2008/2/27 said:
Why is that?
I can join #perl, #php, #ruby, #mysql, #postgres without registration.
What advantage does it have? and the advantage really worth?
The direct benefit is a probability of having less spam, and things
like that. Registering a nickname is pretty easy and don't bring you
problems, so I don't know why you wouldn't want to register one. The
benefit of registering your nickname is that other people won't be
able to use it to do something not so cool.
If #python were the developer's room, I'd say it's reasonable,
but that's not the case here.
Well, a lot of developers hang out there. Some are specifically python
developers and others works in other projects.
There is a rule of NO LOL there too, by the way. It is intended to be
a good channel for answering questions and getting good answers.