notifying particular thread to wake up.



On Nov 4, 1:21 pm, Wildemar Wildenburger
The important word is *public*, not *place*. [falsely accuses me of shit]

Usenet's infrastructure is largely or entirely privately owned last I
But fine, define a better term of what usenet is...

Why should I? I do not take orders from you!
Nope. It's fun. And has a purpose.

If you find making other people miserable and publicly smearing them
to be "fun" then you need to seek professional help asswipe.

As for the purpose, destroying me does indeed seem to be your purpose.
Sad choice of purpose to make, though. How useless it makes you; how
pointless your existence in the world.
I read that, but found it unconvincing. I thought I'd give you another
stab at it.

I suggest you reread it then, because that's all the answer you're
going to get.
I had exlpained *that* in a previous post as well, so that google hint
might serve you well, too.

Actually, you hadn't, though perhaps you thought you had.

[snip a bunch of incoherent babbling about identities and suchlike]

And now the disclaimer: None of the insulting things Wildemar implied
or stated about me in any of his recent posts are remotely true. Move
along, move along...


Or maybe he is a smart guy and stays out of such things so they will
peter out by themselves.

Anyone who would stand by and watch his own name get dragged through
the mud without lifting a finger to stop it may be many things, but
"smart" does not seem likely to be among them.
**** of and die? That is a threat, isn't it? I have half a mind to call
the authorities on your ass.

Actually, I meant "**** off and douche", but I am unsure as to your
gender, so "**** off and die" is an acceptable substitute. :p

As for the authorities, I don't see why they'd be especially
interested in your suicide, assuming you were to do as instructed. :p


What - and ruin all the fun of picking on him? :)

Deriving your amusement from viciously attacking other people
indicates that you are a horrible person that everyone here should
revile. I hope you realize that, you ugly little sociopath.

[implied insults and other nonsense deleted]

All of the nasty things you have said or implied about me lately are

Mike Schilling

The law of freedom of speech. Also, the observation that he does
indeed keep turning up like a bad penny and posts a nasty followup
to at least 70% of the usenet posts I make these days.

At least 70% of the dozens of posts you make at once? [insult

No, over a period of many minutes, according to your own post headers,

You don't parse English too well, do you? You make dozens of posts at
once. I do not post tens of replies to them.

John W. Kennedy

[snip a long-winded pile of BS that implies rather rudely that I've
done something wrong. I do not do things wrong. Ever.]

Please, please, PLEASE have yourself committed. You need psychiatric
help, and you need it desperately.

Sherman Pendley

Owen Jacobson said:
Why, are you going to kill him? And if not you, who? He's not
exactly going out of his way to drive anyone *else* nuts.

It's a little too late to drive Paul nuts - he's already there.


Sherman Pendley

I disapprove of people behaving in a clearly malicious, unconstructive
manner whilst violating the newsgroup charter

You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, it's not healthy.


Wildemar Wildenburger

Sherman said:
Gentlemen, please! This room is for arguments. Contradictions are down
the hall to your right.

Monty Python? It's not in that sketch as far as I can tell.


Wildemar Wildenburger

I do not take orders from you!
I knew it. I should have said please, and I'm sorry for omitting it.
Still, you fail to prove your point. If you want your claims to be taken
seriously, you *should* on all accounts cite a reference. (Ever written
a paper?)

I disapprove of people behaving in a clearly malicious, unconstructive
manner whilst violating the newsgroup charter, for reasons of personal
vendetta, yes.
I take it you have no personal vendetta against Arne Vajhøj or Sherman
Pendley or Lew (one of your "mortal enemies", as you state)?


Wildemar Wildenburger

[implied insults and other nonsense deleted]

All of the nasty things you have said or implied about me lately are
That's good to know.

Also, does that imply that the things he implied earlier are true?


Wildemar Wildenburger

The important word is *public*, not *place*. [falsely accuses me of shit]

Usenet's infrastructure is largely or entirely privately owned last I
Second time I'm asking this question: And that doesn't make it publicly

If you find making other people miserable and publicly smearing them
to be "fun" then you need to seek professional help asswipe.
You feel miserable? Sorry. Really. I thought you were having as much fun
as i did.

As for the purpose, destroying me does indeed seem to be your purpose.
But it's not. I don't want to destroy you. I don't even know who *you*
is [sic]. I have nothing against you, really. You're just fun to play
with. I am going to stop sooner or later, and you'll "win", but not just

Sad choice of purpose to make, though. How useless it makes you; how
pointless your existence in the world.
I am admittedly of not much use on this newsgroup right now. But then
again, I'm striving to improve. As for the purpose of pestering you: I
don't generally go out mocking people in the real world, except they
really behave like idiots. I assume the same about you. You wouldn go
around in your dayjob calling people asswipe, arnehole, etc. would you?

I have a real life and currently this is distraction from it. Fair?

Actually, you hadn't, though perhaps you thought you had.

Just because you don't read it doesn't mean I didn't write it.

[snip a bunch of incoherent babbling about identities and suchlike]

And now the disclaimer: None of the insulting things Wildemar implied
or stated about me in any of his recent posts are remotely true. Move
along, move along...
Nobody knows what is true about you and what is not. What counts is your
reaction to these things.


Jernau Gurgeh

On Nov 4, 5:52 am, Jernau Gurgeh <[email protected]>
[[thoughtful comment] deleted]

Who the hell are you,

Some might say it is hypocritical to ask that when you have previously
expressed concern about concealing your own identity? Do you wish to
discuss identities?

Regardless, you lie. The insult you implied about me is false.

That seems a little tautological, are you unfamiliar with
propositional logical?

[snip more [insightful comments]]

Stop lying and go back into lurk mode, asshole.

You seem confused. Is there something you'd like explained?

I decide when I am a permissible topic of conversation. And I have
decided that none of you are fit to discuss me at all, since you are
all very clearly misinformed or otherwise mistaken about me.

Now that you've made yourself a topic of conversation, what aspect of
your personality would you like to discuss first?

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