notifying particular thread to wake up.



There seems to be a lot of people who think you do.

There seem to be a handful of delusional people here who believe all
kinds of nasty things about me that are simply not true. I don't
pretend to know why -- I'm not a psychologist; my degrees are all in
the computer/IT technical fields.


Because your analogies does not fit with the problem being discussed.

You lie.
You are not voluntaring using usenet ????

You are not voluntaring using a spellchecker ????
Who is forcing you ?

The consequences of not replying to some of the BS people are posting
about me. Besides, as I've already noted, every last bit of Usenet
appears to be privately owned and operated anyway.

Wildemar Wildenburger

Youa culpa indeed.
You are of course perfectly aware that "mea" means my in Latin while
"youa" means nothing in any language that using here might make sense.
It is of course therefore a pun, since you do not make mistakes.

I just thought I'd defend you before anyone would get crazy ideas such
as mocking you for an imprudent remark.

[snip insulting loaded question]

**** you, you lie-implying sack of shit.
What is an "insulting loaded question"? Did you mean "insulting, loaded
question"? What does "loaded" mean in that case (I'm not a native
speaker, so I may be not aware of all possible meanings).

Or did you mean "insult loaded"? Do you think it is fair to attack
non-native speakers for grammar mistakes (Arne comes to mind) when your
command of your own language isn't even up to par?


Wildemar Wildenburger

There seems to be a lot of people who think you do.

There seem to be a handful of delusional people here [...]
Not long ago Mike Shilling called you delusional and you felt insulted
(as communicated by your [insult deleted] catchphrase). Now you call a
whole bunch of people on this newsgroup delusional. A little fairness,

On a sidenote: You say "here". Yet in another post you deny usenet the
quality of a "place". How is that not inconsistent, bbound?


Wildemar Wildenburger

No, he states an opinion.

You are not voluntaring using a spellchecker ????
Again, lay off the non-native speakers. And if you want to discuss
things and actually get to convincing people of your opinion, you better
answer questions and not bluntly evade them.

The consequences of not replying to some of the BS people are posting
about me. Besides, as I've already noted, every last bit of Usenet
appears to be privately owned and operated anyway.
And that makes usenet not openly acessible? That is the reason why
people may not freely express their opinions? I don't see that logic and
would very much appreciate if you explained.


Wildemar Wildenburger

You really are insane, unless you're simply lying. Post your address
for the world to see, so it's easy for anyone to physically find you
after reading your usenet posts, and then post a ton of nasty, rude,
defamatory, false, insulting, and rage-inspiring attack posts until
someone snaps and you wind up dead. No sense of self-preservation? Or
a delusional belief that you're invulnerable?
Dude, your just crawling with paranoia, aren't you?

I would assume Sherman has had his address up on his site for quite a
long time and he is obviously still alive and posting.

Believe it or not, some people are actually brave enough to engage
contact with other people. Try it once. It's pretty cool, most of the time.



If one person saw it that way, sure. That's been my point about
social interaction all along. The issue is, where do you draw the
line? It looks to me like *many* people saw your initial post in this
thread as an unprovoked attack, which is bad for your reputation
whether you meant it as an attack or not.

For "many" read "Five or six people all of whom happen to be assholes.
And delusional."

A handful of especially vocal morons does not a consensus make.
Would you care to identify where that restriction has occurred? I
certainly hope everyone providing advice and help here has checked
their work before posting it, and I've appreciated the inevitable
corrections when I've forgotten to do it myself.

What are you blathering on about? Nobody here does a bunch of Google
searches before *every bloody post* to see if there was updated
information released changing something. If there's something they
feel uncertain about, they obviously can be expected to look it up in
the javadocs or wherever. On the other hand if something is common
practise for them and everyone they know, they are not going to do a
Google search to see if it's been changed or deprecated or something
*every single time* they might mention it in a post, surely. Should I
double-check the JLS every time I post a code snippet with something
like "i++" in it just in case they've changed or deprecated the post-
increment operator? Should I double-check the API docs for
Object.toString() every time I post a code snippet with a toString
call in it? If I double-checked every single detail of some code
snippet, beyond a cursory check that it "looks normal" and lacks
glaring typos, or at most (for an SSCCE) that it compiles and works as
expected, one such post would take half a day to prepare and post.

[snip a long-winded pile of BS that implies rather rudely that I've
done something wrong. I do not do things wrong. Ever.]
which makes it very hard to correct you

THEN DON'T. Leave me alone. If you have a nasty opinion of me KEEP IT
TO YOURSELF. Is that SO BLOODY HARD that you simply are INCAPABLE of
doing so? If the answer is "yes" then KILLFILE ME and spare the
newsgroup the pain. That's the sort of thing that killfiles are good
... without turning the entire thread into a shouting match.

