notifying particular thread to wake up.


Mike Schilling

The problem is that not all of them do just "forget all about" me.

But we do try really, really hard.
Some are in the future, googling me while deciding whether to hire me
or something.

Googling your ever-changing pseudonym? They're damned clever.
Some are in the present, but instead of ignoring your vile spew and
moving on, they become infected by it and join the ranks of my
attackers. YOU were one of these a while ago; you were "infected" by
the nasty stuff Joe Attacki wrote about me.

Shortly before he finally
gave up his mad quest to destroy me, you went from some random
harmless newsgroup poster to a nasty attacking twerp like he was; he
convinced you that he was right, somehow, and you joined in the battle
on the same side as he.

Who was this guy that controls my mind, again? Jim Somebody?
Now you attack, and in so doing, threaten to
cause others to follow suit by the same mechanism. Arne has rapidly
transformed, probably as a result of your attack posts; in just the
past week he's gone from harmless participant to posting occasional
cheeky or smouldering responses to my posts to full-blown attack
posts, and now prolifically posts attack posts and very little else.
Look what you've done, asshole!

Arne: I also want you to start sending me $100.00 a week.
Unfortunately, by the time you and Arne are convinced to shut the hell
up, some other twerp with a borderline personality is going to be
converted by Arne's blather in turn, and it seems like this bullshit
will never end. I can only imagine how much worse it would be if I
just stood by and didn't make even a token effort to rebut your nasty
claims or tell "my side of the story".

Actually, if you didn't attack everyone who disagreed with you, you'd be
much better off. As it is, you're antagonizing lots of people who
otherwise wouldn't give you a second thought.


Since you show a strong aversion to using a real name in Usenet,
presumably any future employer googling your name would not trip up
across these Usenet posts.

Unless, of course, one or more of the assholes trying to figure out
who I really am and currently hung up on a particular wrong guess try
again, and get it right, and somehow prove it. :p

This provides support for my contention that nobody should be trying
to invade my privacy, and those doing so should be subjected to
sanctions, such as loss of connectivity.
Another point is that anyone interested in finding out more about you
and stumbling across these points are going to get a not-to-pleasing
picture, one of several posts nested within vehement attack threads: the
ratio of posts outside of these threads is depressingly low, IMHO. But
anyhow, I am sure that you are a completely different person outside of

Close examination would also show that I participated in purely on-
topic and constructive stuff until attacked, and subsequently have
posted nastily only in response to attacks rather than spontaneously
lashing out at someone acting innocuously. Unlike my attackers, who in
throwing the first punch clearly had to have posted at least one
attack post *each* in reply to a post that was not attacking them.

As for why I post very little else now, it's for three primary
1. Time, and Google's ludicrously low (now about 15) posts-per-day-per-
account limit. I do damage control first as it's what's urgent and
find I have little to no slack left to spend on anything more optional
as regards these resources.
2. Some of the attackers have a penchant of posting flaming responses
to perfectly innocuous posts of mine in formerly-unaffected threads,
even though there is no (immediate) provocation in such cases. Making
any optional postings would likely just broaden the front and increase
the amount of flamage due to these predictable and lamentable replies,
and the forced replies to those replies, and the inevitable second
round of even nastier flames, and so forth. Right now only two or
three threads are on fire; I'd like to avoid that number increasing,
and one factor I can control is to limit my participation elsewhere to
only responding to egregious posts elsewhere that need responding to
(such as accusing someone of thievery where there's no evidence of it,
in one recent example).
3. As per 2, posting additionally may introduce flaming into a
formerly pleasant thread, ultimately doing a disservice to its OP and
burying their attempt to answer a question in a mass of off-topic and
irrelevant verbiage, starting whenever some jerk flames my attempt to
help the OP or whatever.


But we do try really, really hard.

It's called Ctrl-K. Go ahead! Do it. You know you want to...
Googling your ever-changing pseudonym? They're damned clever.

Addressed in another response to this thread today. Short version:
given that people are making active attempts to pierce my
pseudonymity, I have cause for concern.

