said:
What if indeed. He'll certainly kill your sorry ass.

What - and ruin all the fun of picking on him? :)
Unlike me, who
would just pretend to to kill you so see if you just play that
paranoia for your own enjoyment or if you would actually crumble to a
tiny slouch of tears, begging for your life at my mere standing on
your doorstep.

That sounds more my style. Why go to all the bother of making real threats,
when the threats he imagines are just as effective and require zero effort
from me?



Is that the sort of clever and personable conversation you're expecting to
impress your hypothetical audience?

Actually, it's a quote from an infamous court case; the point being
that no answer to the question was not incriminating (and in the
particular instance that occurred, significantly, *falsely*


Yep - typo. Mea culpa.

Youa culpa indeed. You are hereby sentenced to five years of no
fucking net access. Unplug your modem, bust it up with a hammer, and
eat it now, and thereby stop being such a nuisance online.

[snip insulting loaded question]

**** you, you lie-implying sack of shit.


The first issue is dead simple - my address is on my web site.

You really are insane, unless you're simply lying. Post your address
for the world to see, so it's easy for anyone to physically find you
after reading your usenet posts, and then post a ton of nasty, rude,
defamatory, false, insulting, and rage-inspiring attack posts until
someone snaps and you wind up dead. No sense of self-preservation? Or
a delusional belief that you're invulnerable?

[snip remainder of insulting twaddle, none of which is true]

[fix newsgroup line after YET ANOTHER attempted hijacking]


The law of freedom of speech. Also, the observation that he does
indeed keep turning up like a bad penny and posts a nasty followup to
at least 70% of the usenet posts I make these days.

At least 70% of the dozens of posts you make at once? [insult deleted]

No, over a period of many minutes, according to your own post headers,


A newsreader set to display unread posts by a certain poster
is much more efficient.

That only works in one newsgroup at a time and there are times that
assholes like you have followed me around to attack anything I post to
any newsgroup.

Owen Jacobson

You really are insane, unless you're simply lying. Post your address
for the world to see, so it's easy for anyone to physically find you
after reading your usenet posts, and then post a ton of nasty, rude,
defamatory, false, insulting, and rage-inspiring attack posts until
someone snaps and you wind up dead. No sense of self-preservation? Or
a delusional belief that you're invulnerable?

Why, are you going to kill him? And if not you, who? He's not
exactly going out of his way to drive anyone *else* nuts.



No insult you state or imply about me is true. Nothing nasty anyone
here is claiming or implying about me is true. And that is non-


Bad memory ? Death wish ? Double standards ?

No; in this case the asshole is essentially inciting violence *against
himself* simply by being such an asshole. I was simply warning him of
the potential consequences of continuing his present pattern of
behavior. I guess I'm kind of charitable that way sometimes. :p

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