Andreas Leitgeb
I recently got some Java sources that caused "javac" on
my machine (Linux, Java 1.7, 32bit) to run out of stack
space, while compiling fine on AIX, Java 1.7, 64bit.
I then played with option -J-Xss# and a couple of values
for #, and found that up to about 350k it busted, while
with 360k or more it compiled just fine. My actual problem
is thus solved, but now I'm wondering...
While 32bit platforms themselves may almost be considered
as relicts from last millennium (ok: last decade), even
back then I'd have expected that allowing half a megabyte
for stack wouldn't have been considered overly wasteful.
Has anyone else run into javac's default stack size limit?
Does anyone else have any insight about what features of
Java sources are likely culprits for stack usage peaks?
my machine (Linux, Java 1.7, 32bit) to run out of stack
space, while compiling fine on AIX, Java 1.7, 64bit.
I then played with option -J-Xss# and a couple of values
for #, and found that up to about 350k it busted, while
with 360k or more it compiled just fine. My actual problem
is thus solved, but now I'm wondering...
While 32bit platforms themselves may almost be considered
as relicts from last millennium (ok: last decade), even
back then I'd have expected that allowing half a megabyte
for stack wouldn't have been considered overly wasteful.
Has anyone else run into javac's default stack size limit?
Does anyone else have any insight about what features of
Java sources are likely culprits for stack usage peaks?