mdh said:
Yes...I finally got that after reading all the archived stuff.
But, the C answer book specifically handles the double forward
slash. I think your earlier answer about some obscure situation
where a divisor token is valid code is what I was trying to
understand. Having just started C, I can say that I feel
fortunate to have stumbled onto K&R's book early on...they
really stretch one to one's limit of understanding, or is it
You can hardly go wrong with K&R II.
Here is my solution to that exercise:
/* File uncmntc.c - demo of a text filter
Strips C comments. Tested to strip itself
by C.B. Falconer. 2002-08-15
Public Domain. Attribution appreciated
report bugs to <mailto:
[email protected]>
/* With gcc3.1, must omit -ansi to compile eol comments */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static int ch, lastch;
/* ---------------- */
static void putlast(void)
if (0 != lastch) fputc(lastch, stdout);
lastch = ch;
ch = 0;
} /* putlast */
/* ---------------- */
/* gobble chars until star slash appears */
static int stdcomment(void)
int ch, lastch;
ch = 0;
do {
lastch = ch;
if (EOF == (ch = fgetc(stdin))) return EOF;
} while (!(('*' == lastch) && ('/' == ch)));
return ch;
} /* stdcomment */
/* ---------------- */
/* gobble chars until EOLine or EOF. i.e. // comments */
static int eolcomment(void)
int ch, lastch;
ch = '\0';
do {
lastch = ch;
if (EOF == (ch = fgetc(stdin))) return EOF;
} while (!(('\n' == ch) && ('\\' != lastch)));
return ch;
} /* eolcomment */
/* ---------------- */
/* echo chars until '"' or EOF */
static int echostring(void)
if (EOF == (ch = fgetc(stdin))) return EOF;
do {
if (EOF == (ch = fgetc(stdin))) return EOF;
} while (!(('"' == ch) && ('\\' != lastch)));
return ch;
} /* echostring */
/* ---------------- */
int main(void)
lastch = '\0';
while (EOF != (ch = fgetc(stdin))) {
if ('/' == lastch)
if (ch == '*') {
lastch = '\0';
if (EOF == stdcomment()) break;
ch = ' ';
else if (ch == '/') {
lastch = '\0';
if (EOF == eolcomment()) break;
ch = '\n';
putlast(); // Eolcomment here
// Eolcomment line \
with continuation line.
else {
else if (('"' == ch) && ('\\' != lastch)
&& ('\'' != lastch)) {
if ('"' != (ch = echostring())) {
fputs("\"Unterminated\" string\n", stderr);
fputs("checking for\
continuation line string\n", stderr);
fputs("checking for" "concat string\n", stderr);
else {
} /* while */
putlast(/* embedded comment */);
return 0;
} /* main */
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