we are dependent on IBM for upgradges , and we only just recently
upgreaded to jvm 5, becouse IBM said it would not support us anymore,
i [sic] don't WebSphere is certified for java 6, and even if it was, we
would still won't upgrage (becouse it would proably still have problem
with jars and class path).
Please do not top=post.
JARs and classpath are the same for Java 6 as for Java 5.
Java 5 is over four years old, and Java 6 is over two years old.
WebSphere 7 supports Java 6. It also supports JEE 5 and JPA. It's
well worth getting the current version.
It's about time IBM pulled support for Java 1.4; it's ancient and Sun
support has already stopped for that version, which is nearly seven
years old.
The migration from Java 1.4 to Java 6 has the same difficulty and risk
as the migration to Java 5. There is some risk, but waiting until one
has lost support for the deployed version also carries risk, as does
staying with Java 1.4 generally. The Java memory model (for
concurrent access to variables) changed with Java 5, fixing bugs in
earlier versions.