Joe Attacki. Forgot about him already? He singlehandedly contributed
over 100 unprovoked, off-topic flames to this ng as well as an even
larger number of arguably-provoked but optional-on-his-part ones. He
should stick in your memory, especially since he did inspire you to
join the Let's All Hate Twisted movement. :p

[snip some weird tinfoil-hat irrelevancies about mind control and some
sort of monetary deal -- what is this, people are now paying out
rewards to people who spontaneously attack me or something? :p]
Actually, if you didn't attack everyone who disagreed with you

Translation: defend whenever attacked.

[snip BS]

Go away.

Daniel Pitts

Close examination would also show that I participated in purely on-
topic and constructive stuff until attacked, and subsequently have
posted nastily only in response to attacks rather than spontaneously
lashing out at someone acting innocuously. Unlike my attackers, who in
throwing the first punch clearly had to have posted at least one
attack post *each* in reply to a post that was not attacking them.
Actually, if you practiced self-examination, you might notice that
they are only perceived attacks, and that you have a tendency to start
attacks (such as:
ALERT! The URL given does not lead to any explanation of Java
concurrency in practise. It leads to an advertisement trying to sell

And your tendency to remove context from which you're claiming you
need to defend yourself. If you didn't add [insults deleted], then it
might actually lend to your case, except for the fact that I'm
probably wasting my breath since you obviously know that you aren't
being insulted, so you pretend to be.

Good day madam.

Owen Jacobson

This provides support for my contention that nobody should be trying
to invade my privacy, and those doing so should be subjected to
sanctions, such as loss of connectivity.

You've never yet shown that you ever even follow through on your
threats to complain to the police or to peoples' ISPs, nor been able
to cite a specific law or policy that people are violating by making
and sharing their educated guesses based on public data from your own
posts. Since you keep threatening to bring the police in, and you
appear to be Canadian, please, quote the appropriate law verbatim from
the Criminal Code of Canada. It's available for free online at
<>, so don't tell me you don't have
access to a copy. If you feel that the appropriate jurisdiction is
somewhere else, by all means, find a copy of the appropriate criminal
code and cite a section out of that instead. Verbatim; don't

Put up, or, for the love of all things green and tingly, shut up.
You're the one accusing people of breaking the law; it's up to you to
identify what law people are breaking.
As for why I post very little else now, it's for three primary
1. Time, and Google's ludicrously low (now about 15) posts-per-day-per-
account limit. I do damage control first as it's what's urgent and
find I have little to no slack left to spend on anything more optional
as regards these resources.

That's not anyone's problem but yours. The option of using a more-
flexible usenet provider is open to you, as is the option of leaving
flamewars alone in favour of contributing positively, which would more
than undo the percieved "damage" generated by flames.
2. Some of the attackers have a penchant of posting flaming responses
to perfectly innocuous posts of mine in formerly-unaffected threads,
even though there is no (immediate) provocation in such cases.

In my experience, the vast majority of these "unprovoked attacks" are
corrections to demonstrable factual errors on your part. Very few of
these posts appear to be motivated by pure mean-spiritedness;
obviously I can't read other posters' minds.
any optional postings would likely just broaden the front and increase
the amount of flamage due to these predictable and lamentable replies

If you didn't post things that were demonstrably incorrect, people
would be unable to correct you. Researching things before posting
would save you a lot of slings and arrows.
Unless, of course, one or more of the assholes trying to figure out
who I really am and currently hung up on a particular wrong guess try
again, and get it right, and somehow prove it. :p

Well, it's not proof, but you have a rather distinctive writing
style. I've only seen anything like it two places: here, under your
collection of pseudonyms, and in mailing list posts authored by a
"Paul Derbyshire", searchable on google. Lots of other circumstantial
evidence exists to associate you to that person, including metadata
from your own posts vs. the history of Mr. Derbyshire that's visible
on google. I choose to believe that you *are* Paul Derbyshire,
regardless of your assertions to the contrary, but since I've never
met you and likely never will, that should be irrelevant to you.

