
How can i do a program that makes the numeric center.. this is....

1+2+3+4+5=15 ............ 6= numeric center.... ........7+8= 15.....

of this way 1,2,3,4,5,(6),7,8...

the next is 35 ... (1 a 34) and (36 a 49) the sum of this is: 595
the next program can do that , but it have a mistake and I don`t know
wich is...

While i < n
For i = 1 To numero - 1
sumaA += i
i = numero + 1
While sumaA > sumaB
sumaB += i
i += 1
If sumaA = sumaB Then
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text & numero & vbCrLf

End If
End While

numero += 1
sumaA = 0
sumaB = 0
End While

I need it in C++ if you can help .... thanx

Jim Langston

How can i do a program that makes the numeric center.. this is....

1+2+3+4+5=15 ............ 6= numeric center.... ........7+8= 15.....

of this way 1,2,3,4,5,(6),7,8...

the next is 35 ... (1 a 34) and (36 a 49) the sum of this is: 595
the next program can do that , but it have a mistake and I don`t know
wich is...

While i < n
For i = 1 To numero - 1
sumaA += i
i = numero + 1
While sumaA > sumaB
sumaB += i
i += 1
If sumaA = sumaB Then
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text & numero & vbCrLf

End If
End While

numero += 1
sumaA = 0
sumaB = 0
End While

I need it in C++ if you can help .... thanx

This sounds exactly like homework. We will not do your homework for you.
We will help you, however, when you get stuck, but you haven't gotten stuck
yet becuase you haven't done anything. If we do your homework for you, you
don't learn anything, except how not to program

Try it yourself first. Read the textbook the teacher gave you/had you buy.

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