The way to not turn "the entire thread into a shouting match" is to
not accuse me (or anyone else) of wrongdoing. If you feel you must do
it in fucking email so it won't damage anyone's public reputation.
Do you have a suggestion? How, exactly, would you have preferred I

I would have preferred you shut the hell up. If you had to mention it,
just mention that whoever over at Sun has marked that practise as
deprecated recently and it should be phased out; this would not have
implied anything nasty about anyone.
assuming for the moment that I believe manipulating components outside
the EDT is a sufficiently bad practice that I can't simply ignore
advice to do so?

I can't recall anyone having given advice of the sort you describe.
The closest I've seen has been code snippets and SSCCEs that launch a
GUI from the main thread and then immediately end the main thread,
whose purpose is to suggest or illustrate something unrelated.
I'm all in favour of finding constructive ways to
ensure the best possible information for as many people as possible.

Starting flamewars by smearing honest, well-intentioned helpers'
reputations isn't the way to do it. Have you noticed that I haven't
contributed so much as a single code snippet or other advice on a Java-
related matter lately? Partly because too much of my usenet time is
consumed with other things, and partly because I know you assholes
will pounce on any little thing that *you feel* to be a flaw -- and if
there's nothing of the sort one of you will just make something up
anyway just for the sake of attacking me.

That has REALLY helped make this newsgroup more informative.
Congratulations on halving its SNR and driving at least one formerly
helpful person to not helping any more.

[snip a bunch of random stuff that looks like misplaced post headers]
Indifference is not neutrality. Indifference is a lack of concern

I don't lack concern either, smartass. Stop splitting hairs, stop
trying to imply that I've done something stupid or wrong and misused
the English language, and stop posting BS posts like this altogether
and get back to discussing Java in other threads, jackass.
One can believe a statement false and be indifferent
to it, but not neutral towards it.

YOU were the one who may have been unclear as to which meaning you
intended, smartass. Also, I believe the statements in question to be
false but I sure the **** am NOT indifferent to them either.
Indifference towards insulting behaviour in others is, on the whole, a
very positive trait:

it would hand you victory on a silver platter if only I'd be stupid
enough to fall for your tricks. Yeah, real positive. I wish you'd stop
insulting my intelligence by trying to trick me. Obviously I can't
trust a single word out of your mouth -- you just want to have the
last word, and make sure that the record for posterity has the voices
claiming insulting things about me appear to predominate over the
voices claiming the reverse.
it demonstrates firm self-control and allows you
to get useful work done even when people are being rude to you.

I don't want to get useful work done even when people are being rude
to me. I want the people being rude to me to shut the **** up, and I
want to neutralize the influence they are attempting to exert on the
audience they are trying to convince to mistreat me.

Obviously I need to work even harder at it, much the reverse from
shutting up and letting you assholes walk all over me. I see a new
name has joined the ranks of attackers today: Jernau Gurgeh. Might
just be a new sock puppet of one of the existing attackers, but just
as easily could be someone formerly neutral who has read several BS
posts too many from you, Arnehole, Sperm, or even old Attacki posts
from weeks ago for all I know, and has started to believe the nasty
lies in them.
Stupid people are of little relevance, and in any case can scroll up
and read for themselves that you did no such thing.

That depends actually, on their newsfeed and other things. (One factor
is under my control: I could have handicapped myself by using X-No-
Archive on my posts, with the devastating result being that the long-
standing Google record would be an entirely one-sided, seemingly
unopposed litany of nasty claims that I'm evil and bad and awful and
whatever-else, but I didn't, so that's academic.)

[snip false claim that something I did was voluntary when it wasn't

As noted before, when the options are defend or die, "defend" is a
voluntary choice in only the strict technical sense. :p

Wildemar Wildenburger

> [snip]
> No insult you state or imply about me is true. Nothing nasty anyone
> here is claiming or implying about me is true. And that is non-
> negotiable.
What Arne wrote was:
> What I wrote was:
> #It is quite trivial.
> #
> #Try learning it.
> #
> #KQ-K and KR-K is very easy.
> #
> #KBB-K either requires training or some heavy thinking.
> #
> #KBKn-K requires training or the 50 move rule will come
> #in effect.
> Most chess players will agree with that.
> People who disagree insult themselves.
> Arne

You act as if you'd just been accused of treason. Do you always feel
attacked when someone explaines a game to you?



On Nov 4, 5:52 am, Jernau Gurgeh <[email protected]>
[insult deleted]

Who the hell are you, and why are you attacking a complete stranger
without provocation?