If you're not, well, then I pity both you and Paul, since you both
seem dead set on igniting flamewars wherever you go.


Unless, of course, one or more of the assholes trying to figure out
who I really am and currently hung up on a particular wrong guess try
again, and get it right, and somehow prove it. :p

I think there has been given very good evidence that you are
Paul Derbyshire.
This provides support for my contention that nobody should be trying
to invade my privacy, and those doing so should be subjected to
sanctions, such as loss of connectivity.

Why ?

You have voluntarily joined a public forum. I can not see why
you then complain over being in the public.



No. Suggesting commercial offerings without disclosure of free
alternatives, where the OP may not already know of the latter, =

(Closer to vandalism than stealing actually, since you take something
from him of value, but don't gain it yourself. Or aiding and abetting

I guess this say it all.



What's your evidence for drawing this conclusion? Don't forget, Lew
and Andrew have made clear in other threads that people who post here
are considered to be affiliated with any sites they recommend until
proven otherwise.

That may be their opinion.

Not everyone (including me) share that.

But you are completely missing the point: there is a big difference in
unsolicited posts about site and referring to a site in a relevant
Even if I grant this, look at it this way: one guy goes up to a group
of people and asks for directions to the student loan office. The
first respondent raves about how awesome his new Mercedes-Benz is, and
mentions that it has satellite navigation and GPS, and gives
directions to the nearest Mercedes dealership.

Either you are not capable of analyzing the different scenarios
or you are trying to mislead us.

That analogy is bogus, because what was asked for and what was offered
was within the same topic.

A better analogy would be that someone asked for suggestions for
a car and someone replied by telling about how great a car a
Mercedes is.

Completely valid answer.
This is just so obvious that it really should go without saying.

Which would you prefer to receive if you were asking a question? A
link to where you can buy the answer, or just the damn answer??? Which
would you prefer in the way of product recommendations? A list of only
expensive options, or all of them?
Which would you prefer if you asked for a car dealership
recommendation? Only Rolls-Royce and Mercedes dealers, or the
assortment of Ford, Chrysler, Nissan, and so forth dealerships as

Which would you expect a random other person to prefer? One not known
to be rich? Especially one who is probably a student and probably not
a trust fundie either, or he'd be asking some paid help or private
tutor instead of asking you?

You are babbling.

1) Because the original poster may prefer some solution it
does not imply that it is mandatory on usenet.

2) You have completely misunderstood the process of learning.
The original poster is much better off with a resource that
can help solve not only this problem but also the next ten
or hundrer problems within the domain.
It isn't a rule or custom. It's just plain common sense, asshole.

Have you tried counting how many people here that consider it common
sense and how many that does not consider it common sense ?

Common seems rather uncommon.

You are the only one who has this bizarre idea.



I'm just talking to you in language suitable for your age group, to be
sure you'll be able to understand it, Arne. :)

I think you have now proved that you are below average
in IQ.

Seems like a rather good question for an IQ test: how
old would you expect someone that has use the internet for
16 years to be ? a) at least 16, b) at least 21, c) at least 26.

You answered #a.

Not scoring good.



This is, of course, a complete misstatement of both Andrew's and my comments.

That may be their opinion.

It isn't.
Not everyone (including me) share that.

But you are completely missing the point: there is a big difference in
unsolicited posts about site and referring to a site in a relevant


In fact, not only do I support the original controversial recommendation for
the book, /Java Concurrency in Practice/ by Brian Goetz, et al., I assert that
it is a necessary part of every Java programmer's library and that we should
all spend our own money, if necessary, to buy it. I did.

The originally proffered link to that book via a co-author, the highly
regarded Doug Lea,
I don't have in front of me, but Prof. Lea in turn links to
and, I'm sure, many other vendors carry it.

The original link was provided in response to someone asking about
multithreaded Java programming.

It is also, I think, a useful book for multithreaded programming generally,
not just in Java, despite its focus on Java idioms. C# has somewhat similar
idioms, and understanding concurrency is vital to most platforms these days.

