Peña, Botp
I want to put an image on a page in instiki. Instiki says I could use
!ImageUrl!. But where should I put the actual image -under ./storage or
/storage/2500? How do I address the image url then if it's under ./storage?
Sorry for dumb question.
note, I'm not running any other webserver, just instiki (w builtin webrick
of course).
kind regards -botp
I want to put an image on a page in instiki. Instiki says I could use
!ImageUrl!. But where should I put the actual image -under ./storage or
/storage/2500? How do I address the image url then if it's under ./storage?
Sorry for dumb question.
note, I'm not running any other webserver, just instiki (w builtin webrick
of course).
kind regards -botp