I'm trying to script a simple class change and it isn't working. when
I script it into the event handler of the tag it works fine, however,
I want more to happen with it in the long run than just changing the
class of the td element.
this is what I have in the script tags:
I even tried passing nothing to the function and have it display an
alert window to test and it wouldn't even do that.
here's the tag and the event handler:
<td id="ticket5" class="unClicked" onMouseOver="doMouseOver(this);"
when I used "this.className='MouseOver'" in the event handler, it
worked. whenever I try to call any function it gives object expected.
I also tried not passing anything and using "this" in the function
instead of the reference.
what am I doing wrong?
let me know if you need anymore information.
I'm trying to script a simple class change and it isn't working. when
I script it into the event handler of the tag it works fine, however,
I want more to happen with it in the long run than just changing the
class of the td element.
this is what I have in the script tags:
I even tried passing nothing to the function and have it display an
alert window to test and it wouldn't even do that.
here's the tag and the event handler:
<td id="ticket5" class="unClicked" onMouseOver="doMouseOver(this);"
when I used "this.className='MouseOver'" in the event handler, it
worked. whenever I try to call any function it gives object expected.
I also tried not passing anything and using "this" in the function
instead of the reference.
what am I doing wrong?
let me know if you need anymore information.