Lasse Reichstein Nielsen

Yes, it was an ad. It was a post whose sole content was the promotion
of a commercial product.

Not promotion. Recommendation. Recommendation can be used as
promotion, but it doesn't have to be. It's a matter of intent, not
content, whether it is promotion.
It linked to a web site whose sole content
was the promotion of that commercial product. I don't see any
distinction here -- such a thing constitutes an ad, pure and simple.

And I see the distiction and disagree.
Furthermore, it appeared in place of the actual information the OP
requested. The OP requested information, and got told where to go buy
access to it instead of told where the information he sought could be
had for free. That is not very nice regardless.

It was on-topic and helpfull. I would be pleased to get such a response
if I had a question.
I do buy books, but I also read them online (my company has deals with
services that make books readable on the web), or even borrow them
from the library. Just because a book can be bought, it doesn't mean
that it's the only way to get to read it.
Sure it was. If I posted an ad here for something, i.e. an endorsement
for a commercial product, but did not include a link, then it would
magically not count as "an ad" in your eyes? So if I post "Enjoy Coca-
Cola!" that's an ad, but if I just post "Enjoy
Coca-Cola!" it's not?
That's ridiculous.

Sure. But if someone said "I'm so thirsty", and you responded with
"Try Coca-Cola. I use it and like it.", then it's not necessarily
advertising. If you do have a commercial interest in getting people
to buy the product, then it is advertisment. If you don't, then it's
just recommendation.
What's your evidence for drawing this conclusion?

He said so.
Don't forget, Lew and Andrew have made clear in other threads that
people who post here are considered to be affiliated with any sites
they recommend until proven otherwise.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Someone starting
a new thread to tell us about the greatness of some site is under
greater suspision of being an agent of that site. Especially if they
are new and the owner of the site is not easily determined,

In this case, the reference came as part of a plausible response to
someone elses question, by a poster that has been with us for quite a

Circumstances matter.
Even if I grant this, look at it this way: one guy goes up to a group
of people and asks for directions to the student loan office. The
first respondent raves about how awesome his new Mercedes-Benz is, and
mentions that it has satellite navigation and GPS, and gives
directions to the nearest Mercedes dealership.

Someone looking for a student loan office (whatever that is) is
probably not in a position to buy a new expensive car. In this case,
the original poster gave no indications in any direction.
I.e., the example is a strawman.
There's been, *at minimum*, a gross failure of communication (or maybe
of intelligence) in such an instance, wouldn't you agree?

Obviosuly, as you designed the example for that.
Yes, it is.

Ok. I'm not disputing it.
This is just so obvious that it really should go without saying.

And yet it was disputed immediately, and nobody else have given support
to it.

There is no such requirement. Anybody can recommend any help or
soultion that they care to, whether commercial or not. If it is
a commercial solution, then saying so is a good idea.
There is *no* requirement that people recommending something that
costs money should also do anything else.
Which would you prefer to receive if you were asking a question? A
link to where you can buy the answer, or just the damn answer???

I would prefer the answer.
But does that make it the best response? Should you give a man a fish,
or teach him to fish?
Some questions don't have simple answers. Recommending a good book on
the general subject might seem the best way to give the questioner
the background information necessary to even understand the correct
Which would you prefer in the way of product recommendations? A list
of only expensive options, or all of them?

All of them, obviously.
However, I would not require that anybody giving recommendations
must do any more than what they care to do. If you had to post
a complete list of alternatives or nothing at all, you would get
a lot of "nothing at all".
If you feel one recommendation should be acompagnied by another
recommendation, e.g., for a free alternative, *you* should post it.
Which would you prefer if you asked for a car dealership
recommendation? Only Rolls-Royce and Mercedes dealers, or the
assortment of Ford, Chrysler, Nissan, and so forth dealerships as

I would prefer the ones you can personally recommend. Don't pad the
list with something else, especially if it's just something you have
looked up in the phonebook for your answer to be "complete".
I'd much rather have *one* genuine deep-felt recommendation than
several indifferent references.
Which would you expect a random other person to prefer?