Regardless, you lie. The insult you implied about me is false.

[snip more insulting BS]

Stop lying and go back into lurk mode, asshole.
You are no less a permissible topic of conversation here than, say,
the deficiences of emacs.

I decide when I am a permissible topic of conversation. And I have
decided that none of you are fit to discuss me at all, since you are
all very clearly misinformed or otherwise mistaken about me.


Why should you need to trust anyone? Simply take it as an unproven
hypothesis and test it!

It is not an unproven hypothesis; it is a proven false one. I have
seen this type of cyber-bullying happen to someone else in the past.
At one point the beleaguered victim tried the tactic of "do nothing"
and initially the attackers posted one round of fresh attacks and
waited. And waited. And waited. And after they realized no response
was forthcoming, started posting nasty rumors about the girl again,
purely spontaneously, and then in response to each other's posts
adding more and more elaborate nasty fantasy to each new message. :p

Obviously it's been tried and doesn't work.

[falsely accuses me of mental illness]

Shut up, liar.


Wildemar said:
I would assume Sherman has had his address up on his site for quite a
long time and he is obviously still alive and posting.

I would even say that it is the norm to post under your real name
and not try to hide.

If you don't want to put your name under a post, then it is
probably not worth posting.


PS: There are exceptions, but not relevant for this group and other
technical groups.

Wildemar Wildenburger

> [content-free blather and inaccurate, insulting characterizations]
> **** you, liar.

What sherm said was:
> Words are cheap.
Is that a lie? It is a proverb and as such can not possibly hold any
verifiable content, wouldnt you agree?

> Do something smart and show us it's wrong.
How can a command be a lie? I don't see it.

> Followups set appropriately, to idiot boy's own personal group.
OK, could be an inaccurate, insulting characterization. 1/3 points.

I think there was content in sherms post, but that could be because I
don't know what the term "content-free" means. Would you care to define
it's meaning, possible taking this very post as an example? Much obliged.



I decide when I am a permissible topic of conversation. And I have
decided that none of you are fit to discuss me at all, since you are
all very clearly misinformed or otherwise mistaken about me.


After several months and you have not yet grasped that
you do not decide.


Wildemar Wildenburger

It is not an unproven hypothesis; it is a proven false one. I have
seen this type of cyber-bullying happen to someone else in the past.
At one point the beleaguered victim tried the tactic of "do nothing"
and initially the attackers posted one round of fresh attacks and
waited. And waited. And waited. And after they realized no response
was forthcoming, started posting nasty rumors about the girl again,
purely spontaneously, and then in response to each other's posts
adding more and more elaborate nasty fantasy to each new message. :p

Obviously it's been tried and doesn't work.
This is not obvious to me (us, may I say?) since you do not provide a
link for us to verify your story. For all I know you could have made
this story up. I'm not saying that you did, but I would like proof that
you didn't.



Arne said:

After several months and you have not yet grasped that
you do not decide.

Actually, he does. He just doesn't get to decide *on your behalf*. The
intersection of what you deem permissible for you to say and what he deems
permissible for you to say seems to approximate the empty set.

Fortunately for you, Arne, Twisted's decision is unenforceable and idiolectic.


It is obvious he gave that option far more consideration than you do!

Not really, or why would he have bothered to make another useless,
insulting, yet ineffective post and thereby waste his time?
You say "****" often.
I think that implies something nasty about you.
Yet it is self evidently true.

The only thing it implies about me is that I am losing patience with
assholes like you!
You think belief is merely bi-valued?
You think because one person tells an untruth that all do?
[implied insult deleted]

I think that anyone who has demonstrated inimical hostility towards me
cannot be trusted, yes; logically, whatever they say to me will be
motivated by their desire to destroy me, rather than by any kind of
helpful or altruistic motive. To treat anything any of them said as
anything but suspect would be foolhardy, and contrary to what you may
have read in their various nasty insults when they convinced you to
join them, I am not an idiot. Oh, no indeed.

Wildemar Wildenburger

[... I do not do things wrong. Ever.]
Wow. I thought everyone makes mistakes every once in a while. Never been
an idiot in front af a girl? Never ate a piece of food that was too hot?
Never misspelled anything?

Again: Wow. I'm impressed. I would like to know how you manage to be
perfect (may I call you perfect? That's how it seems from your claim. If
you feel unsulted, please don't. I do not know the appropriate term
describing your condition, so I would very much like to know your



Give a concise reference of the text.

I do not take orders from you!
Also: You have demonstrated that you disaprove of people making use of
the same right.

I disapprove of people behaving in a clearly malicious, unconstructive
manner whilst violating the newsgroup charter, for reasons of personal
vendetta, yes.

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