notifying particular thread to wake up.


Wildemar Wildenburger

On Nov 9, 6:42 pm, Wildemar Wildenburger
[implied insult deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.
I implied nothing. But I did make a spelling mistake. Which you missed.



Wildemar Wildenburger

That's quite simple: I didn't throw the first punch. I was walking
along minding my own business when a bunch of cyber-thugs jumped me.
Walking along minding my own business is not wrong. Neither is self-
defense. Please shut up now.
It is very hard to verify who started it. I've looked at the beginning
of the SWT-thread where you posted a reasonably mild toned defense of an
aleged spammer. It sort of went downhill from there. But since you seem
to have a history in usenet, I can't judge what the genuine "first
punch" was (it usually turns out that there is no actual "first punch"
to speak of, just misunderstandings and escalation).

What I can verify is your current behavior. And by that I judge you.


Wildemar Wildenburger

With good intentions and due diligence to consider the possible
unintended consequences as well, yes. Failure to consider potential
unintended consequences leads to bad outcomes, usually stated as "the
road to hell is paved with good intentions".

However, nobody can possibly be reasonably expected to go further than
to a) not have malicious intentions and b) consider possible
unintended consequences as well as the intended ones before acting.
Nobody who adheres to this can reasonably be held to blame or
subjected to nastiness or punishment. It follows that the attacks on
me here are unjustifiable and must cease immediately.

I don't consider an unavoidable accidental occurrence, that happened
despite due diligence and good intentions, to be my fault, so I guess
the answer is no. Occasionally something happens that with hindsight
could have been avoided, but which could not have been predicted at
the time with the information available at the time. That is not,
however, anything other than plain old bad luck. If a similar
situation recurs, the observations of the first occurrence may allow
the engineering of a better outcome the second time, but then again,
they may not; it depends. Regardless, no such event is a valid reason
for attacking me.
It s up to here that I would have said:

Oh, OK. I see. I actually see it quite the same way that you do, but I
have found that holding this up to strictly can cause serious (and I
mean SERIOUS) incongruities and clashed with other people.

I've found that thinking strict and acting easy is usually the most
rewarding course of action. YMMV of course.

In fact the only thing I'd have done differently to
avoid you lot is to never have posted to this newsgroup in the first
place, but at the time I had no way of knowing that a) there were a
bunch of vicious sociopaths there and b) you'd fixate on me for some
reason only you and your psychiatrist are likely to even be able to
guess at. :p

So no. I did nothing wrong. I refuse to submit to your attempt to
imply otherwise. None of the nasty things that you have said or
implied about me are at all true.
Sadly, the above followed. That is just the same old rap. Pitty.


Wildemar Wildenburger

Wildemar said:
You said: Something is hard.

Others said: It is actually common knowledge for someone some experience.
Just as I ought to learn that some sentences just don't make much sense
without a proper preposition (BTW, try to say "proper preposition" 10 in
a row. Quite a challange.).

I leave it as an exercise to the reader to spot where the missing "with"
should go.


Patricia Shanahan

Wildemar said:
It is very hard to verify who started it. I've looked at the beginning
of the SWT-thread where you posted a reasonably mild toned defense of an
aleged spammer. It sort of went downhill from there. But since you seem
to have a history in usenet, I can't judge what the genuine "first
punch" was (it usually turns out that there is no actual "first punch"
to speak of, just misunderstandings and escalation).

What I can verify is your current behavior. And by that I judge you.

The typical pattern goes something like this:

Twisted posts something that appears to some readers to be incorrect or
a matter of opinion.

One or more of those readers reply pointing out the error or expressing
disagreement with the opinion.

Twisted responds treating the disagreement as a personal attack on him.

Things go downhill from there.


Wildemar Wildenburger

No, the whole point of the post was to attack me. **** off.
Was not. Not fucking off just yet.

[snip a bunch of irrelevant stuff about, of all things, Star Trek]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.
Got a problem with Star Trek? Just because the average Trekkie gets laid
more than you do?

(God I'm sorry, but that one was just too tempting.)


Wildemar Wildenburger

[insults deleted, including calling me a liar, and some unintelligible
blather and nonsense]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.
You *are* aware that "unintelligible" is awefully close to "unintelligent"?

I know this is low. I can do better.


Daniel Pitts

On Nov 9, 4:51 pm, Daniel Pitts
[insult deleted]

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.
I did not insult you. Please stop insinuating I've said things I have not.

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.

Wildemar Wildenburger

Andreas said:
I'm not sure if the german phrase "Und wie!" can really be literally
translated. The nearest english phrase I can currently think of
is "You can bet on that it is (true, in this context)".
I'm very positive it can.

I used it in the best of my knowledge, therefore I can not have made a
mistake. ;)


Andreas Leitgeb

Wildemar Wildenburger said:
I'm very positive it can.
I used it in the best of my knowledge, therefore I can not have made a
mistake. ;)

You better overthink your company; some bad language seems to color down
on you :-D

Tristram Rolph

Yes. And besides, it's the fourth -- you've forgotten about
(e-mail address removed), the one you hacked so it auto-logs-out shortly
after login, rendering it unusable

Please share with us the evidence that you have that Arne hacked
your twisted0n3 account. After all, a claim like that with no evidence
would be a lie, and you never lie, so you must have some.

And I thought that Sherm was the Mad Hax0r here.

Wildemar Wildenburger

Andreas said:
You better overthink your company; some bad language seems to color down
on you :-D
I don't take orders from you, Andre-Ass!

(Hey this is really fun, I can see why ttwistinator does it :))

Wildemar Wildenburger

Tristram said:
Please share with us the evidence that you have that Arne hacked
your twisted0n3 account. After all, a claim like that with no evidence
would be a lie, and you never lie, so you must have some.
Also, Twisted, bear in mind that the burden of proof rests on the
accuser, if I remeber correctly.


Mike Schilling

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.

But the sad things you reveal abut yourself with each post are unidsputed.

Andreas Leitgeb

Wildemar Wildenburger said:
I don't take orders from you, Andre-Ass!
(Hey this is really fun, I can see why ttwistinator does it :))

Shall I say it??? Shall I really say it?????? no.....

None of the

nasty things that you

have said or implied

about me





Wilde Maehre! Now, that should have told him... :-D

Tristram Rolph

None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at
all true.

Having a brother named 'Ian' is a nasty thing now? That must make
family reunions a bit awkward, eh, Derbs?

Tristram Rolph

That is not a justification for harassment, slander, and general all-
around viciousness.

Sure it is. I don't have to justify myself to you, since I don't care
about your opinion of me. My enjoyment is plenty of justification for
You should be put down like a rabid dog before you
do more grievous harm to someone out there.

Awesome, I was wondering when you'd start throwing death threats my way.
[Twisted doesn't respond to this, thus indicating concurrence under
his rules.]
[Twisted doesn't respond to this, thus indicating concurrence under
his rules.]
[Twisted doesn't respond to this, thus indicating concurrence under
his rules.]

So glad we could find some common ground.


It's quite simple: you're attacking me. This indicates that your
mental model of the world is way out of balance with reality,

I really think you should discuss that feeling with somebody
who knows about such things.


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