The best answer I can give. If I can recommend a commercial solution,
because I have had good experience with it, then it's a good answer.
If I don't know of a free alternative, I obviously shouldn't write
about it.
One not known to be rich?

If I thought it mattered, I'd take it into consideration. In a forum
like this, where I don't write for just one person, I'd probably also
include answers not directly suited for the person I'm responding to.
Pointing to a book should be sufficient for people to know that it's a
physical object that can cost money to acquire.
Especially one who is probably a student and probably not a trust
fundie either, or he'd be asking some paid help or private tutor
instead of asking you?

What's your evidence for drawing this conclusion?

I bet a lot of the questions in this group is related to work,
not study, and not because other ways of getting answers aren't
available, but because they aren't necessarily as quick or of as
good quality.

(Ok, checking his posting ip address does lead to a .edu address, so
it's a fair guess. Such a check is not something people can be
expected to go through before answering though.)
It isn't a rule or custom. It's just plain common sense, asshole.

Don't call me names, don't insult me.
It's called "not leading people down the garden path" or "not
ripping people off" -- and yes, people paying for something that has
a free alternative they'd have been perfectly satisfied with simply
because they never got told about the free alternative ARE being
ripped off.

Then tell them about it. It's as easy as that.
[snip remainder of unprovoked hostility and general nastiness]

For the record, the remainder of the message was four lines:

| I.e., links to non-free software or information need not be marked as
| such. There is definitly no requirement, or even expectation, that
| posters of links to non-free software or information also post free
| alternatives.

I would very much like to hear where the hostility or nastiness is.

In my own good time.


Actually, if you practiced self-examination, you might notice that
[insult deleted]

You are lying. **** off now.
Good day madam

Good Lord, these amateur sleuths can't even guess my gender right. How
they hope to truly pierce my anonymity is a mystery to me.


nor been able to cite a specific law or policy that people are violating
by making and sharing their educated [sic] guesses

I recall at least one Supreme Court case, but I don't have a cite

[further BS snipped]
That's not anyone's problem but yours. The option of using a more-
flexible usenet provider is open to you

Why do people persist in believing this despite several explanations
of how that isn't true?
as is the option of leaving flamewars alone

Yeah, if I don't mind you assholes having the last word about me and
the MOST words about me, tens of millions of nasty insulting posts
with zero posts supporting any other viewpoints. That's going to make
everyone reading any archives figure it's a settled issue without even
your victim disagreeing with your characterization of him, and
therefore, they'll all believe the shit you spew. Oh, you'd love to
trick me into letting that happen, I'll bet you would, but I will
resist you with my dying breath if that's how long it lasts. Now that
you've clearly demonstrated your hostility toward me obviously I
cannot trust anything you may "charitably" suggest anyway, as
obviously it will be a trick intended to destroy me. Indeed I can't
change my plans based on anything you say, at all; either changing
them to do as you suggest or to do the opposite might be falling into
a trap, since you might try to use what they sometimes call reverse
In my experience, the vast majority of these "unprovoked attacks" are
[insult deleted]

**** off, liar.
Very few of
these posts appear to be motivated by pure mean-spiritedness;

Liar. Your own mean-spiritedness is obvious. Why else do you sit by
your keyboard day and night clicking repeatedly on your news client's
refresh headers option so you can pounce on every new post I write
with a steaming pile (like the one I'm replying to now) within five

[insults me some more, the lying son of a bitch]

I'm warning you: **** off.

Phrasing your insulting and demeaning lies and innuendos in a
"reasonable tone of voice" sort of manner is a cheap trick and not a
very effective one. Go away and grow up.

[snip more privacy-invasion attempts]

Wrong, and **** off.

