I'have this error on a runtime page:
ObjectDataSource 'dataSourceActivityLogs' could not find a non-generic
method 'GetActivityLogsCount' that has parameters: veichleID, originalName,
My class has this method declared:
Public Function GetActivityLogsCount(ByVal veichleID As Nullable(Of Int32),
ByVal originalName As String, ByVal Status As Nullable(Of
BusinessEntities.ActivityLog.ActivityLogStatus)) As Int32
I noticed that if "Status" is writted capitalized, I have the error. If it
is written as "status", the objectdatasource works. My big problem is that I
have an other datasource, in the same asp.net project, that raises the error
only if parameter is written as "status" and works only if I write
"Status"!!! (
This is the objectdatasource declaration:
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="dataSourceActivityLogs" runat="server"
EnableViewState="False" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}"
SelectMethod="GetActivityLogs" TypeName="DataSources.ActivityLogs">
<asparameter Name="veichleID" Type="Int32" />
<asparameter Name="originalName" Type="String" />
<asparameter DefaultValue="2" Name="status" Type="Object" />
Whis this behavor?? How can I solve this?
ObjectDataSource 'dataSourceActivityLogs' could not find a non-generic
method 'GetActivityLogsCount' that has parameters: veichleID, originalName,
My class has this method declared:
Public Function GetActivityLogsCount(ByVal veichleID As Nullable(Of Int32),
ByVal originalName As String, ByVal Status As Nullable(Of
BusinessEntities.ActivityLog.ActivityLogStatus)) As Int32
I noticed that if "Status" is writted capitalized, I have the error. If it
is written as "status", the objectdatasource works. My big problem is that I
have an other datasource, in the same asp.net project, that raises the error
only if parameter is written as "status" and works only if I write
"Status"!!! (
This is the objectdatasource declaration:
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="dataSourceActivityLogs" runat="server"
EnableViewState="False" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}"
SelectMethod="GetActivityLogs" TypeName="DataSources.ActivityLogs">
<asparameter Name="veichleID" Type="Int32" />
<asparameter Name="originalName" Type="String" />
<asparameter DefaultValue="2" Name="status" Type="Object" />
Whis this behavor?? How can I solve this?