This afternoon I tweaked a script that does just that: independantly on
the screen resolution of the visitor, if he/she resizes his current
window, text size will increase/decrease alone. Pretty handy when you want
your content to automatically adapt to the user's current window ;-)
This script in action: http://osresources.com/resizing_content.html
Not only is the text justified, but also the actual size changes according
to current window width, and image proportions also always remains 33%
(thanks to Jake)
1. Put this inside the body tag:
onload="ts('body',0);" onresize="ts('body',0);"
2. Paste this code in the body, if pasted in the head it won't work:
<script type="text/javaScript">
function ts( trgt,inc ) {
w = 640;
h = 480;
NS4Plus = (document.layers) ? 1 : 0;
IE4Plus = (document.all) ? 1 : 0;
if (navigator.appName=="Netscape") {
w = window.innerWidth;
h = window.innerHeight;
if (IE4Plus) {
/* The script must be inside the body tags - there is no body in the head
of the document */
w = document.body.clientWidth;
h = document.body.clientHeight;
// alert(w+'x'+h);
//Specify affected tags. Add or remove from list:
var tgs = new Array( 'div','td','tr');
//Specify spectrum of different font sizes:
var szs = new
Array( '12px','14px','16px','18px','20px','24px','28px','36px' );
var startSz;
if (w <= 800) startSz = 0;
else if (w <= 1024) startSz = 1;
else if (w <= 1152) startSz = 2;
else if (w <= 1268) startSz = 3;
else if (w <= 1600) startSz = 4;
else if (w <= 1900) startSz = 5;
else startSz = 2;
if (!document.getElementById) return
var sz = startSz
sz += inc;
if ( sz < 0 ) sz = 0;
if ( sz > 7 ) sz = 7;
startSz = sz;
var d = document,cEl = null,i,j,cTags;
if ( !( cEl = d.getElementById( trgt ) ) ) cEl =
d.getElementsByTagName( trgt )[ 0 ];
cEl.style.fontSize = szs[ sz ];
for ( i = 0 ; i < tgs.length ; i++ ) {
cTags = cEl.getElementsByTagName( tgs[ i ] );
for ( j = 0 ; j < cTags.length ; j++ ) cTags[ j ].style.fontSize =
szs[ sz ];
the screen resolution of the visitor, if he/she resizes his current
window, text size will increase/decrease alone. Pretty handy when you want
your content to automatically adapt to the user's current window ;-)
This script in action: http://osresources.com/resizing_content.html
Not only is the text justified, but also the actual size changes according
to current window width, and image proportions also always remains 33%
(thanks to Jake)
1. Put this inside the body tag:
onload="ts('body',0);" onresize="ts('body',0);"
2. Paste this code in the body, if pasted in the head it won't work:
<script type="text/javaScript">
function ts( trgt,inc ) {
w = 640;
h = 480;
NS4Plus = (document.layers) ? 1 : 0;
IE4Plus = (document.all) ? 1 : 0;
if (navigator.appName=="Netscape") {
w = window.innerWidth;
h = window.innerHeight;
if (IE4Plus) {
/* The script must be inside the body tags - there is no body in the head
of the document */
w = document.body.clientWidth;
h = document.body.clientHeight;
// alert(w+'x'+h);
//Specify affected tags. Add or remove from list:
var tgs = new Array( 'div','td','tr');
//Specify spectrum of different font sizes:
var szs = new
Array( '12px','14px','16px','18px','20px','24px','28px','36px' );
var startSz;
if (w <= 800) startSz = 0;
else if (w <= 1024) startSz = 1;
else if (w <= 1152) startSz = 2;
else if (w <= 1268) startSz = 3;
else if (w <= 1600) startSz = 4;
else if (w <= 1900) startSz = 5;
else startSz = 2;
if (!document.getElementById) return
var sz = startSz
sz += inc;
if ( sz < 0 ) sz = 0;
if ( sz > 7 ) sz = 7;
startSz = sz;
var d = document,cEl = null,i,j,cTags;
if ( !( cEl = d.getElementById( trgt ) ) ) cEl =
d.getElementsByTagName( trgt )[ 0 ];
cEl.style.fontSize = szs[ sz ];
for ( i = 0 ; i < tgs.length ; i++ ) {
cTags = cEl.getElementsByTagName( tgs[ i ] );
for ( j = 0 ; j < cTags.length ; j++ ) cTags[ j ].style.fontSize =
szs[ sz ];