[parting shot deleted]



[snip lies]

**** off.

Because it is my right to limit my exposure and interaction to MY
terms. If I don't want anyone here to identify me on the street, then
I reserve the absolute and inalienable right to prevent that. If I
don't want someone inspired by your hateful lies and sufficiently
unstable to track me down for real and stab me sixty-six times and
carve ritualistic symbols into my steaming corpse in a vain attempt to
make the voices in their head go away by means of rites involving
human sacrifice, or simply because he thinks I'm the Antichrist after
all the vile and horrible things you've insinuated about me, then my
preserving my physical safety against your kooky fan club is certainly
also my right.
You have voluntarily joined a public forum.

Under an assumed name and under no others.
I can not see why
you then complain over being in the public.

I complain over people going well outside of the bounds of reason,
law, and simple decency in their never-ending quest to destroy what
they hate, having already the unfathomable mindset some people have
that makes them hate what they don't understand or what doesn't fit in
with whatever expectations, or simply gets in their way in some

Your attempts to destroy me are futile and will eventually backfire.
Sooner or later if you continue you will escalate this to the point of
doing something so clearly illegal that you will not have anything
resembling a network connection for quite a long time afterward -- at
least not an unmonitored and uncensored one, asshole.

Give up now and leave me alone. You are supposed to be here to discuss
Java programming, not to discuss particular personalities or speculate
about anyone's "real" identity or any other topic. If you are actually
here for any of those other things then you are posting to the wrong
fucking newsgroup, so **** the **** off. If you are here to discuss
Java programming then do so already and shut the hell up about
everything else. Your choice.

You gain nothing with these attacking posts. As you can see I will
never tire and never flag and never fail to undo the effects of each
one separately. At the same time, you waste your time and with your
every unprovoked attack in a new, formerly unaffected thread you
demonstrate to the whole world what a miserable little turd you are.
Is this what you want?


Because it is my right to limit my exposure and interaction to MY


You joined usenet.

Your participation here will be on usenet's terms.
If I don't want anyone here to identify me on the street, then
I reserve the absolute and inalienable right to prevent that. If I
don't want someone inspired by your hateful lies and sufficiently
unstable to track me down for real and stab me sixty-six times and
carve ritualistic symbols into my steaming corpse in a vain attempt to
make the voices in their head go away by means of rites involving
human sacrifice, or simply because he thinks I'm the Antichrist after
all the vile and horrible things you've insinuated about me, then my
preserving my physical safety against your kooky fan club is certainly
also my right.

I think you should discuss that with a professional who have experience
in dealing with such ideas.
You gain nothing with these attacking posts. As you can see I will
never tire and never flag and never fail to undo the effects of each
one separately. At the same time, you waste your time and with your
every unprovoked attack in a new, formerly unaffected thread you
demonstrate to the whole world what a miserable little turd you are.
Is this what you want?

So it is your impression that the readers of this newsgroup agree
with your arguments ??



That may be their opinion.

Not everyone (including me) share that.

Sorry. That's not allowed. You (my attackers) must hold a single
coherent position and stick with it. Moving the goal posts in any of
our little conflicts is cheating. You forfeit. I win. Let's all go
discuss Java now.
But you are completely missing the point: there is a big difference in
unsolicited posts about site and referring to a site in a relevant

So spamming is okay, as long as it's somewhat targeted? Interesting,
but I doubt most of the internet would agree. The blog Freedom-to-
Tinker recently got a bunch of comment spams posted only to articles
to which they had some logical connection (e.g. a credit card related
spam to a post regarding online credit card number security and online
leaks of numbers). They didn't take kindly to this despite its being
"in a relevant thread". The moderator deleted the lot of them. There
was a big discussion about it afterward, with clear vehement dislike
of spammers showing through, regardless of how targeted their spew
might be in any given instance.

It follows from the above that referring to a site only in a relevant
thread is not sufficient to mean you're not doing something wrong.
And that making an entire post solely to refer someone to a commercial
site, providing nothing else in the way of relevant information other
than some site offering to sell that information, is suspicious
behavior, though maybe not ipso facto evil.

Also, regardless of the intent, there is the matter of the
consequences to the OP who may be misled into thinking the only option
they have is to fork over hard-earned cash to access information.

