Operation is not allowed when the object is closed


Mike P

I keep getting this error whenever I try to run the following code (the
connection string is global and declared at the top of the page) :

Option Explicit
Dim strConnection

<!--#include file="include_connection.asp"-->

dim andList
dim rsSearch
dim rsSQL

set rsSearch = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

'==== select a LOAD ID subset it required
andList = ""

'==== select a companyname subset it required
if (len(Request("name"))>0) then
andList = andList & " AND c.[name] like '%" &
replace(Request("name"),"'","''") & "%' " & vbcrlf
end if

'==== select a contactname subset it required
if Request("contactName") > "" then
andList = andList & " AND co.contactname like '%" &
Request("contactname") & "%' " & vbcrlf
end if

if (andList <> "") then
rsSQL = "exec GetEmailCompanyList @pUserKey = '"&lintUserKey&"' ,
@pAndList = '"&replace(andList,"'","''")&"'"
rsSQL = "exec GetEmailCompanyList @pUserKey = '"&lintUserKey&"'"
end if

'==set page size and cursor position
rsSearch.PageSize = 100
rsSearch.CursorLocation = adUseClient

rsSearch.Open rsSQL, strConnection

'If rsSearch.State = adStateOpen then
' response.write rsSQL & " - Open"
' Response.end
' response.write rsSQL & " - Closed"
' Response.end
'end if

if (rsSearch.EOF) then
Response.Write "<P align=center><font size=2 color=000000><B>No
Companies Found"
end if

I get the error on the line 'if (rsSearch.EOF) then' and only when I
pass a value for name or contactname.

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