I've got a page that does reports, which pulls a dataGrid
from a SQL table. Sometimes there are no results for the
report, so I added a textbox that says "No results found".
Depending on whether or not there are results, I'd hide or
unhide the textbox. The only problem is that I can't
successfully do the check to see if the dataGrid/Set/Table
is null.
I tried this:
if( dataGrid1 == null) and this if (dataTable == null) and
a whole bunch of other variants
Is there something wrong with that statement? What's the
proper way to check if the dataGrid is null?
from a SQL table. Sometimes there are no results for the
report, so I added a textbox that says "No results found".
Depending on whether or not there are results, I'd hide or
unhide the textbox. The only problem is that I can't
successfully do the check to see if the dataGrid/Set/Table
is null.
I tried this:
if( dataGrid1 == null) and this if (dataTable == null) and
a whole bunch of other variants
Is there something wrong with that statement? What's the
proper way to check if the dataGrid is null?