Add this to my generally finding trying to keep information from
people unless they pay you for it to be immoral and greedy. Anyone
posting exclusively links to pay sources of particular information is
clearly participating, whether consciously or not, in such
questionable behavior.

I find withholding anything from someone willing and able to pay the
marginal cost of providing it to them to be questionable, with rare
exceptions (e.g. nuclear weapons). In this case there are legal free
sources of information about Java concurrency and it was not until
after a few pay links that the OP heard of any of these free sources,
which is a situation likely to result in unnecessary costs for
someone. Causing such costs where they are avoidable is at best a form
of negligent behavior; at worst (given intent) borderline criminal.
Even if the causer doesn't gain financially themselves by doing so,
though especially if they do.

[calls me a liar]

Where the **** did that come from? Oh yeah, your generally hateful
nature and tendency to spew unprovoked insults at random. Of course.
What else could it be?

Hell, I didn't claim anything; I just suggested an analogy. If you
don't like it, it's probably because it comes close to an
uncomfortable truth.

Consider the parallels: Both have a student with evidence of shaky
finances, as is typical of students, with a question to answer.
(Student loan office? Evidence of shaky finances. First resort for
help is a usenet group full of assholes like you? Evidence of shaky
finances.) In both cases the first respondent suggests something that
will indirectly answer their question but it will cost them. In both
cases their question could be answered more directly and without
costing them, though they would still have the option to take the
expensive route if it were mentioned *additionally*.

Actually the one major failing is that the Mercedes scenario is less
nasty in one key respect: it's immediately obvious that the first
responder's suggestion will require paying money, rather than there
being a sort of bait-and-switch involved. What actually occurred was

Q: Question?

Of course the URL could easily have led directly to an "Answer!". (In
this case, a section of Sun's Java Tutorial could have been linked
to.) Instead, the URL led to something akin to:

E-Mail Address: [ ] (will be verified)

Enter CC#: [ ] Visa MasterCard American Express

(*) Get valuable marketing offers from our marketing partners FREE!
( ) Get different valuable marketing offers from our other marketing
( ) I don't want to receive valuable marketing offers*

1 item: Answer Book - $49.99


<font size=3>*we'll send you junk mail instead</font>

where we can be reasonably assured the book contains an "Answer!".
That analogy is bogus, because what was asked for and what was offered
was [sic] within the same topic.

No, *you* are bogus, because what was asked for (Java discussion) and
what was offered (insulting off-topic twaddle and other general-
purpose bullshit) "were" not within the same topic.

OP asks for info; gets directed to pay source with conspicuous lack of
mention of a free source I know exists.
OP asks for navigation directions; gets directed to a very expensive
source of same (Mercedes with GPS navigation console) instead of
simply given spoken or written directions or pointed to where maps of
the campus can be pulled from one of those ugly plastic racks of
pamphlets all institutional places have dispersed about.

Still undecided: whether there's any financial ties between the
original respondent and the car real evidence either
A better analogy would be that someone asked for suggestions for
a car and someone replied by telling about how great a car a
Mercedes is.

Completely valid answer.

Except that there aren't free cars. (At least not yet.)

Information on the other hand can be, wants to be, and frequently is

Maybe instead someone asks for directions to the loan office and the
only replies they get are directions to the taxi stand, where there
are plenty of people willing to drive them to the loan office ... for
a fee.

You are babbling.

In other words, I present a cogent and unassailable argument that you
cannot defeat by specifically addressing particular points with cogent
objections, so you resort to generally insulting it and engaging in /
ad hominem/ attacks.
1) Because the original poster may prefer some solution it
does not imply that it is mandatory on usenet.

Oh come off it! This is rather like a mechanic telling someone whose
left rear brake light needs a loose wire tightening that they should
also replace the transmission, for no good reason or at best on a
hunch, and moreover not fixing the wire. Hoping the guy gets worried
enough to replace the tranny, even if at some other mechanic, because
a rising tide floats all boats.

It's like trying to chat up one of those wieners on MSN or ICQ that
publicizes themselves as interested in online dating but responds to
every overture with the URL of some pay dating site instead of a
frigging conversation.

