One field maintaining (boolean) state of multiple items


El Gato

I have a friend who posed a question to me about how to maintain the
state of a few boolean values (radio buttons to be specific) in one
(integer) database column. It really is more of a curious question than
anything else, as he could simply add more columns to the table to avoid
even thinking about it, but for the sake of fun he didn't. So, let's
say you have three boolean values that you need to store in one field,
and you must be able to determine what the state is (true/false) of any
of the 3 values at any time. How would you do this? My immediate
thought went to bit shifting or some other bit operations, but I've
never really used anything like that before, so I'm a little stuck on
this. Thoughts?

Joel VanderWerf

Paul said:
El said:
I have a friend who posed a question to me about how to maintain the
state of a few boolean values (radio buttons to be specific) in one
(integer) database column. It really is more of a curious question than
anything else, as he could simply add more columns to the table to avoid
even thinking about it, but for the sake of fun he didn't. So, let's
say you have three boolean values that you need to store in one field,
and you must be able to determine what the state is (true/false) of any
of the 3 values at any time. How would you do this? My immediate
thought went to bit shifting or some other bit operations, but I've
never really used anything like that before, so I'm a little stuck on
this. Thoughts?

Given an integer that you want to disassemble into binary bits:

v = 15

Let's create an array that will contain the values of the bits:

array = []

Now let's scan the integer's bits:

1.upto(8) do
array << (v & 1 == 1)
v >>= 1

Now the array contains 8 boolean (true/false) values corresponding to the
low 8 bits in the original integer.

irb(main):003:0> v = 15; (0..7).map {|i| v}
=> [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]

For more info, ri 'Fixnum#[]'. But there is no #[]= (makes sense if you
think about it).

Another idea, storing the data in a string of length 1:

require 'bit-struct' #

class Bits < BitStruct
unsigned :bit0, 1
unsigned :bit1, 1
unsigned :bit2, 1
unsigned :bit3, 1
unsigned :bit4, 1
unsigned :bit5, 1
unsigned :bit6, 1
unsigned :bit7, 1

b =

b.bit3 = 1
p b.bit3 # ==> 1
p b.bit4 # ==> 0

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