It's like asking some guy at the Future Shop to recommend a PC
configuration for particular purposes and he suggests the $1100 super-
deluxe souped up media center PC with a high end graphics card and all
the querent wanted was something capable of playing Minesweeper and
running Excel and Word.

It's like getting a circular in the mail offering a nifty new gizmo
"free after rebate", and when you get to the store they say they've
never heard of the rebate, or claim that the offer happens to have
expired exactly 17 minutes and 4 seconds before they walked in the
door, too bad so sad.

It's like doing a google search for "FooProd review" and getting
nothing but ad copy and sponsored results -- nary an independent
review in sight.

It's like those links you see on some web sites on random computer-
related words that don't link to anything relevant to the article you
are reading, but instead link to full-page ads trying to sell you
computer parts.

It's just rude and silly really. What objections do you, the Pitts,
and anyone else here have to posting a link to the Java Tutorial
whenever also recommending a pay source for Java related information?
Or even just mentioning in your post when you are recommending a pay
source and not a free one?

[insult deleted]

The original poster is much better off with a resource that
can help solve not only this problem but also the next ten
or hundrer problems within the domain.

That's for the original poster to decide, using other relevant
information as well that only he knows, such as what his budget is.
For the OP to make this decision in a way that is self-maximizing, he
needs all of the relevant facts. The existence of a free source of
relevant information is certainly one of those facts.

More generally though posting a pay source link unmarked is just plain
disrespectful. A large proportion of the people that see it simply
won't be interested if it costs money. A large proportion, and a set
overlapping with that first set, won't be able to buy it even if they
want to for one reason or another, depending on the vendor's policies
and on their own geographic location, finances, creditworthiness, and
other factors, or would have to pay prohibitive shipping fees, perhaps
even dominating the total cost to them of the transaction.
Have you tried counting how many people here that consider it common
sense and how many that does not consider it common sense ?

The silent majority is rather hard to count on usenet because being
silent makes you invisible here.
You are the only one who has this bizarre idea.

Incorrect. I am the only one being particularly vocal about it, for
some odd reason. Also I gave a bunch of references establishing that
this "bizarre idea" is actually commonplace and well-documented in
usenet's long and storied history. Postings that consist solely of
pointers to commercial sites have long been viewed with disdain

I again ask you: What is your objection to
a) Disclosure when a link is not to the information requested
directly, whether because it "requires registration", or requires you
to buy access to the information, or whatever;
b) Disclosure when any such link will benefit you financially;
c) Disclosure of any cheaper and especially free alternatives you know
of for getting information that may satisfy the OP; and
d) Directly answering the OP's immediate question while you're at it.

Because frankly, I can't see any objections other than
i) "Because I don't feel like it" -> lame-o! and
ii) "Because I have a dishonest motive of some sort, or want to see
people waste money, or just like to help corporate greed whenever I
can" -> go **** yourself.


I'm just talking to you in language suitable for your age group, to be
sure you'll be able to understand it, Arne. :)

I think [insult deleted]

We all know what you think by now, arnehole, and we also all know that
it isn't true. Your delusions are of no interest to us. Please keep
your delusions and various of your other unpleasant opinions to
yourself. Particularly, they are not on-topic in, a newsgroup for the discussion of Java-
language programming.
Seems like a rather good question for an IQ test: how
old would you expect someone that has use the internet for
16 years to be ? a) at least 16, b) at least 21, c) at least 26.

You answered #a.

I never answered at all, liar. You only just asked that question just
now. I'm only replying just now, yet you claim I'd already answered,
which is obviously physically impossible, and besides, easy to verify
with Google.

Either furnish a message-ID for a Usenet post of the form
> How old would you expect someone that has use the internet
> for 16 years to be?
> a) at least 16, b) at least 21, c) at least 26.


and posted by either of my Google Groups accounts, or shut the **** up
and swallow your modem whole. (The resultant choking can be relieved
by dissolving the obstruction. So, chase it with a swig of Drano or
three. Problem solved.)

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